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Rolig Loon

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Everything posted by Rolig Loon

  1. You have a connection issue that may be related to https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-25426? . As I read the reports in that JIRA, it seems to me that people who have had this problem have traced it to a failing router. You can try a couple of things first: (1) Try simply rebooting your router. Unplug it from the power for a few minutes. When you come back and plug it in, the router's RAM will have been cleared and it will be able to get a fressh grip on an IP address. (2) Change your DNS settings from whatever your ISP assigns you as a default. Use Google's free public DNS servers instead. Here's how >>> http://code.google.com/speed/public-dns/ (3) Here's an obscure hint from a previous thread that may be worth trying : "Log on to your router and choose ADSL settings on the left hand menu. Change Multiplexing Method from VC based to LLC based. " (4) If these things do not work, I'd suggest adding your own comments to the JIRA that I referenced above, including all details about the make and model of your router. That will help LL's developers as they try to find the root of the problem. You may be in the market for a new router.
  2. Unless I'm missing something, it should be fairly easy to do. It sounds as if you are selling one-of-a-kind objects. You rez one and it sits there until it is sold, then you rez the next one, and so on. Schematically, your script (1) Rezzes INVENTORY_OBJECT, 0 , remembering its name as it does. (2) Starts a timer, firing a sensor to look for the object by name every few seconds. If a no_sensor event is triggered .... (3) It checks to see if there's another object in inventory ( that is, if(llGetInventoryNumber(INVENTORY_OBJECT)) ) . If so ... (4) It rezzes the next object which, conveniently, is now INVENTORY_OBJECT, 0 because the previous object zero was already rezzed and has now been sold. This continues until there are no more objects left, when the script raises a sign that says EMPTY and shuts off the timed sensor. You don't have to do anything with money in the script at all. Each rezzed object is unique. You give it a price, set it to BUY OBJECT when clicked, and be sure that you have set it to sell the object itself (Original). As soon as a customer buys the object, it disappears into her/his inventory and L$ for the sale is transferred to your account. The vendor's sensor can't find the object any more, so it rezzes the next one. ETA: Aha... Amethyst has another way of thinking about it. If you are not thinking about selling one-of-a-kind objects, then a holovendor is exactly what you want. It's hard to beat Hiro Pendragon's free holovendor script, which is also full-perm. You can learn a lot by seeing how he designed it. Teleport to http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Varney/191/216/24 and see for yourself.
  3. $295. See >> http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Buying-Private-Regions/ta-p/700045
  4. It all depends on what animations you have loaded. Some animations automatically move your head in predefined ways, and no others. Others allow left-right movement in response to your mouse, and others allow full movement. Assuming that your animations allow movement, you can adjust debug settings (in Advanced (CTRL + Alt + D) >> Debug Settings) for YawFromMousePosition and PitchFromMousePosition to put limits on the amount of allowable movement in either direction.
  5. I can't tell you from experience whether there is a limit to how many articles of clothing you can attach to a single point on your av body because, frankly, I have never found a good reason to attach more than one at a time. Life is way too confusing already without having to deal with wearing three shirts and four pants of slacks. If there is a limit, though, I suspect that you could find out fast enough by just putting on every shirt you can find until the system refuses to let you add any more. The real puzzle, though, is why your clothes pop off when you go to a sandbox. I can't tell whether it's because you are wearing half your wardrobe at once, but I can guess that SL's servers are having a hard time getting the avatar appearance file from your computer intact. Whenever you change appearance in any way, the change is recorded first on your own computer and is then uploaded to SL so that it will be visible to everyone. If I were you, I would do what I can to be sure that I was not losing valuable information during that process. If you're on wireless, get off it. If it's been a while since you rebooted your router, do it now (Unplug it from the power for a few minutes and then plug it back in.).
  6. "Spitting isn't nice." -- Your Mom "Storm is." -- Me :smileywink:
  7. You should have received an e-mail with that information in it. If you didn't, or if it was misplaced, just go to your Dashboard at http://secondlife.com . Then click on Land Manager >> My Mainland in the menu on the left side of the page. Your address is listed there. ETA: When you are at your home, select World >> Set Home Here from the menu at the top of your screen. Once you have done that, you can always go home by just typing CTRL + Shift + H.
  8. If it is very massive, you may not be able to fight gravity successfully. Do everything you can to remove mass. Make components hollow, remove unnecessary prims....... and of course, do not use megaprims.
  9. The generic answer is that you don't get help from a Linden, unless you are a Premium member and are using Live Chat. I missed seeing your question in Answers, but just went looking and spotted it in Servers. Voice has always been problematic, so solving voice problems involves magic and good luck as much as pushing the right sequence of buttons. If you haven't already looked, read the suggestions at http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/doku.php?id=fs_voice . Check also to be sure that you don't have a firewall or antivirus program blocking the Vivox programs that actually handle voice for SL: SLVoice.exe and SLVoiceAgent.exe.
