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Tazzie Tuque

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Posts posted by Tazzie Tuque

  1. I think your idea of showcasing clothing suitable for the "over 40 set"  avatars is interesting,  but might I suggest you start a blog to do this..  that way you can showcase as many items as you want to, and in turn only those who are interested need read it.  Not all folks who are over 40 in RL want to use an avatar that looks as old as they really are.  Many of us enjoy being eternally young, and beautiful,  enjoying a wide variety of clothing styles.  I make much of my own clothing, but sometimes will buy something from another creator, keeping the economy going.  So personally I don't need a list of stores or a load of pictures of someone's outfits..  But as I said starting a blog for this purpose seems to me like the ideal thing for you to do.

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  2. Wow!  I am impressed,  I just received the Maitreya Lara V5 BOM version..  as an update at no additional cost..  and I must say after reading all the information about it and trying it out  I am very very impressed indeed.  This body covers it all!  Everything you need as a mesh body, alpha sections hud included, plus the BOM features and more...  Thank you Maitreya, this was well worth waiting for!

  3. 2 hours ago, KaOrIn92 said:

    i use photoshop CC with 3d avatar templates

    no matter what i try i can't get get nice sharp and crisp tattoo's.

    they are allwas unsharp (examples are attached)

    save the  files in 2048x2048p 

    What format are you saving them in?  I find .TGA format to be the best for tats.  Also if the tat itself is very small chances of blur are greater, I mean the image itself not the over all size of the texture especially when it comes to text, some text fonts are better than others for sharp edges.  If you want, PM me and I can send you a note card outlining how I make mine.  And as for the overall size 2048 x 2048 is likely too large,  I would downsize to 1024 x 1024 or even try 512 x 512.


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  4. Weclome to SL.. Glad you are taking advantage of the opportunity to be creative here:)  However, it is not cool to be posting your work in here,  that is seen as advertising and that is not allowed.  

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  5. One of the wonderful things about SL is that it has it's own economy.  It offers people the chance to learn a skill, or use a skill they already have, to build, create,  start a business make things others might want. Use your talents to host in a club, become a model for stores or events.   It also offers a load of fee stuff for those who are a bit short of Lindens and have not figured out how to make their own way in SL, try a search for free items.    As has been noted above pretty much everything (big name brand products) you are looking for are no transfer so you will either have to find a way to pay for it or find a free shop and take what is offered there.  And what ever you do, do not take to begging for lindens in group chats..  As you can probably tell, most folks here take a dim view of beggars.   I do not see your post as begging exactly but a post from a noobie who hasn't yet learned the ropes.  

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  6. sorry I am pretty sure I have not seen anything like that in my travels around SL..  but by all means contacting the owner of the listing in MP is probably a good idea,  I know I have done that before when I can't find something I have been looking for..  and most times I get the reply I am hoping for.. Good Luck!

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  7. 3 hours ago, Pussycat Catnap said:

    Post up a blog with this week's items from 'top shop (tm)' worn by an avatar with hips wider than Texas and arms shorter than an ant's legs, with hands that make Trump's look big... and frowning lips that look like somebody had an accident in the room of a blackface makeup artist... and ears that poke out at right angle with more piercings on them than your grandmother's sewing pin cushion... "photoshopped" in "Windows Paint" with the words "Kewl" onto it... and you get eleventy-million clicks...

    yes!   that was my point exactly!  I just did not describe it as well as you!

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  8. 41 minutes ago, Sofia Gray said:

    If I am looking at the work of a blogger, I want to be influenced.  I want to be inspired.

    Hard to be inspired if it all looks like an abstract glaring mess!  But to each his own I guess.  Artistic presentation is something I would look at twice if it is tastefully done and does not offend my eyes.  And yes there are a handful of good bloggers out there who accomplish this...  but for every one of those there are 100 wannabes who are failing miserably at "influencing".. me anyhow.  But actually although I got into this side spin, I believe I got off topic here.. Sorry!  This is fuel for a whole different discussion.




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  9. On 1/12/2020 at 7:43 PM, Sofia Gray said:

    I feel as though I don't really even see a ton of quality blogger content anymore to influence my decisions...(although there seems to be no shortage of 'bloggers').

    AMEN!  I find it really hard to tell just what an article of clothing really looks like when it is presented in a mega busy background, with harsh glaring lighting, on a way distorted body shape,  which seems to be the trend for some so called bloggers these days.  I will follow a blogger link, but the minute it shows up looking like some bizarre abstract it gets quickly clicked off.  Too many like that out there trying to be creative, but failing miserably, which does nothing to help the designer of the clothing at all!!    And this is sad, because that article of clothing might be awesome but you could never tell by the blog post.

