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Marianne McCann

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Posts posted by Marianne McCann

  1. It's frustrating that a person comes here to report this then, after folks good naturedly try to tease out the root causes of the exploit, said person gets offended that people tried to help. It's not about people thinking you are either an idiot nor a liar, it's about trying to figure out what happened, based on the knowledge of all the users here. People are *trying to help* by shedding light on the potential causes of this as best as they can. Isn't that what you wanted?

    At any rate, I *would* suggest to the original poster (as @Innula Zenovka suggested): please consider opening an SEC JIRA on this. You can do so my logging into jira.secondlife.com and creating a new issue. Select "2. Second Life Security Exploits - SEC" from the first drop down, and fill in the rest of the information as clearly and concisely as you can. 

    Like you, @Teller96, we want to see whatever loophole this person is using closed if possible. 

    • Like 6
  2. 7 hours ago, Arduenn Schwartzman said:

    You all probably accidentally landed in a crowded infohub now and then—full of flamboyantly-dressed, loudmouthed kids, clashing egos, n00b-unfriendly folk, provoking trolls dragging unaware people into lewd discussions, stoners, bored millennials ripping and spreading ****-pics from others. They used to hang out in Infohubs/Welcome Areas like Waterhead, Violet, Ahern, Korea1. Their reputation was so questionable, that Linden Lab decided to unlist these locations from Second Life Search. Not that I miss them per se, or that I really feel the need to socialize with them, but all these places have been deserted for the past few months now. Does anyone know what happened? Where they went? Did Linden Lab purge them from Second Life? Did they find a new place, on another grid?

    Try the Zindra infohubs.

    • Like 1
  3. 1 hour ago, Macphisto Angelus said:

    'Twas Taco Tuesday here tonight. I would be lying if I said Tacos were reserved for Tuesday.. just kinda turned out that way tonight. :P

    I usually have 'em on Monday, cuz 1. Monday needs something good, and 2. Why wait?

    • Like 3
  4. "Similarly, some of the first educators and researchers in SL were a bit clumsy in their approach. There were early incidents in which Residents felt—rightly—that they were being spied upon or treated like guinea pigs rather than human beings. Imagine how you would feel if an entire class of students set up right next to your vacation hideaway, left trash lying around, logged your conversations, and posted them on the Internet with criticism and mean-spirited comments. This is exactly what happened to some early Residents. Things have improved greatly in the years since then, but sometimes SL Residents are still subject to that kind of inconsiderate behavior. For example, a constant stream of researchers (often students) posts on the Second Life official forums requesting that Residents please take their surveys. Most of these surveys include the same questions that have been asked over and over. Often they aren't spell-checked, or refer to SL as a game—a sure way to irritate a substantial number of Residents. Some Residents make a hobby of critiquing these surveys, pointing out how the questions and their wording make it clear that the researcher isn't familiar with Second Life. Some post outright that they are sick of badly planned surveys and suggest that the researchers log in and do their own research. "

    From The Second Life Grid: The official guide to communication, collaboration, and community engagement

    by Kimberly Rufer-Bach

    ISBN: 978-0-470-41291-6

    • Like 2
  5. On 4/3/2017 at 5:33 PM, Mitchell Indigo said:

    Hey everyone:

    So I've been trying for a few months to host what I called social around the campfire events where we talk about anything and everyone happening in either second life or real life.  However, most of the time, I don't get attendees.

    I'll post the event in SL events
    I'll spam in various spam groups
    I'll advertise wherever else I can advertise.

    Are events like this not popular anymore?

    Is there something more I should be doing?

    Speaking from experience, it can take a bit for something to catch on. My own open mics took a while to really get going, and even now still has off nights.

    • Like 1
  6. 24 minutes ago, Maureen Boccaccio said:

    Not sure if this has been answered.  I did a quick search and didn't find anything, so my apologies if this has been asked/answered.  We can see when someone has "liked" a post of ours, but is there a way to see the person's name?

    I'd "like" that

    • Like 7
  7. The Pen proudly presents Espresso Yourself night, Tuesday, the 4th of April at 6:00 p.m. SLT.

