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Sassy Romano

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Posts posted by Sassy Romano

  1. Never going to please everyone.  If I'm at my shop and I say "Hi, welcome, shout if you need anything", apparently someone will feel "bothered" and never visit again.  Say nothing and someone will feel ignored and not valued and never visit again.

    When I use live shop staff who might use a gesture to say the same welcome, to save typing it over and over, they're accused of being impersonal, that visitor will feel undervalued and leave and never visit again.  If the shop staff ignore them, the visitor will feel undervalued, leave and never visit again.

    When hosting, say hello to someone in IM, you're accused of spamming their inbox, they feel bothered, will leave and never visit again.  Ignore them and leave them in their cybersex with their partner and they feel undervalued as a guest, will leave and never visit again.

    It seems obvious to me, that the declining numbers are nothing to do lag, object of what to do in SL, technology, or whatever else is the popular issue, the real problem is all these people getting bothered or undervalued and leaving and never returning again!

    The solution is so obvious, remove all of the people from SL and that will stabilise everything, there will be no further decline in online concurrency. 

    Aside from the obvious poke at humour there, mention of "it all should be written on signs" isn't  always the answer.  People don't always read, they don't always find it and it assumes that it is translated into their language.  Some of my shop staff are fluent in other languages, I am not.  Their ability to assist customers goes way beyond any sign I could ever put up.  Plus it offers the amusing moments like when one Portuguese customer was using a translator, assuming the member of staff to be English.  When it quickly became obvious she could help better if they both used their common native language.  In no way could a sign have created the immense sense of relief that customer experienced when she could talk through a configuration issue with someone in her own language.

    One size doen't fit all.

  2. Just as funny is that the Onduty willy continually announces the location of the wearer on channel 2.  People with tools that listen on channel 2 will see this constantly when someone is nearby with an onduty part.

    I am led to understand that this was so that escorts could have an onduty "john" locator when in the same sim and could go and proposition him?  I don't know if that's true or not but equally if you want to go and find Onduty wearers before they get to you and give them a virtual slap, that's how.

    IM me if you're not a scripter and don't have any other tool and want a channel 2 listener.  I'm not expecting uptake to be huge somehow lol

  3. The Direct Delivery beta applications were open to everyone.  For those that chose to self exclude and then complain about no communication seems like a bit of an own goal.

    The opportunity was there for all so no need to build conspiracy theory any more.  My involvement is direct delivery and a couple of JIRA's no need to get so hostile.

  4. Celestiall Nightfire wrote:

    Sadly, for you, it is not their slip-up to pay for.    If it appears the merchant slipped-up in their marketplace listing, then you should notify LL, and go through the proper channels to report that listing on the marketplace. 

    Unfortunately, it still not does allow you to circumvent the TOS or the copyright protections that the seller has in place. 

    If the seller, and you said that they
    do this, placed a note-card into their box of merchandise which describes their terms of use, you are legally bound to adhere to their terms. 

    Copyright and IP protection are not in question here but it's more a case of "Unfair Contract Terms" and as Josh has already pointed out, shrink wrap licensing is unenforceable and has been tested.

    However, since the cost of pursuing any legal action is usually pointless here, "buyer beware" takes precedence and it's just easier to make sure that a) Amarock doesn't buy from dysfunctional sellers in future and b) tells all his friends not to buy from dysfunctional sellers including this one.

    Terms should be visible beforehand and NOT in a box if the vendor is not prepared to offer refund if those terms of the contract were not available for inspection prior to the contract being formed.

  5. Mac Shoreman wrote:

    Here is some ideas I got from reading about store ads and prices on them. Not perfect but a solution that might fit some ones needs.



    Good idea for selling from boxes.  This is where a network vending system wins though.  Update one texture in the vend server, update product with new texture and price.  Click button to deploy to all vendors gridwide.

    Different solutions for different needs.


  6. A little while ago, I finished a new lead product and thought i'd have a bit of fun, excitement and panic all rolled into one.

    I put the product on sale with the price listed on the vendor @ L$695 and the vendor was set to offer 4 prices and an open entry field for user entered amount.

