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Kyrie Deka

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Posts posted by Kyrie Deka

  1. It's going to be interesting what happens now through Spring 2021, in every business. Every plan on what works and what doesn't I suspect will be up for revisit. So many folks learning news ways of shopping, of budgeting, of investing, identifying waste and advertised fluff in all businesses.  Here I truly believe that a meaningful amount of Premium Stipend weekly is a great enticement to join initially.  And to retain and keep those renewals coming in later and not lose folks, I think a stipend with a kick of a bit more than an initial subscriber gets would help us with patience as we navigate [lag, issues, etc.].  This, even as a token weekly "raise" every e.g. three years of continuous premium subscription.  I leave the economy balance sheet up to LL thankfully.  And guessing if they have the power to analyze true stats and put more lindens in the economy to grow the base of committed spending users, that they would in the same motion identify something on the other side of the balance sheet that covers (and to a profit) anything risked from their putting those additional lindens in. Hoping by Spring 2021 we will see stabilization on all fronts.

  2. Lots of quiet premium feature editing and lag. Orrrrr, orrrrr, communication to those we count on so folks don't misunderstand what they are seeing. A simple, powerful thing, the two minute reliable communique. I wonder how many folks login daily to experience the virtual world working as promised more so than RL? 

  3. Hi Kyle, thanks for helping with this.  More communication is helpful on all fronts, as I won't file a bug report and pull anyone away unless directed to do so by an expert specifically, or until I see it is more than just me.  I have a longstanding support ticket on broken Marketplace searches from April, and this very well could have been my account.

  4. Hi all,

    My "search MP by seller name" feature has been down for months.  

    Despite this and waiting for it to be fixed, I have still been able to get a redelivery if I find each and every single page ad I need (if it still exists that is), and click the invoice date in the bar at the top, then it sends me to that items invoice > I can click to redeliver from there, I then receive the new top-banner notice that Redelivery will be attempted, and I then receive the redelivery in inventory.  It takes considerably more time, but it has worked.

    As of today though, I can go this far as expected only - I do not receive the banner  confirming redelivery attempt, and do not receive the item in inventory.  This is every item I visit on the individual pages, old items, old-old items, items I just purchased yesterday.

    The grid lists nothing down/Marketplace.

    Are we working on something broken today? Is there word on why this is to be expected where I have missed a communication? Anyone else experiencing this?


    Donuts and coffee at my house, and it's *spectacular*.

  5. 4 hours ago, Bree Giffen said:

    haven’t seen you in a while. Come on back and get 10% off”.

    Realizing you were just making a point of course Bree, and it's a good question really. But your example lead me to ask myself 10% off what?  The premium fees?  Folks who walk away get a gift savings as a reward, while long timers build public places inworld for all to use and enjoy, etc. with no discount and all the costs?  I recall a cable company from years past that quietly inched up monthly subscription fees on their long timer's bills, while they offered new subscribers (only) very deep and long term discounts as the long timers watched.  I also recall I couldn't wait to see the dust behind me as I disconnected them for good, and coffee break discussion said I wasn't alone in that sentiment. 

    And I get emails all the time to "come back" to this site or that.  The emails I don't mind, actually they are just busines.  But speaking for myself, the last place I will click-through for my entertainment time, is to a site that nags me to death via email that my schedule isn't meeting their business needs.  

    Guessing, perhaps wrong, but it would seem to me to repair the current premium benefits advertised first for current paying members might be a better short-term investment.  Perhaps if coffee break discussion began to speak of reliable benefits and reasonable respectful support response after buying-in, there would be fewer residents fading away.  

  6. On 8/5/2020 at 12:11 PM, LittleMe Jewell said:

    Not true.  If you want to downgrade from paying annual to paying monthly, anytime before your annual bills you just need to change to a new billing plan.

    Awesome! That's what I thought was the case and glad I didn't miss a notice. Thank you!

    EDIT: Thanks for the sub screencap.  I see quarterly is still there.  A surprise, as I thought at one point the plan was to do away with the Quarterly subs.

  7. When your name is the one on the line, I would not consider it paranoid to police your property for underage inappropriate game play and take the hard line.  It is smart business.  Any world business.  Why assume any shade of risk?

    And on the Genus head the base shape may be the same for many wearing it, but one's face is really detailed by the skin file in how many ways, and in extremes of youth to old. So any statement of a Brand head "always" looking one age or the other makes me wonder if they were just talking to talk and not taking the conversation seriously.  

    At any rate, yah, they rule, and best to move on to another area, or like RL set-up your own place and assume risk in your own name :)

    Don't let anyone ruin your inworld experience, not for a minute.

    • Like 1
  8. *Waves hello!*

    So she uses a pc, with Firestorm 64 latest.  Her graphics are Intel, this is a laptop. She logs in with her main avi just fine, stays, no issues.  Firestorm seems to work fine.  If she didn't have an avi+alt account to try, she would never know there was an issue.  She tries with her alt avi, same pc, same FS install, same graphics card etc. same internet connection and she tries relative to just having logged out of the main avi account, but it throws this Windows 10 error.  Her Windows 10 is up to date, her Intel is updated/reboot, and the issue remains.

    I ask myself if the Firestorm install itself needs to be reinstalled, when it works great for hours and hours on the main avi account?  


  9. 5 hours ago, Lancewae Barrowstone said:

    Something is going on now with all the performance issues, odd things happening in world. 


    5 hours ago, Lindal Kidd said:

    lots of other weird issues


    5 hours ago, Lancewae Barrowstone said:

    No one seems to be reporting them or talking about them


    Agreed. It drew my attention when I saw time was invested in logo recoloring and bio publishing, while at the same time there sits support tickets in the queue for months with no further comment on priority or if it will be fixed at all.  Stood out because that seems significantly different from response in the past.   


