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Nany Kayo

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Everything posted by Nany Kayo

  1. The children I have known who were sexually molested were sexually molested by their own parents. Maybe the best you can do at this point is completely outlaw children in your society.
  2. It seems the world you and your children live in is so thouroughly corrupt Second Life hardly matters. There is no where you can go in real life or on the internet to escape. You can try to hide inside your home, but eventually your children will probably have to go to school where they will get attacked by their teachers or taken away from you by social workers who will rape them.
  3. I have met kids who were clearly under 13 years old on several occasions while mentoring newcomers at a community gateway. You could tell because they were so young they could not type and used Voice instead.
  4. Ciaran, it will be interesting to see this transition play out. I expect it will take a few months at least. I'm planning in terms of 6 months.
  5. It is just amazing to me. What a wretched world you must live in where the only people who want to be around children want to have sex with them.
  6. It's strange, I have seen comments saying people are glad teens are coming over to the main grid. But I'm not sure .... but I haven't read one " I'm so excited my 13 or 14 year old is coming to the adult grid post. I may be wrong but I don't remember seeing one. Anyone saying they welcome kids to SL will be accused of being a pedophile.
  7. if you sign up for a new account right now you will find that they are pushing the premium accounts as a way to acess 18+ materials and land. Oh cool. I didn't notice that. G rated regions will gain substantial visibility and influence, for a couple of years at least, I would guess. Lots of free advertising along with a lot less competition.
  8. Ciaran, It sounds like Second Life has a fairly well established model to work from in Facebook policy. The risks associated with soliciting sex from a total stranger on either platform are probably similar. With so many more people on Facebook, it seems to me the risk of getting into trouble discussing sex with a total stranger are higher on Facebook than on Second Life. In general, it is probably not a good idea to discuss sex with total strangers on either platform. But I think I can control myself well enough to not have a problem with that.
  9. I disagree. Facebook and Second Life are both international internet social media with much in common. The same laws regarding sex crimes will apply to both.
  10. Blaze, What precautions would Second Life need that are fundamentally different from those in place on other internet social media like Facebook? Facebook is well recognized as exposing its users' real world identity information. Why aren't adults worried about being compromised by teenagers using Facebook? As far as the designers' original intention for Second Life, I doubt they intended it to become a pornography site. In fact it appears Linden Lab is willing to pay a very high price to remove that stigma.
  11. Wynochee, All of us have seen products we have been buying for years discontinued. We have seen tv shows we liked cancelled. We have seen restaurants we liked change their menu or close down. The company has apparently made the decision that the costs of keeping you as a customer outweigh the benefits. Whatever you think your business was worth to LL, they seem to think it was not worth what it cost them. They have announced that they are going to open Second Life to teens. If you don't like it, you can leave. Period.
  12. Secondlife was sold as 18+ for adults only. again.. apples and oranges. That was then. This is now.
  13. Drake, Does Facebook prohibit explicit violent or sexual content? Do they ban accounts of users who are accused of harrassing others or soliciting sex from minors? I haven't paid much attention to their rules. I barely use Facebook.
  14. I don't know what their strategy is, but it is certainly interesting to watch this play out.
  15. Honestly, what it looks like to me is that Linden Lab doesn't much want the likes of you around any more.
  16. Anybody in this discussion familiar with pornography on Facebook? I don't use Facebook very much and have wondered how they deal with the mix of teenagers and adults there. If it is dangerous to have teenagers in SL, it must be dangerous to have them on Facebook, too. But no one seems overly concerned about it for some reason.
  17. I would be interested to know where this was. I have not seen that on any educational sim, ever. I haven't even seen that on M rated commercial properties. edit: rereading your post, I have seen furniture with sex animations for sale on M rated land, but no one was using it.
  18. I spend nearly all my time in SL on G rated properties. In three years, I have seen a couple instances of griefers without all their clothes waiting to get AR'd, but that's about the extent of it.
  19. I go to quite a few G rated places and have not seen pornography in them.
  20. It is interesting how LL does that, makes an announcement then sits back and watches the reactions to it. I have wondered if that came from some marketing strategy someone picked up with their MBA. I guess someone, maybe Wallace, will eventually pop in again and lock the thread, thank us for expressing our opinions, and completely disregard them.
  21. Very nice summary of applicable laws. Thank you!
  22. Bringing Teens to Second Life’s Main Grid This is not a question. This is an announcement.
  23. The language translator is very nice, thanks!
  24. When is the last time any1 ever heard a college or university announce they were lowering their rates. Oh, that is right, NEVER. They all charge more almost every single year, to the point now that rates are completely indefensible. It is nearly impossible for many people to ever pay off their college loans. The only reason many of the kids can even goto these places is solely because of government money. So, basically, all of us pay higher taxes to pay for people to goto these colleges and universities. Online classes can cost a lot less than classes held in the real world. You can go to school in a different country, or several different countries at the same time, without leaving your office. Think of all the taxes you could save if universities could use virtual worlds for education. Oh, and some of you actually say that your peers and students make the best content. Please, give us all a break. There can be a pretty big difference between content based on peer reviewed research and content based on popular culture. Pop culture can be way off the mark with facts. Pop culture is often flat out fake and false. A lot of people like fake and false, but there is still value in authenticity. Even fake and false have to be based on something real to be recognizable as anything.
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