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Nany Kayo

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Everything posted by Nany Kayo

  1. You know, Mr. Humble may have been calling the shots for a couple of months now, including some of those shots you don't much agree with.
  2. People get fired for getting caught with porn on an office computer all the time even if it costs their employer money to fire them. I don't have to look up examples of that for you. You can do it yourself. Furthermore, it isn't good money. Do you have a job that pays you more than US$10K per year? Do you think anyone would pay you that much without knowing your legal name? You can't conduct business that generates good money anonymously. To conduct business that generates real money, contracts need to be enforceable and tax collectors need to be satisfied they are getting their cut. You can't do that with a business that everyone involved in is ashamed to admit they are associated with. SL sex trade is not good money. It is a burden and a hinderance that no one wants to be associated with, not even its own merchants and customers.
  3. I suspect it isn't the teens Linden Lab or its successors wants to do business with. It is people who are not hiding behind anonymity. People who are not ashamed to be associated with what they say and do are the ones who make a real difference in the world. People who are involved in the sex trade in SL hide behind anonymous accounts. But Linden Lab employees are not anonymous. What happens in Second Life reflects on their real world identity and career. They don't want to be associated with the sex trade any more than the people who are participating in it do. There are a lot of objectionable ways to make money. But Linden Lab may well decide that the costs of being involved in the sex trade outweigh the benefits.
  4. She is more willing to waste her time talking to you is all. The reason I put my guess in writing is that I enjoy seeing my guesses turn out right. My guess is, SL or whatever it will be called will do well in the next 12 months. Whoever is driving the changes is invested in seeing them pay off and will be investing a lot more in seeing a payoff, for a year at least.
  5. my guess is 1. It's not going to be LL any more. 2. It's not going to be Adult content any more. 3. It may not even be SL any more. 4. The key decisions have already been made.
  6. Do you expect me to respond to this? You realize this post is about me, don't you? If I respond to the topic of YOUR post, I will be talking about myself.
  7. Agree! This person will probably try to make me the subject of discussion again before too long. It seems to be a habit or obsession with him. It is good to see him on record stating that I am not the subject for a change, anyway.
  8. Yes, the website is very out of date. It's on the to-do list but has gotten bumped a few times by higher priority activities. Virtual Native Lands is the only tribally led Native American organization currently in existence on any virtual world platform. We get asked to participate in a lot of events in virtual worlds whenever a Native American perspective is needed. We are also the first stop for Native Americans entering Second Life. Newcomers can take some time and attention to get oriented. On top of all that, we are being called upon to do extensive content creation for a large museum project on multiple virtual worlds platforms that requires many hours of training and skills development. I feel bad about the state of the website and really do intend to get to it soon. The interests of the oldest and most active customer base in SL is not part of my mission statement and is not my main concern. Their interests and mine may overlap wherever they do and won't overlap where they don't. I suspect many of them are motivated enough by their use of virtual worlds platforms to be around somewhere in some form and ready to buy all kinds of things from Natives.
  9. I am not sure who you are calling a pervert or if it is yourself you are referring to by that term, but I am not concerned about perverts not choosing to participate in a project designed to strengthen and sustain real world Native American communities. Many people are interested in participating in and supporting that mission. I am surprised by the compliments we receive even at this early stage of startup and prototyping. The project is years from realizing its potential, probably three years at a minimum and more likely five years, but we are already seeing substantial successes. The work will continue with or without Second Life. Some of the odd cases hanging around the SL forums seem to think virtual worlds have no future, but the people I deal with on a day-to-day basis do not share that view. Some of the odder cases hanging around the SL forums seem to think virtual worlds cannot exist if teenagers are present in them, but the people I deal with on a day-to-day basis do not share that view either.
  10. I keep trying to put a stop to it, Johnathan. I get really tired of the off-topic personal attacks. A lot of people in the forums and blogs just go crazy if you dare agree with anything Linden Lab says or does and launch into all kinds of nasty character assasination spam. I keep asking for it to stop, and I do abuse report some of it. I keep any responses to it as short and light as possible, just a request to stick to the subject, and I do not get into the line by line off-topic crap the spammers keep demanding. As far as why people do this, you will need to ask them. It's not something I do and not something I have any desire to participate in.