    On the vendor was a big sticker saying "Pay what it's worth to you".

    I discussed this a couple of times in the Commerce merchants group chat so if you know the answers please keep quiet but for those that weren't there.

    I chose to put my faith at the mercy of customers in valuing what I created,  care to guess what happened?

  7. Personally as a shopper, I want to see price and critically, permissions.  Don't say "look at the content" that doesn't work for vendors, nor for items with no mod scripts in the content such as resizers (yuk) for example.  Even if the item is fully modify, if it has a resizer that's no mod, it'll show no mod.

    I want to see price because I don't want to have to hover over each item just to get that information but i'm just one shopper.

    As a merchant, I put price and permissions on the ad and i've never had anyone ask for a bigger picture to display "quality".  Possibly because the items are also on display in the main shop?

  8. Nalates Urriah wrote:

     Brook, other teams in SL are not having the PR problems you are. You post and get flamed. I suspect that is because of the frustration building among merchants. Even the Adult Content team, which I have slammed in my blog is getting cleaned up. Nor do other teams make the huge gaffs we attribute to your development team.

    Charlar and Oskar handle problem people well in meetings. We can't make you deal with these issues. But, my sense is we are verging on rebellion.

    Oh i'm not so sure of that, the server team have done exceptionally well at demonstrating poor QA and utter lack of change control processes over the past couple of weeks.  First introducing a content breaking bug and flat out refusing to roll back or even expedite a fix but rather stringing it out over at least 2 weeks minimun while we daily deal with customers with broken products.  Products broken by LL.  Next was the broken physics from scripts last week.

    As a PR exercise, telling us why we have to live with this for weeks.

    Oskars resonse to angry posts?  He sent me a private message telling me not to do that in HIS forum.

    My response was to remind him that as a paying customer, that it was HIS code (team) that caused issues for the region that I pay for. 

    However, that said, they do at least tell you what they're planning on deploying, just not what they're planning on breaking and the communication in the forums is more active so in general i'd agree with you.

    The whole "Customer" concept is one that is not understood from LL's point of view.  While LL might wish for a couple of government, corporate or education contracts to provide a virtual world platform, we all know what happend to the idea from M Linden on following that strategy and in the current financial climate, you can be pretty sure that those contracts would have not been renewed, thus exposing LL to likely financial crisis.

    LL might find the "little people" to be a bother to deal with but most merchants know that lots micropayments add up.

    So my dear LL, feel free to pursue the top tier contracts while tramping over others and when those contracts are landed, that's great for you but woe betide the day they're not renewed en masse.


  9. and it wasn't meant that way at all either.  One of the things I used to like about Apez was that it also gave the metrics for bank volume gridwide through Apez that day, volume of sales both in L$ and number of items in SL gridwide for that day.

    I could compare an upturn or downturn in what I saw as a percentage of the activity across all merchants in SL also using Apez.  I miss that.

    However, my point stands, those who operate and sell vending solutions which have a hosted database, have all the data of the merchants using them.  That's a pretty powerful opportunity for data mining in order to product anonymised statistics of trends across categories and size of operation for example.

    So my point and suggestion stands.

  10. WolfBaginski Bearsfoot wrote:

    Just checked the FAQ. They say 24 hours in that, and then you should request redelivery from the Merchant. There's no mention of automatic refunds. At least I'm Premium. If you're not, I'm not sure there's any useful way to contact the lab. Maybe the only way tp get their attention is to AR Marketplace Linden

    When you purchase  a product, on your Orders page it shows the status and references the 8 hours and the automatic refund.  That's the case for MP failure.  In the instance of a non delivery where MP has it logged as a successful delivery, then 24 hours to contact the merchant as per the faq although if the merchant agrees that it has been paid, there's no need to wait 24 hours.

    Issues here might be users messages capped, delivered while offline so the offer of inventory from the magic box is lost.

    There IS an easy way to contact LL over this, it's called "Opening a case" and there's a category for MP issues and support do respond.

    As for filing an AR against Marketplace Linden, no point since Marketplace Linden no longer is used as the escrow account.  Try Commerce Linden.

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