  10. First of all, please understand that this is NOT a free land giveaway. It is a limited sale, during which LL is waiving the one-time setup fee on new land. You still have to pay all other fees and you will have the ongoing cost of tier to pay. Read the Terms & Conditions of sale carefully. I have highlighted the portion that answers your question specifically: To be eligible, you must have a valid method of payment on file at the time you place your order. You will be responsible for paying the first month maintenance fee, plus any applicable VAT on the Land you take delivery of, at the time we deliver the Land. Normal monthly maintenance billing cycles apply thereafter. Land orders will be delivered to your account within 24 hours of placing your order, unless additional information is required. We must receive your Island order case submission between October 21 12:01 a.m. (Pacific) and October 23 11:59 p.m. (Pacific). Orders received outside of this time frame will not be processed. See the full information about this program at http://secondlife.com/land/sale/ --||-
  11. Muting/blocking only affects what you receive. You can't receive their chat or see their pristine avatar, for example, but they can still receive yours and can see you just fine. They don't even know that you have muted them, unless you say so. Anyone can always find you, whether you have muted them or not. You can run, but you can't hide.
  12. Lots of things. >>> http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/doku.php?id=fs_bake_fail What works for one person won't necessarily work for the next person, and it may not be the same thing that works for you tomorrow. Start with the simple things at the top of the list and work down until you find what works for you today.
  13. Or if you put full transparent textures on them. My sim crossings have invisible bridges.
  14. As an addition to my earlier post .... If you use the Firestorm viewer, you'll find that it has a "Delete This Name" button right under the username box on the login page.
  15. Bonjour, damamino! Permettez-moi de deux morceaux de conseils: (1) Ce n'est pas un bon endroit pour solliciter des volontaires. C'est une zone de résident à résident pour poser des questions sur Second Life. Très peu de personnes que vous souhaitez interviewer verrez jamais votre note ici, et nous ne pouvons pas répondre parce que vous n'êtes pas poser une question. (2) Il est imprudent d'afficher votre adresse e-mail dans un endroit comme celui-ci. Il invitera les spammeurs et autres de voler votre adresse et l'utiliser à des fins nuisibles. Il serait mieux de retirer votre adresse dès que possible.
  16. A broken link? To what? If you mean that the HUD doesn't seem to be communicating with whatever it is supposed to be controlling (I can guess what a **bleep** is, but I can't be sure), there could be several reasons: (1) You are in a no-scripts parcel. (2) The script in either the HUD or the **bleep** has stalled and needs to be reset. (3) You aren't wearing the **bleep**, or aren't wearing it properly. (4) The HUD script is damaged. Most of those possible causes and a few other less plausible ones are easy to handle. Go to another sim and try it. Restart the scripts or at least detach and reattach the objects. Read the creator's instructions carefully. Contact the creator.
  17. As Angel says, it's like buying anything else in SL. Go to Marketplace, type in "baby", hit Search, and pay your L$.
  18. Read the very large, boxed note on the web page that I gave you earlier: NOTE: Starting with Viewer version 2.6.0, you will need to go to the Me->Preferences->Advanced menu and enable "Show Advanced Menu" before the above will work.
  19. That is extremely weird, especially because our standard SL avatars only have one arm. The way the avatar body was designed by LL, it uses the same arm for both left and right. That drives designers nuts, because it means that they can't make a tattoo that only works on the left arm or a dress that only has one sleeve. Now that mesh has arrived, it is finally possible to create specialty avatars that really do have two arms, but there aren't many of those available yet. Unless you bought one of them recently, I can only guess that there's something seriously wrong with your viewer. Try installing a third party viewer or doing a clean re-install (http://blog.nalates.net/2011/02/22/second-life-clean-install/) of the viewer you have been using.
  20. What viewer are you using? That grid access has been a feature of every viewer for years.
  21. Somehow? They wouldn't be there if you hadn't put them there yourself. So ..... what was the question again? Try reading http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Blocking/ta-p/700121
  22. Yes, we all know. :smileytongue: You will too. Read >>> http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Editing-your-appearance/ta-p/700709 and http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Avatar-attachments/ta-p/700031
  23. Not really. Invitation only is the best solution. People can keep adding the group over and over other wise. You could make it expensive, I suppose..... L$100 to join (refunded to most people, but you don't advertize that. :smileytongue: )
  24. You probably have a corrupted viewer. The best solution is to do a clean re-install. That means totally removing all traces of your current installation and then downloading and installing a fresh copy. If you install a new viewer on top of a damaged one, you may inherit some of the borked files that were giving you trouble before. Here's how to do a clean re-installation >>> http://blog.nalates.net/2011/02/22/second-life-clean-install/
  25. Are you using the Phoenix or Firestorm viewer? If so, you may have derendered that person by mistake. To rerender it you need to remove it from the blacklist. Access the Asset Blacklist from the Phoenix menu at the top of your screen. Click on the item you want to rerender, note avatars show as objects. Click the Remove button. Change your group tag, or teleport out and back. The object, or avatar will render in a few seconds.
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