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Sherlock Aedipo

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Everything posted by Sherlock Aedipo

  1. Does anyone know if it is possible to change the default setting for showing events on ones dashboard. It only shows those events that are for "General" I would like to see at least events for "Moderate". Thanks, Sherlock
  2. You are not the only one with the problem. I have been going crazy tryin to figure out if something changed in my browser settings... but nothing changed. I stopped in to the forum to see if others also had the problem... and viola.... I am not the only one either.
  3. I want to exchange some of my L$ & have not done this before. Does the 3.5% exchange fee come out of your L$ or does it come out of the dollars you are trying to get?
  4. Thanks to both of you for answering my questions. This now changes how I will be using the keywords box and allow me to make it much more effective. I had been doing so much duplication of words it was crazy! Again, Thank you! Sherlock
  5. I am wondering about the best way to manage my keyword space in a Marketplace Item listing. How do the keywords get entered? Do you have to put a space after each comma? I want to maximize my characters in the keyword box. Also, If the words are already in the Item name and description, is it necessary to use those words again in the keywords box? Thanx, Sherlock
  6. I noticed the same thing. I hope this will be rectified. Anyone hear anything else about this? I like to have shadows when I do photos.
  7. Its good to see this idea has come up before, i see the solution is incomplete, and that others want the level of detail that I was suggesting, and for the same reasons.
  8. I was wondering if there was a way ot create a personal calendar for the Dashboard and be able to click on an event to add it to the personal calendar there and maybe also inworld? This might be a handy tool. I like to go through events ahead of time to see what I am interested in attending, but sometimes forget when they happen? I have to write it down on paper.
  9. I was just going to post a similar suggestion, but I thinking adding to this String is appropriate. I have thought that having a personal calendar on the Dashboard would be great, and if you saw an event you were interested in, then you could click it to add it to your schedule. This could be expanded to bring into SL so you could get a reminder of an upcoming event you wanted to attend.
  10. Turning off "Show display names" now allows me to see all the names in my friends list... but as you said... why would they let this problem pass through into the final version.
  11. Luc, I also lost the function to "Replace Current Outfit" with the upgrade from Viewer 2.1 to 2.2
  12. Now that I have updated to Viewer 2.3 peoples names in my friends list show up as question marks "???" unless they are online. I amusing the MAC version.. has anyone else encountered this?
  13. I noticed that after upgrading to Viewer 2.2, I lost the ability to "Replace Current Outfit" When any of my clothing folders is right clicked, the option is grayed out. This leaves me to undress completely and then choose my outfit and select "Add to Current Outfit"
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