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Scylla Rhiadra

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Posts posted by Scylla Rhiadra

  1. 53 minutes ago, Marianne Little said:

    Wear the mesh jeans that's closest to fit. Detach the slink feet, wear the boots and edit them in place. You should get a 99% fit.

    This is a really great idea! I bought some the other day that have an unrigged version included with the set; I'll have to give this a try! (Thank god for phantom system feet!)

    Thanks Marianne!!

  2. AH HAH!!

    It has begun. A NEW ERA DAWNS OVER THE FORUMS!!!

    Fools! Did you not understand what you have been about?!?!? Did you not see who I am?

    TEN YEARS in the making, I have begun my inexorable ascent to Queen of the Forums! All shall behold me and both love and fear! Great shall be my bounty, but greater still my wrath!

    And @Chase01 shall serve at my right hand as favoured regent!

    Rolig Loon? Bah! Pamela Galli? Hah! "Maddy" McMasters? Pfffft.

    You have met your match.

    • Like 3
    • Haha 7
  3. At some point within the next 24 hours -- or less -- some unknowing but vastly fortunate soul will have the HONOUR (and a small but significant place in history) of awarding me my 200th community reputation point.

    Will it be some pathetic n00b, unaware of the momentous events they have precipitated?

    Or will it be YOU?

    History holds her breath as she awaits the answer!

    • Like 9
    • Haha 3
  4. 59 minutes ago, Madelaine McMasters said:

    Mistressing, that would be mistressing.

    Some feminist you are.

    (ETA: The spell-checker kept suggesting "distressing" for "mistressing", so I stabbed it a little.)


    I'd say that that kind of thing was very 90s, and below us, except it sometimes isn't.

    Myself, I think we should all just interrelate as humans. 

    I mean hu-persons.

    Or, um, hu-per-offspring.



    (And yes, before the pedants descend, i KNOW that the "man" in "human" has nothing to do with the Anglo-Saxon word "man". So shut up.)

    • Like 3
  5. 23 hours ago, Rolig Loon said:

    At times, I am very conscious of my voice (or voices) in SL.  I spent my pre-retirement life as an educator, so I always sound "academic" to myself here in the forums -- long, complex sentences, 25 cent words, heavy punctuation, and lots of qualifiers.  When I think about that voice, I worry that it comes off as pedantic or perhaps more authoritative than I really am in my own head.  The effect is muddied by the fact that I never learned to type, so I make enough typos to take the edge off my classroom persona. With or without typos, though, my forum voice is close to my RL voice.

    Similarly, I suppose, my own writing has been informed/deformed by academese. (Most academics are gawdawful writers, and academic writing is the best soporific I know.) I try to control that -- maybe I'm more "bloggy" here? But it's a struggle sometimes. I hope I don't come across as . . . I don't know, low-rent Judith Butler or something.

    Typing is a really important part of the equation; I hadn't thought of that! I'm a pretty quick typist (except when I let my nails grow long, like now), so maybe that makes me sound more voluble?

    23 hours ago, Rolig Loon said:

    I'm not changing voice consciously.  I'm just in too much of a hurry to get a thought out, so I don't take the time for measured language.  I guess I'm also conscious of being more outgoing in SL than I am in RL, where I am more introverted and hesitant about jumping into a conversation.  That difference has puzzled me for almost 12 years now. Regardless of why I shift voice in world, though, I notice that one result is that I become much more colloquial than the RL voice in my head is.

    Yeah, perfect. One of the contexts in-world, of course, is fast-talking banter: my mind definitely outruns my grammar and spelling then!

    I wonder how much my text writing style (ALL of our text writing styles: SMS, etc.) have impacted on our real world conversation (or way of thinking)?

    • Like 2
  6. 8 hours ago, Solar Legion said:

    For the most part the way I type or speak is heavily situational and mood determined - even when In Character for Role Play purposes

    Yes, me too, mostly, I think -- although less here than in-world, because I have more time to consider before hitting "send."