  10. I read the first five pages, page 17 skimmed, and page 20 only.  

    Stood out: "proposed" acquisition, business as usual, concerns of change naturally.

    Change is coming, but until it arrives if ever I expect little to no notice of it likely.  I suppose change was coming 10 years ago when I came into the picture (I just didn't see it every day), it was happening when I hit five years (I just didn't see it), and is happening now (proposed change only, no inworld changes seen).  One flexes as change necessitates, on both sides of it in their own situations.  Lots of possible outcomes.  I will flex.  I certainly hope to still be here after the dust if any settles from this or any future changes.  

    But like Wall Street, let's hope that concerns about "possible catastrophe" do not trigger less "inworld investment" by concerned users.  Any proposed owner change may never happen, or may have zero noticeable impact ever.  But scaring investors in the interim over changes that are only proposed might.  

    I do not forget that the reason I am inspired to stay in SL is that there are pretty places to go and things to do and that other inworld residents invest something to keep those public places there and it ain't cheap.  And that there are many other varied users here I can interact with on many levels, all attracted to SL and what other inworld resident investors put time and money into producing for public use.  

    • Like 1
  11. On 6/18/2020 at 5:01 AM, xBaeBeex said:

    167 is 167


    Reality for me is that I do not factor in the weekly stipend we receive into the cost of a subscription.  That would seem to indicate it was some kind of loan one gives SL at the start of each premium subscription payment, which SL then pays us back a part of that loan weekly thereafter.  I've not ever interpreted the SL advertisements for the list of subscription benefits to even come close to that.  Though I can definitely see how one might use some sort of net analysis to determine whether buying a subscription is worth it to them.  

  12. 11 hours ago, Kris Spade said:

    and an nVidia GTX 1080 Ti

    Thanks for sharing, now watching the JIRA.  I have a 1080 so this caught my attention, but Jira Environment shows 1070? And courageous, that jumping to Win10 2004!

    EDIT: Related to a different Jira, I disable my Intel and enable only the 1080, and all runs stellar - grateful for that!   Unknown if it helps, but in my case with the Intel disabled, left monitor as primary, and only the 1080 enabled - my FS viewer launches seemingly fine on the monitor I "closed" it prior on, either left primary, or right.

  13. Good gosh this is frustrating.  Still happening of course.  It takes soooooooo much time to put up even a single new or edited item ad that it makes it no fun at all to do it.  I cannot ignore the other what is it six language tabs, because using Quick Fill for a "blue" item, will show "Blue" in the other languages ads but the customer will e.g. receive a bag with a "grey" item. 

    This Jira shows no assigned priority?  eww, eww, ask me ask me!  

    Somewhat afraid to admit to myself that I have a list of open issues (not minor, and not just my own), and am confused as to what is priority?  Perhaps it is just me and I am being grumpy, it wouldn't be the first time and won't be the last. That's what copy/paste and editing all those tabs in MP ads will do to a person 🤔


  14. On 6/14/2020 at 11:23 PM, Istelathis said:

    what the new premium tier will bring to the table, and how much it will cost.  I wonder if it will be a better deal

    I am watching intently.  I almost hesitated to renew annual last year.  This because the possibility occurred to me that  the up-level new premium might actually pull some current Premium bennies into the new level (where the old premium I was subscribing to for a full year might be *less* later in the year, etc.).  


    • Like 1
  15. 19 hours ago, MelodicRain said:

    still not sure why people need to locate others at an instant, given LL's countless other measures on privacy,

    Sharing why I use radar.

    It has its very positive uses which benefits others as much as me when I use it.  When I travel to Public or Premium sandboxes, I use radar to see where [anyone else] currently is already working. Once I see where everyone else already is, I instantly walk to a clear spot and get out of their way. Especially useful if I may be at that location more than a few minutes.  Without radar I would have only visuals, and I keep my draw distance small to avoid seeing all kinds of scattered sky objects, etc.  Without radar I would have to bump into someone right up close before ever seeing them first!  Who wants to trip across other(s) on the way to a simple little spot in a sandbox, or be building and be bumped into by avi after avi while they are building something complex... It's distracting, and I am happy to avoid being a distraction.

    As to LL's countless other measures on privacy, to my understanding LL does what it is required to do on privacy. I would not be surprised if as a business LL only does what it is required. And if they do more I would equally not be surprised, but I wouldn't expect it.

    I don't like my privacy tripped across either. But largely it has been by accident, not nefarious and they leave quickly.  If instead you are uncomfortable more about someone stalking or griefing you, there are other ways you can respond to that.  But radars aren't the evildoers and so unfortunately removing radars would not remove the evildoers. 


    And so we loop back around to this, words of wisdom echoed for decades:

    18 hours ago, Nova Convair said:

    whatever you do - there is no privacy in SL.



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  16. 57 minutes ago, Chic Aeon said:

    Money you CAN cash out and money you cannot. So as I see it, that would be the only option

    Good reasoning. My thinking is that when I spend, it circulates to others (who may or may not cash out).  The incentive for both groups is to do it all over again and receive another payment of some kind, be it Lindens or cash. True that those who cash out may not take 100% of those dollars and reintroduce those into SL.  But of course as one who never cashes out (only in lol), I cannot control what others take away. But I can feel I/we all contribute by spending internally, and the hope is that those who have for years been inspired to advertise to attract my/others spending continue to do so.  It may not make good sense to SL to raise the Stipend, or it may given some challenges, diversions, and other stuff going on this year. Sometimes only time will tell the good decisions from the not-so. And I really wonder if any business plan, this moment in time, will remain exactly the same as what made sense January of this year. 

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