  11. It's a joke, fool. I choose not to drag this public blog down by participating your self-absorbed twattle. btw, I count three spelling errors, six grammatical errors and logical fallacies too numerous to bother with in that mess you call your argument. The only thing you have said that is of the slightest interest is that you will finally shut the hell up. Thanks.
  12. Not sure what you are saying, but you spell bad.
  13. It may be on-topic to point out that the traffic in a museum isn't the same as the traffic in a nightclub or residential neighborhood. The purpose of the venue isn't the same, either. Many of the activities of a museum may take place outside the museum venue, and that is the case for us. We are working with other groups and creating builds on other sims right now. There will be more activity on our land in the spring when we open a show focusing on Mayan culture. (As far as our accounting, I can give you more information inworld if you need it. We are operating under a fiscal sponsorship with a Native American foundation. You would need to contact them for our records.)
  14. You don't know what will happen with Second Life let alone the 3D internet. You are just blowing stink.
  15. Actually, I didn't accuse you or anyone else of slander. I said you are violating the forum guidelines, and you are. It annoys me when people who are so invested in sissyfight drama can't do it right. It takes careful reading to sissyfight. You have to quote your opponent's exact words. You can't make up quotes. You can intentionally distort their intended meaning to score your hit, but you have to use their exact words. Otherwise, you are an idiot.
  16. If you are interested in how the nonprofit is doing, we can talk about it inworld if you like. I won't go into it in this blog. Thanks.
  17. Interesting drama! Which blogs should we be watching for the fallout?
  18. You should be careful about saying you support the public display of pornography because it does include some bad stuff. Pornography includes some stuff even you may find inappropriate and offensive. That is a fact. You need to watch the personal attacks, too. It is important to hedge your allegations with words like "may" and "might be", or speak in general inference rather than directly attack someone's character the way you are attacking mine. You are violating the forum guidelines.
  19. I think you are wrong. You can have any kind of private conversation in IM you want. If you need to engage in explicit sexual activity, you need to do it out of public view. That is simple, common courtesy whether there are children present or not. No one should have to explain that to you. The population of Second Life is changing to reflect more of the general public. If it is going to be too difficult for you to conduct yourself in a manner that is acceptable to the general public, you may need to find someplace that has a different kind of population. That's life.
  20. I understand you may not believe selling or using pictures of a child's genitals as erotic entertainment is "bad." I understand you may believe prostitution is welcome in every venue and business as long as there are no children present. I disagree that most adults agree with those views.
  21. Brenna, I have wondered whether mainstream entertainment with streaming video will get involved in virtual worlds like SL. It is a lot of fun to watch a show or game with a group of friends where you can get into group chat or private IM, hang out, go to other related events or do roleplay. A Battlestar Galactica roleplay project got nuked recently in SL for copyright infringement, but it will not surprise me when the copyright holders start setting up their own shops here. That is going to be a blast. Same with sports bars where you can watch games on a big screen with friends all over the country. There is so much you could do with this platform once it zips up, washes it hands and comes out of the restroom.
  22. Everybody sees porn as bad, else why are people talking about law suits and blackmail? Why else would you be required by law to keep it behind closed doors away from children? Why would you be able to blackmail someone for being associated with porn if it was not considered a bad thing? Even people who like it call it 'naughty' or 'dirty'. People who sell porn in Second Life are acknowledging that it drives out other kinds of business right here in this thread. It isn't just me who sees that.
  23. You know, Nanny, instead of offering a snarky, nasty, juvenile comment, perhaps you could attempt actually addressing Kyle's points. OK. I hope Linden Lab bans so-called Adult content from Second Life. I am delighted that seems increasingly likely. I am amused that the strongest arguments for removing porn from SL are being made by its supporters. Keep up the good work. Thanks.
  24. Maybe you guys can start a porn grid somewhere. It really sounds like you need one.
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