    I hadn't thought about the impact of mood and context on IC role play, but of course, that makes perfect sense: you're not reading a script, but rather responding in character to a developing narrative and situation (and others). It's entirely logical that you'd still be influenced by such factors!

    8 hours ago, Solar Legion said:

    I have very little tolerance for certain - often very negative - traits or for (needless/destructive) deception.

    I actually wish I had more. It might have assisted in avoiding becoming "overwrought."

    • Like 2
  7. 16 hours ago, Gabriele Graves said:

    It's at times like these even a jaded vampire is looking for the hug button.

    Hugs are always, of course, appreciated (although I'd like to be sure I'm wearing a turtleneck first)!

    Fortunately, overwrought me doesn't appear too often, and not in SL for years and years. But thank you! 

    • Like 3
  8. 16 hours ago, Gabriele Graves said:

    I do it because I find it mostly enjoyable, nothing more, nothing less.  It is possible to enjoy interaction with others without being too preoccupied or concerned by the responses.  It isn't that I don't care at all, it's just that I don't put very much weight on it.

    There was a time when I let online responses affect me much more.  I didn't like the effect it had on me and I withdrew.  I have learned not be like that any more.

    You are, I think, a very wise vampire. That has also been a lesson that I've (almost) learned.

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  9. 39 minutes ago, Madelaine McMasters said:

    She didn't pick the last name "Loon" for no reason, people.

    There's far too much good-natured and amusing banter going on here.

    Please cut it out, and get back to the DEADLY SERIOUS business at hand; namely, reinforcing my unquestioned assumptions about how text works in SL

    Thank you.


    • Like 2
  10. 3 hours ago, Ariel Vuissent said:

    Blueberry also has a couple pairs of jeans made to work with specific shoes from Reign; the ones that come to mind are the Pizza jeans. Possibly worth a look.

    Thanks Ariel! I haven't specifically checked out Blueberry yet, but I will. I don't know Reign at all.

    Thanks in no small measure to the help here, and to additional assistance (and a giftie!) from @Rhonda Huntress (thank you so much Rhonda!), I've cobbled something pretty satisfactory together, but the quest for good boots, and things to wear with them, will continue unabated! I am VERY grateful to everyone here who contributed!

    Onward and bootwards!

    • Like 2
  11. 5 hours ago, Claireschen Hesten said:

    While Blueberry has been mentioned they do sell jeans with a built in boot option and *COCO* does a jeans/boots combo set. if your buying jeans that include system sizes you might be able to get away with the smallest size if the boots are really tight fitting applier jeans are the only thing that will work there are a number on the marketplace such as these from Larry https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/LARRY-JEANS-Dollarbie-Pack-Classic-OMEGA-Sink-Maitreya-Mesh-Project/5605223

    This is really useful! I'll check out *COCO* (who I'll also be looking at for jacket/top combo, so that's handy: one-stop shopping!)

    Thank you!!

  12. 8 minutes ago, Bree Giffen said:

    Honestly, I think I come across the same in-world. I use full sentences while chatting which I've been told is quite remarkable in SL. 

    Mostly, I do. Except in certain contexts, which is one of the reasons why I created this thread. It was odd to suddenly realize that there were situations where I frequently didn't.

    I've often thought that a sign of the importance of text communication in SL is the degree to which people who are reasonably articulate (and correct) writers often dominate social situations. Anyone can be "beautiful" or "handsome" in SL: the most that is required is a modicum of taste and deep enough pockets. But the ability to communicate well by text isn't something everyone is capable of mastering.

    In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king?

    • Like 2
  13. 9 hours ago, Ceka Cianci said:

    I giggle all the time..Always have and always will I guess..It's just a habit..

    Ceka, honestly, you have (for me) one of the most expressive and distinctive voices here. It's one I've had a long time to get to know, and one that always makes me smile. And part of that is most definitely your "heheheh"s. 

    Whatever you're doing, it works. ?

    • Like 3
    • Thanks 1
  14. 11 hours ago, KanryDrago said:

    Please no Lindens don't look at this and think its a good idea, gestures are bad enough without giving idiots even more ways to annoy

    I think I agree. I'm not really big on gifs and so forth myself. But I suppose if they were in private IMs only, and not in public chat, it would be tolerable. 

