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Scylla Rhiadra

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Everything posted by Scylla Rhiadra

  1. It's a pretty nonsensical question. It's a bit like asking one's opinion of the Black Death: "Yeah, that made things a bit rough for people, didn't it?" "Sure, but it helped end serfdom! Yay for the Bubonic Plague!"
  2. Well, only as much as anyone else. My mother's family was originally from Hounslow, in west London. (My grandfather was, I think, from Kent.) So, not Cockney: only those born within the sound of the bells of Mary-le-Bow are considered "true" Cockneys. That said, my mum occasionally gives fly to an expression or two. But always ironically.
  3. Ok, then! You know what you're talking about then! As a certified Luddite, I tend to naturally assume that "better" = "uses more computer resources." But I know that of course isn't necessarily true at all. I'll give Firestorm a shot. Part of the "learning curve" over the last week has, actually, been regaining familiarity with the LL viewer, which is, as I say, clunky as hell. I always found FS waaaaay more intuitive (mind you, I still miss Phoenix!), and it has useful built-ins like being able to derender everyone except friends. So, yeah . . .
  4. Yikes. No kidding. You have more courage than I! i used to use Firestorm, and I've even downloaded the latest version, but I'm still using the LL viewer (which, yes, is as clunky as ever). I've been resisting Firestorm, which I gather is still really popular, because I'm not sure how it will impact on performance. I suppose I should just try it and find out.
  5. *groan* My sense, from the admittedly small amount of shopping I've been doing this week, is that the stuff available is really good . . . but that the range of makers, and hence the variety of styles, is a bit narrower than it used to be? I assume that's because mesh has a steeper learning curve? Well, mesh body, hands, and feet (SLink), mesh hair (which you can see in my newest profile pic here), and a smallish (but growing) wardrobe of mesh clothing. I haven't gone Bento head yet, and I'm not sure I will. I'll probably experiment with some new skins, though: my current one is 10 years old! But I need to find one that doesn't change my appearance toooooo much. I'll post some pics when I'm happy with how I look!
  6. Well, I do a terrible English accent. But I come by phrases like this honestly: me old mam is English (and of course my grandparents, now sadly gone, were too). I have an arsenal of working-class English expressions (most of them quite rude), and an odd fondness for fried liver and mince pies. (My grandmother taught me to drink Orange Pekoe tea so strong that you can stand a spoon up in it, and so sweet just sniffing it was instant diabetes. She was HORRIFIED when, having reached an age where I felt competent to make my own choices, I decided I preferred green tea.)
  7. Wow, Ceka, I haven't seen your avi in some time. These are gorgeous. YOU are gorgeous. ?
  8. And you don't have to stay up until 1:30 in the morning to catch baseball games on the west coast! This all seems very unfair, somehow. (Not that I have any baseball games I need to watch right now. Grrrr.)
  9. Wow. Skell sure called this one, didn't he? ETA: This is JUST LIKE the good old days, when I'd start a thread, leave it for a few hours, and come back to find 30 pages longer, and about something completely different!!!! Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy and nostalgic, it does! ?
  10. OMG. What store sells things like this?????
  11. In some ways, the biggest part of it for me was, weirdly, the sense of being intimidated. It's not actually a small emotional investment to re-enter a world in which one has made so many very real connections. Give it a shot. Actually, give it two or three shots: it's actually difficult to know how one feels about it until one is at least a bit comfortable there again. What have you got to lose? (And give me a shout if you do get back in again!) PS. Sorry. I'm very verbose. Always. My friends almost forgive me for it.
  12. Yes, I think so? It fact, it's been kind of a hoot. Although ALSO surprisingly intimidating! To be clear, I've had a week with much more leisure than is usual, and I know that my in-world time is going to be significantly constrained beginning, well, tomorrow. So I consciously decided to use this week to catch up with the new mesh tech for my avi and her clothes, so that when I DO find a few spare hours and then to log-in, I can get right down to doing the things I want to do, and not worry about shopping, and so forth. (That said, and though I've never been a big shopper, I've enjoyed that element! The new mesh clothing is mostly pretty fantastic, and it's been fun remodeling my avi a bit. But I don't want to make that a priority in the future -- and if you're not interested in updating, I don't think it's entirely necessary anyway.) Of the three main things I want to do now that I'm back, I've been able to do two already. The first is reconnect with old friends. That part has been wonderful. A few of those old friends (such as Maddy) I've kept somewhat in touch with here, but some I haven't spoken to in 8 years or so. And even for those I've had contact with, the in-world dynamic is so different than exchanging DMs and posts that it's been worthwhile spending time in-world. (Perhaps Maddy can concur, or not.) The second thing was dancing, generally combined with reconnecting. I've always enjoyed that, and it was fun to do it again. The third thing was catching some in-world art. I haven't done that yet, but I'm really looking forward to it. You were probably just wanting a "yes" or "no," right? ? Yes. But I suppose it depends on how much of value you'll find still waiting for you in-world!
  13. lol I'm sure most of the "litter" blowing around these parts are too well-behaved and diplomatic to "bleat." I, on the other hand . . . ETA: I don't think anyone who really cares about community and individual contributions to it sees such a crude metric as an appropriate or accurate way to judge "value."
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