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Sorina Garrigus

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Everything posted by Sorina Garrigus

  1. I know Firestorm lets you back up your settings and thank gawd because I keep having issues with things not running and I have to reinstall and jump through hoops now and then. But I use the SL viewer as my primary and firestorm for my alts for any OS grid stuff of course. Is there a way to back up the settings in the regular SL viewer? Because I run into conflict of cashe issues in that as well for some reason
  2. I am considering having an instore discounted price on a product and listing in the listing description of said in world store discount. Anyone know if this is ok or would it be some kind of violation ... ie LL not happy to not get as much of the cut of the sale. I simply want to sell it there but also prefer people visit the store area in "person" if you will with a small discount. Anti-Competitive or Abusive Behavior. Examples include, but are not limited to: inflating prices on the SL Marketplace, in comparison to other e-commerce sites,
  3. As someone that also owns a game store in real life ... those traffic "games" are not really games. They just bring people to your store. But yah a lot that is all they do but I do get a few that aren't just doing that. Not sure the percentage but it isn't super high. For links in market place ... LL really should only allow those if they are actually showing the item in SL if you ask me. I am not likely to buy something I can't see in world in a lot of cases. I bought some mesh decor that is completely broken visually unless your camera is 3 meters away from it. If click to the see in world link ... I want to see it in world ... not a vending machine with the same jpg I saw in the market place
  4. Duplicate post. Please delete I can't find a delete
  5. I am slowly rebuilding my game store I closed years ago and trying to find the best ways of marketing. My knowledge of traffic devices is fairly dated I am sure. I am using coin hunt currently. My place is more interactive as part of it is a game cafe environment, another is a video arcade and yet another is a card room ... filled with various card games. I am starting to bring in affiliate game vendors (my contacts are a bit rusty atm. The coin hunt brought some regulars ... but many are bots or they have no interest in doing a lot of the entertainment options (too busy running collecting bots). I would love to develop a traffic system that had interactive games that are free play that might work similar to current traffic devices.
  6. I am sure it would be an issue. If it wasn't then people would use such a loop hole to run pure gambling games ... buy chips outside of SL and cash them out outside of it in some way. It would open up another legal quagmire for LL.
  7. I wouldn't even bother LL with this as I can guarantee this would have an issue. Effectively it is a game of chance with the cost being the purchase of an item for entry. In the real world this can be done but as long as there is a way to enter without buying something ie a sweep stakes. in RL raffles CAN be ok with a charity as opposed to business. But if you take the sweep stakes approach you should consult LL at that point. In the end it likely isn't worth the trouble.
  8. I will be reworking the House of Cards though. it was a purchased castle but it is getting tight. I want to keep the whimsical Alice in Wonderland feel though for sure.
  9. The Grunge arcade I am looking to improve. I have some old working Pinball games but I have to keep resetting them as SL seems be giving them issues. I have to reset them all the time. Komikaze as I said everyone needs to check out. Canons also. Both play smooth and really shows what can be done with a pure SL build. I will be picking up some more media based arcade games soon to add to the mix. I am tempted to get more land ... but holding off atm.
  10. The House of Cards next door is Card game focused. If you see any card based games I am over looking let me know. I am not looking for ones that have been done a ton of times over. Things like Walli Galli which is a simple version of the real world Halli Galli or Squee which is basically Sequence.
  11. Pics from the Gamers Grind. If anyone sees unique games I might be over looking please let me know. I am still on the hunt for more.
  12. I been working on multiple interactive/game destinations. Three of which are now up and running. Trying to find a way to break even at least with donations ad signs and growing my store area. Grunge Arcade: A 1980s/90s style video arcade. Containing some simple media based games AND some amazing totally scripted based arcade games. Komikaze an Asteriods style game is just amazing and it shows what you can do in SL if you are a gifted and clever scripter! http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Taesot/25/69/76 House of Cards. An Alice in Wonderland themed mini castle filled with some of the best card games in Second Life. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Taesot/31/97/80 And Finally, The Gamer's Grind which named after a real board game cafe I attempted to start years ago. It would have been the first proper board game cafe in the US ... possibly North America. But for drama reasons it got gimped and degraded to just a game store and eventually had to close it down. But I managed to reopen under a different name ... dropping the Grind part because ... well no coffee. But here you can play a ton of different kinds of party and board games of various types. With the card games next door at the House of Cards. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Taesot/43/135/90 Stop by and have some fun! Any game designers out there ... I have store space for affiliate vendors and I am happy to work with some as I have over a decade experience owning and working with games in RL and also SL.
  13. They really could use a clear way to shut off all such features for a true immersive experience without cheating issues. My older thoughts on this was the main SL viewer would be a shell basically and it would hand off to other specialized viewers in a modulare style. One of course being a proper SL type viewer, then something for using SL as proper gaming experience and thirdly accessing completely different infrastructure like using more modern tech but it would be without any SL inventory. Not sure why they would be against the limited scripts as a feature ... they would just wouldn't use it. But I think they meant say like a combat sim where third parties might make weapons. But even they you just opt in various creators on white list
  14. I seen simple target shooting gallery arcade games that did this where you would rezing of objects was not needed. The game seemed to communicate from the player/weapon to the object if it was hit or not. Pretty much comparable to how operates in "real" video games. Has anyone seen such a system like this for RPG or combat sims or think it might be possible?
  15. I forget where as it was ages ago when I saw it but I seen a pretty elaborate choose your own adventure kind of game/experience that might be comparable to an interactive movie of a sort. Definitely possible. More elaborate in narrative than typical RPG sims by far. I am trying to dabble in such areas a bit with my highly limited scripting abilities.
  16. I am getting reacquainted with SL after a number of years absence. The Experiences option is a great new one to help a smooth out a lot of things. But how possible would it be to implement limiting scripts only made by a specific avatar/creator in an area. Basically it would be like no scripts now ... but with an exemption by creator. The idea is that this might make RPG and combat sims could be set to only their scripts they want to run will run and all others won't. So say if you are in a zombie sim only the weapons created by identified content creators would work. Alternatively some sort of keying system to achieve the same effect? It would help a lot limiting exploits which would ruin various experiences otherwise.
  17. This was my end result with the targetomega rotating all prims I made for one of my places. The card rotate in place and form the letters every half rotation ... .I just need to find retire my use of sculpties for the word of ... I been away from SL for a while so .... sculpties.
  18. Thanks will test that. They reset when you edit it also. My hopes was the one command will put them all in sync client side ... but wasn't sure if part of the object would rez one child at a time to affect it. thanks again
  19. I know. but was hoping to find a way to have the script in the root prim to tell the child prims to rotate with the command instead of putting it in each of them. For less script usage but more importantly so they are more in sync.
  20. I suck at scripting. But I am trying to make a simple script if possible. Basically I have a multi prim object that I want one script to spin with one script doing a basic target omega rotate. There must be a better way to do this other than putting a basic script in each prim so they all rotate at the same time right?
  21. That worked! Thanks. Yah so dumb pulling a basic option like that. It is one of the first things I take out when I reinstall a viewer to denoob it.
  22. Unfortunately that is the problem I am running into ... that page was last edited in 2009. The viewer is quite different since then.
  23. I tried Ctrl shift T but it doesn't do anything. I am using the regular SL viewer as the graphic are currently the best from what I see.
  24. I am trying to turn off showing the names of objects when your mouse is over them. I done this before and googling to refresh my memory I am finding outdated info for the current viewer. How can you turn that off in the current SL viewer?
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