    I do sort of wish there were a way to format chat more precisely than emote, shouts, or whispers though. It might make it a bit more expressive.

    • Like 1
  15. 14 minutes ago, janetosilio said:

    Addams and blueberry just did a great collaboration with jeans boots and a top.

    I’m usually anti fat packs, particularly when they hide the best colors and patterns in them, but this one was actually worth it for the jeans and boots alone. The boots come ankle length, knee length and thigh length and the hud has great colors for both the jeans and boots.



    Oh wow. Ok, these are pretty close.

    Addams and Blueberry are both makers I've been looking at for jacket/top combos, so this is useful! 

    Thank you!!!!

  16. Hi,

    I'm not sure if I'm asking this in the right forum, but etc. etc. etc.

    Ok, so. I've just decided to leap ahead 6 or 7 years, and actually try mesh. I've got myself a Slink Physique body, hands, and feet (*yawn* amirite?), but I'm having some problem with the clothing. 

    What I want is knee-high or mid-calf length boots (Doc Martens sort of things, perhaps, flat or with low heels) and jeans (preferably worn and/or a bit ripped. But not with the butt hanging out or anything).

    I know that it's next to impossible to "layer" mesh clothing, which is why the jacket/top combos I've been looking at make sense. But I can't seem to find jeans/boots combinations. Surely I'm just not looking in the right places? Or do people only wear high boots with bare legs???

    Your highly knowledgeable assistance would be GREATLY APPRECIATED.

    (As payment, please feel free to laugh at the 10 year old avatar who is only now trying mesh. Go ahead: all of my friends are!)

    • Like 1
  17. 8 hours ago, Ivanova Shostakovich said:

    I sometimes feel I lack the ability to really see myself, to objectively describe myself.

    Yes! And even if we do "see ourselves," we may be deluding ourselves by reading our intention, or what we know to be an underlying emotion, or intention, or truth about ourselves, in what we are saying and how we are saying. We are really, even the most self-aware of us, trapped in our own subjectivity (as Maddy more or less said above).


    8 hours ago, Ivanova Shostakovich said:

    But as I get to know someone, and likewise as they get to know me, that distinction breaks down and blurs until there is only one voice.

    So, sort of "public" and "private."

    Probably true of me, but with variations within those two categories.

    • Like 2
  18. 1 minute ago, Bree Giffen said:

    My real time chat in SL is much more informal compared to composing a forum post. The people I meet are usually informal as well. 

    That, I guess, is true probably of most of us. Most of the time, anyway?

    Does that mean that "Bree" here is different than "Bree" in-world, in some way? (I don't think I've ever met you in-world.)

    • Like 1
  19. 8 hours ago, Maryanne Solo said:

    All I know is that those who know me, (both geminis ^^), understand that if I make even one typo, that means I am emotionally, & mentally exhausted.

    This reminds -- as I had forgotten -- of a few instances in the long-ago past in-world where I found myself particularly emotionally overwrought. And I seem to recall (although maybe this is just my highly coloured memory) my typing -- and my language -- just kind of falling apart.

    Ugh. Not good times.

    • Like 2
  20. 10 hours ago, Gabriele Graves said:

    Definitely different internal voices for different moods, contexts, subjects, etc.

    I'm going to venture a guess that we all do that, to some degree. Maybe we sort of "hear" ourselves speaking in our heads as we text?

    10 hours ago, Gabriele Graves said:

    I am never sure how the things I say are perceived or what impression they give though.

    Yeah, and that's the question. Part of the problem is that we also don't have complete control over how they are perceived by others, right? Part of it is our skill in imparting emotion, mood, and personality -- but any communication is a two-way street. So, we need our "auditors" to also be "good readers."


    10 hours ago, Gabriele Graves said:

    However I don't really care that much either as I post for myself more than for any other.

    Now, that's interesting! I don't think there is anything wrong with that (and I do lots of "social" things for myself), but why speak publicly if you don't care who hears, or what they think of it?

    • Like 2
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