    What is "Espresso Yourself?" It's a chance to take your spot on the stage and share. Tell a joke, share your poetry, read a chapter from your favorite book, sing a song. Just share! Voice or Text. Talent not required, but passion is mandatory. Also, no mimes.

    The Pen is located in the heart of Bay City - Mashpee! You'll also find more info on the Pen's website.



    • Like 3
  8. 4 hours ago, Ceka Cianci said:

    I don't know if that was in reference to what I was saying or not..I'm not sure what the lessor prim sims are called..It's been awhile since I've been in world ..

    I just know that back then ,and they may still do it today..For so many of the full prim sims you had gotten, you would get a lessor prim sim for free or at a discount.I forget which..

    Those lessor prim sims that the owner of GOL had,were all turned into water sims and joined together..

    I just remember calling them something like void sims..


    I know. Just clarifying language so as to not see anyone get confused between void sea and openspace regions. 

  9. Just for point of reference:

    "Void sea" is not a sim. It is a void. There is no simulator running any region supporting hardware on that block of the grid. There's no "there" there. It's an aesthetically-pleasing bit o' nothing.

    People can pay to have regions in place of void, of course, and that's cool if they can, but even if replaced with open space regions, that is still costing someone US$75.00 a month to support - and the grid has an awful lot of void on it.

    (Also, because I'm tired and pedantic today: a simulator runs a region, but many simulators run multiple regions. Ergo, calling a region a "sim" is a misnomer.)

  10. 3 hours ago, Heath Juran said:

    i wish on sl we could change our name like in other games,yes we can change it but i mean change it complitely ,so no one will be know who u was before,this way no need make alts and spend money to new inventory,and LL could make more money they will be charge for new name,tell me if u like this idea!

    Sadly, as mentioned above, it is indeed an unworkable option. Some core functions of SL rely on the UUID/username pairing. I know they *have* done changes in the past, but it's *extremely* rare (example, Cory Linden's account becoming Cory Ondrejka, or Pituca Fairisle becoming Pituca Fairchang when she got married in the early days).

    At this point, I could only see them doing such for a sizable amount, and not as a publicized service. I would not see them making it any easier to change the username. 

    • Like 1
  11. 4 hours ago, Tommy Linden said:


    I was just about to come in here and say that unfortunately I don't think this is a feature we are going to be able to implement, it looks like someone else beat me to it though (I have been very busy with many projects lately). I know it is not quite the same, but the use of italics and speaking in the 3rd person is unfortunately the best solution I have to this.

    Tommy offers a consoling smile as part of the apology.

    Was worth a shot!

  12. On 3/25/2017 at 5:36 PM, Rachael4God said:

    I am not in SL for sex or the wild things, I am a  devout Christian lady ,,, seeking to find a nice Christian man. To discuss things, explore, all things that build up our faith.

    Are there any such people in SL? So far all I have met are those seeking the crude elements. Surely some are in that know God.


    While I am not sure of your particular branch of Christianity or how that  may mesh, I might recommend checking out the UCC folks in SL, who have a pretty strong group going.

    You can find other Christian (and other religious sects) at http://secondlife.com/destinations/belief

  13. 3 hours ago, Macphisto Angelus said:

    It is here on these forums, Amara. Honestly, none of the others ever felt right on alternate forums. And as for the sanitized place.. never cared to step a prim toe on it. But, SCII was fun for a bit. Nothing beats the REAL SL Forums in my opinion. I just hope we get to have the fun we used to have. I never used the last version because when a grid starts blocking people from general chat on the forums, it is either because they read it sucks and don't want people to say it or read it for fear of losing a buck. That was why we lost general the first time.  I would happily post here again if we get to play around and be human instead of answer bots. :P


    Many times this.

    I mean, the SCII one was good. I didn't try any of the others, but this is where JIALTOD was started, and where it would seem to belong - and while I did not really use the last version of the forums (the lack of sticky login on that one kept me away, for some reason), I'm plenty willing to enjoy the space nowadays.

    • Like 5
  14. 2 hours ago, Jo Yardley said:

    There is nowhere where you can actually change or set the grid references in the place pages edit.

    It is stuck at 23 meters high at the Z reference and even if the parcel has a forced landing point, via the place pages I still end up at the 23 meters Z location.

    This seems like a showstopper of a bug if you ask me.

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