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Leora Jacobus

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Everything posted by Leora Jacobus

  1. Would be technically impossible to "bring them all" - or can you open more that two viewer-windows? I sometimes logg in two alts together - they give each other things or some such - but three or more? Maybe it's possible with more than one computer - never tried.
  2. Great!!! We are neighbours I just found out ... at least your alt and my alt are! Ooops no I mistook your house for another one. You are three houses further down the street - changed it to an Addams didn't you?
  3. South Haven released! And I got EXACTLY the house I wanted! Was quite an adventure! I had camped there just in the garden of the house I wanted - like I did last time when I did not notice the "bing" and messed it up. This time I was in another room so either I did not hear them holler or it was just a "bing" again. Anyway when I came back grey screen "you have been logged out"! I started to refresh like mad ... got a Trad .. but in XXX (I forgot the name nothing interesting). I rushed inworld and abandoned it at once. Then started manually refreshing again ... a TRAD ... I took it ! and it turned out to be the exact house from where they had thrown me out! seems like a miracle!
  4. Just saw THREE on the page : camper, traditional and houseboat! Thought that might be a realease, tried to catch the trad .... but gone with the wind! Only campers again!
  5. Just caught a traditional in https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/River Run/184/228/0 Will check it out and abandon it in 6 minutes at 9:45 am SLT Looks rather nice on the map - inside Pickle island next to water. PS Definetely a nice one! Will let go NOW ... in maintainance ...9:48 ...GONE 9:49 May he enjoy it! ... If I did not have Axim and Blackwater Shoals this would have been a keeper!
  6. It's a whole lovely island! I landed a traditional in Conger Reef there as a Christmas present. Definetely a keeper! Seems a lot of people active in this thread are assembling on this island ... or it's not quite so nice clone in the south with the black mountain.
  7. /me checks the next item on her list Next should be SSPE342 Franklin Hollow
  8. THAT is the right tool for me!! Just tried it! Worked to a marvel!
  9. The bad thing about it that you MAY make sure you ge ONE of the parcels of a special region by camping there and watching for restarts but you just have to roll the dice as to WHICH of the parcels you get. So was it with me in Silent Shore. I badly wanted one special house (maybe the neighbouring) but none of the others would have done. So I camped there for days ... and finally messed it up and got none. I had a bet with myself running: If I had gotten that special plot I would have given up the one in Blackwater Shoals I had wanted so badly, So it is just aswell! Can keep Blackwater for the time being.
  10. Well I did not look very long view. I thought you meant next to it.
  11. I downloaded the Color picker but did not find out how to use it.
  12. It has gotten complicated. I stalked Silent Shores and failed. This Saltmarsh is not on my list. Hasn't been any SSPE before but is on one of the two beautyful clone- islands that appeared out of the blue in the Northeast and South of Belliseria just before Christmas. The campers are a different matter alltogether. They are the only theme constantly available since Christmas and there must be a big pool of newly released plus abandoned ones. The order in which they are given out is a miracle, maybe just random? But when it comes to traditionals and houseboats on my list of former SSPE regions they seem to be release daily just like in the old days. So my guess woud be SSPE333 Gridley Crossroads today.
  13. Totally forgot about the camper I caught this morning in Rayburn https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Rayburn/172/128/0! Will release it in 10 minutes at 9:50 am SLT It is near water but not very near. No waterfall as @Chloe Dolores said - must be another one.
  14. I'm aware of that! That's why I wouldn't have dreamt of AR-ing it! And hoped that noone else would notice it hadn't been Mole-made.
  15. You mean "abandon" don't you? In Dunbar where I have a home I guess there is little chance of abandoned homes but on the opposite shore the moles are busy building new Victorian regions (SSP1036 and neighbouring) and I guess these might be released in a few days, anyway till the end of the month. See here ...
  16. I have a Victorian in Dunbar on the opposite shore of the new Victorian regions. Yesterday everything was still in a violett glow - did not seem ready yet.
  17. One time I saw something a neighbour did that I really liked: On the public land there was a little lake which my house and his (and a few others) backed to. He had somehow managed to place a wooden dock there with a bench and towel and some decorations very well done and pretty ... and I could use it (or anyone) just like the nice restcorners the Moles sometimes give us. No reason on earth anyone should AR that!
  18. A case when I lately did it (on a lot I since abandoned) and am likely to do it again: You get a small portion of fence or wall on the front of your house. If you want to make that longer and cover the edge of your plot, using the pieces you find in your mailbox, you would not be able to join it to the moles bit if you keep inside your parcel, for THEIRS is outside! So I make an invisible anchor prim and push the fence or wall outside to form a line. I guess no Mole or neighbour would object to that!
  19. Gooood that you opened this thread! I was thinking of doing so - or adding it to the Victorian thread. Gooood idea that we should share some RGB values. Not everyone is able to find them on their own. If you google "victorian colours" you'll find a lot of examplepictures. You can download them and pick the RGB values in a paintshop or photoshop or Gimp programm. I analysed and tried the following: 231,224,197 = MY beige ------------------------ 82,147,113 = Verdigirls green ----------------------- 37,75,52 = Mid Brunswick green --------------------------- 90,56,57 = Royal Maroon ------------------------- 229,203,144 = Pale Cream --------------------- 163,180,196 = Light Cobalt ----------------- 103,116,135 = DH Indigo -------------------
  20. Just now I saw campers available 1:30 am SLT. They have been available whenever I looked at the LP. Seems to be an endless amout of them. Just out of curiousity I picked one up. https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Rayburn/172/128/0 in the middle of the continent but seems to have water near so I'll keep it for a few hours then inspect it and abandon it. Just now I have RL fish to fry!
  21. The four boats had allready been released on 14th at 7:35 am SLT ... so now the campers aswell? As they usually never do any releases on Sunday I guess when the region has been released the boats were grabbed at once and the campers somehow got stuck amongst the obviously still numerous mixture of campers (new and abandoned) that are still in the pipe.
  22. I looked but did not find a lot in this case.
  23. I would advise to stay put where you are. I even retired my househunting alt so depressing I found what she landed! If you are not looking for a camper do not risk to let go and end up regretting it!
  24. You are right!! Searching Cobb also found nothing. Had to look up Frigga's post by her profile. That did the trick!!
  25. Are you sure? I searched for "Cobbs" and didn't get any results that fitted the release of Cobbs Market. PS: When I search for "Cobbs" bx @Frigga Freidman i get ZERO results.
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