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Dragonlady Boa

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Everything posted by Dragonlady Boa

  1. Moana Paradise rentals +++misc info about pricing+++ You MAY use a security orb IN YOUR SKYBOX, as long as it is set properly. Your skybox is a 20x20, your orb is NOT allowed to scan a 50M or above scan range. this is to protect yourself as well as other residents. We do NOT allow the use of Redzone or anything that Alt detects. If you are caught using such a program or item, you will be asked ot remove it. if you do NOT remove it, we WILL. If you put it back out after it is taken down, you will be kicked with no refund and banned from the islands. We are sorry, but we take our visitors security and privacy very seriously, and redzone violates everyone's privacy. Now, if you are still reading at this point, Welcome to Moana! my blurb in my rental spots.
  2. I so got that hoarder beat! inventory of 90K! and growing every day hehehe
  3. actually, that has to been the FASTEST i have seen things change in the MP. ALL of the items I flagged have been changed now, and 3 have been outright REMOVED completly! I am seriously flabberghasted!
  4. "See this store: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/22601 (finded searching "ass")" I think my hand fell off flagging items from this store! And BLATANT sex acts under general? OMG what an idiot!
  5. if tier ever goes back to what it was, I'll buy another island and a few homesteads as well
  6. Sl isn't a game. it's a vital thriving community, that works it's best when it is listened to by the ptb. PLEASE don't make the mistakes of your predecessors and change things for the worse. DO realise that the hard core SL fanatics that have stuck with the program this far, have done so because they love SL for what it is. it ISN'T twitter, or facebook, or myspace. it's a WORLD where we do our best for us and those around us. We give freely, and enjoy our time HERE IN SL. If we wanted to be on facebook, or anything like that, we would be. but we are IN SL. And this is where we wish to stay> So, please take the advice of the already frazzled residents. HELP us, don't HINDER us. LET us be who we are, and not try to make us into something we aren't. LET US choose what we like, and stick with it, because it is what is familliar to us. (removing all access to the 1.23 versions of the viewer is a HUGE MISTAKE!) Land prices are very taxing on those of us who aren't here to make a fortune like most land barons. We run scenic sims, and yes, sometimes they have small business on them. We pay 295 usd a MONTH per SIM (3540 usd a YEAR!). For some of us, it's a matter of what we have to give up IRL for that month to keep our sims. Sometimes, it's groceries, others, it's a phone bill. Some risk all, because we LOVE SL. Are you willing to help?
  7. delete it from your magic box, then resync. it's the only way i was able to get rid of duplicate listings
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