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Kyrie Deka

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Posts posted by Kyrie Deka

  1. Saturation point for me. 

    I chuckled to myself when I thought if I produced clothes for all "pretty" bodies being produced and then I sold on MP, after I added the tiny logos of each there would be no room on the Ad Pic for the actual item I was selling.  Like a nightmare collage of colors and words and icons and thinking as a newer user figuring out in all that which body is/not Bento and neck gaps and fades feet that come in only flat (or not) and oh that doesn't come with a head too for that cost? ... Saturation point.  


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    • Haha 2
  2. 1st and foremost: MP is nowhere near a den o' thieves. Sweeping generalities will ruin your inworld fun just as quick as they do in RL.  

    I am all for waving flags of caution to newbies, and all buyers beware.  A sign-carrying citizen here.  But MP is largely trustable if one reads every single ad very very carefully, and

    get demos where you can, and

    make your own rule boundaries about purchases and stick to them, and

    *take responsibility for being your own bestie* when here and there you got pinched.  

    Best thing I ever did was set a dollar boundary for really feeling "taken", and inserting self-control when I shopped on MP to make sure I stayed within my own rules that I committed to.  Kind of: How much can I lose blindly before it ruins my mood and slows my roll inworld.

    No different than RL online shopping site, ie you buy a $10 car online, you better be expecting to receive a hot wheelee lol.  In my case, I just don't buy over that L$ amount unless a demo is present, and/or I know the seller from past purchases etc., and/or I at least see them still inworld here-and-there so I know if a problem exists I can at least ask them how to/about it.  And hey questions via IM or Notecard before buying is great too if its a larger L$ amount.  

    Ref: I just looked at my MP orders.  Oldest one Nov 2010 lol.  I was gearing up for clickin some keys over the years.  With the default 5 orders setting, I have over 1300 pages of 5 invoices a page (mostly 10 items to an invoice).  Over all that experience, I can recall one truly bad purchase product/seller ad.  I think that's incredible.  Two additional items certainly were not the sellers issue: I should have read the ad closer.  *And after that, I surely have read ads better*.  So to me, data shows a really super MP.  For buyers.  


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  3. OK I just exhausted myself uploading two simple new ads. The "Quick Fill" button was completely useless - didn't fill in a darn thang-not quick, not at all. The external browser upload pics button refused to work - had to go back to the viewer internal browser to add pics.  OK so fine, whatever, moving on I said.

    Then realized several items from December promo prices (marked back up early January) reverted all by themselves to December promo prices and have been that way for who knows how long I guess (in 1 case was at L$1). 

    And and... 

    It is not just one type of cross-up/change between updates, or two items uploaded/associated, but several different misdirects or whatever.  But cleaning up a mess when one did not know there was one (and did not make the mess) is not much fun.

    Did I miss a major MP roll-back that would explain the updated-boxes sitting in unlisted again (but text was still updated), or some update that went sideways at MP since Jan 1?  What is wrong is just so varied, it seems like a roll-back.


  4. it continues to amaze me how users, even myself, momentarily forget this is a cartoon made-up whatever-you-wanna-roleplay-today thing at every login.  Year after year.  And that rereading stuff from that mindset just doesn't make arguing that important about RL stuff like [insert word here].  Visible cartoony rez date gives ya anxiety?  Be kind to your body I say!  What a great life SL is, when ya gotta make up something to be stressed about I guess, so congrats!  Rez day just don't mean nothin but that ya could type on that date.  

    • Like 8
  5. Adding, along the general part of the discussion = lower sales...

    So I suspect that many of ya'll do as I do when the holidays approach: I deck out my alts!  This can be a head, a body, bodies, shoes, use gift certificates, really visit the sales.

    Purchases I made in Casper vendors inworld at some of the oldest most reliable shops around for shoes, hair, clothes as "gifts" for two separate alts, took to a week to arrive - so long I almost forgot I got the stuff for them had to search that maybe I was mistaken!  They finally came, but... a week later?  I don't get that.  What's that about - the Lindens were taken instantly, showed instantly in my primary account's info.  

    Too, I changed an alt profile yesterday, updated both images and text - uploaded the images to my inventory, added from my inventory to my profile, resaved it.  Pulled profile up later yesterday after being on awhile and it showed the new stuff.  Today I go to send something to them, and I pull up the profile and its all the old stuff still!

    So it isn't just Marketplace disappointments.  Casper and even profile update/saves (either failing or seriously lagging) too.  A pretty old-school expectation, that updating a profile and gift purchases through Casper vendors will work and send in less-than a week (or at least before I totally forget I sent them).  



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