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Scylla Rhiadra

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Everything posted by Scylla Rhiadra

  1. At this stage, we don't need muskets, knives, or even HP Sauce. If he knew how we were talking about him, he'd drop dead of embarrassment on the spot.
  2. And . . . if no one steps forward to claim him, we use the knife, right? (I kind of like the idea of suspending him upside down by one leg while we decide.)
  3. Well, to judge from the carnage that has ensued from this most recent Invasion of the In-World Douchebags . . . apparently not!
  4. Please. Please . . . no. The weird thing is, the GIF actually looks and moves a bit like him. Minus the glasses, but . . . really.
  5. Yep. I actually chatted with him for maybe a half hour? And yes, he moves very fast. Fortunately, he's also completely incompetent and utterly unattractive. (Well, to me anyway . . .)
  6. I suspect that his MO was to simply work his way through a single thread somewhere, copying and pasting names of posters. On the basis of my conversation with him, almost certainly one of the vanity threads.
  7. That's a little like feeling overlooked and neglected when the plague cart passes by without tossing you into the back.
  8. Ask a stupid question . . . Some of us actually LIKE HP sauce! And it goes really well with grilled ex-boyfriend.
  9. Oh great. ANOTHER rival for his affections! ?
  10. This is so helpful! Thank you! I think I'm going to take the plunge and try it out. Because really, why not???
  11. Tell me about it, right? Hey, wait! Why don't YOU take Drake . . . AND LEAVE MY BF ALONE!!!!
  12. Fun? LIGHT HEARTED???? This is WAR! Now, grab your fife, drum, and musket, and CHOOSE A SIDE!!!
  13. NOT the kind of fullsome, all-hands-on-deck sort of support I was looking for, Skell. ? This forum is a jungle, and you're either for me, or against me (and for that trollop Cindy). There is no room here for mere observers!
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