  10. 56 minutes ago, Sofia Gray said:

    but there are still plenty of content creators out there making quality clothes that don't require all your bits to hang out.  (At least not all at the same time... :) )

    There certainly are!  In fact there is absolutely no shortage at all..  But folks have to be willing to look further than the "big names" to find it,  just saying.

  11. 47 minutes ago, Desiree Moonwinder said:

    Now that we have resizer scripts that can handle X, Y, and Z separately from complex linksets, resizer scripts get the job done pretty well.  

    This is very true I agree.  The problem is getting hair creators to use them.  I have not got what I would call a large or strange shaped head, but I have had to pass on many hair styles I really liked because of course they were mesh and rigged and no mod... impossible to get a fit, impossible to even move the tiny bit that would be needed to fit.  I wonder if hair makers realize that having the product so fixed in size and position, with no way to alter the size or position is a loss of sales?  As I am sure I am not alone with this experience.. and I certainly am NOT going to change my head shape just to fit hair.  I know someone is going to say but your mesh head has alphas in the hud, to be used for this purpose... ummm no the alpha sections for the head will not work in the front at the hairline, they only work for back of the head.

  12. I totally agree with you on this, that is why when I make an outfit to sell,  it always includes all the parts and because I know a lot of shoppers don't have tons of lindens to spend,  I also include the outfit on a texture/colour change hud.  so they end up getting all the choices and all the parts for a price they can afford..  between 325 and 450 L usually.  I do this because I appreciate finding items like this when I am shopping; all packaged up together with a reasonable price.  It just makes sense to me.

    • Like 2
  13. 32 minutes ago, Drake1 Nightfire said:

    I guess keeping system layer stuff in my store was a good idea

    Yes it was a very good idea,  I did pretty much the same and continued to make the odd outfit in system layers and have them in their own vendor.  Many of the older ones I have pulled out and marked down to 90L  in bargain vendors..  Happy they can still be of use.  

    I keep wondering though, where all this will go.  Right now the whole system of BOM seems still confusing, and scattered, meaning not everyone is on the same page yet, body creators and clothing creators..  It is hard to keep ahead of the game when there is still so much diversity in thinking where BOM is concerned.  And still many bugs and issues to be worked out.

  14. 2 hours ago, anna2358 said:

    There are many types of clothing that cannot be 'alpha'ed by a HUD using alpha-cuts

    And indeed there are many more that cannot be alpha'd out with an alpha layer..  especially when it comes to arms and hands as alpha layers can only do both or none,  as there is only one arm on the template to make alphas, and that one arm gets applied to both on the body making it impossible to have a one sleeve dress, or anything asymmetrical having to do with the arms and hands.

  15. 7 hours ago, moirakathleen said:

    In addition to providing an assortment of alphas, Slink also included some info on making alphas with the Redux body and on the  BOM faq on their web page, and made video tutorials (one using Photoshop and one using Gimp) showing how to make alphas.  My prior experience with Gimp was limited to just being able to resize a picture, so I was really excited that I was able to follow her tutorial and be successful in creating and uploading an alpha layer I needed for one of my shirts that I couldn't use other existing alphas for.

    Once again this alpha issue comes up with BOM and mesh bodies.  And once again I have to say, the average person in SL is NOT going to WANT to be BOTHERED with making alphas in order to use their mesh clothing.  AND most mesh clothing for specific bodies does NOT come with alpha layers since mesh bodies all had an alpha hud with them.. which took care of that issue..  So a new BOM mesh body comes out.. with no hud.. and forces folks to make alphas for all their mesh cloting..  Sorry Not acceptable.  We still need that alpha hud.  I hope like really hope, the other mesh body makers take that into consideration when they do their BOM mesh body version.   Well, you  say,  you can always revert back to using the old version of your mesh body when you want to use mesh clothing...   what if you  would like to use both.. mesh clothing and a BOM top say under a jacket.. This BOM idea should be able to make that a reality.. and body makers need to understand that and make it as easy as possible for their customers to use.

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  16. It is likely due to priorities,  LL is always coming up with something new for SL,  so it may be in the works who knows.  But if it costs a lot to do, they most probably won't have it on their list.  SL is after all a business, a money making business,  as evidenced in rate increases across the board including the increased chunk they take from MP sales.  So unless something new is going to guarantee it will pay for itself I doubt it will happen.  Personally, I could do without, animesh,  and BOM is not quite how I envisioned it either,  and I do hope that idea of playing with those new environment settings they tried briefly, is dead in the water..  Having said that, I would love to see something like this in SL.  Been here almost 15 years, and I have seen a whole lot of really great improvements, can't knock that.. but I am afraid some of the things we would like, just ain't gonna happen.

  17. 1 hour ago, MelodyClone1 said:

    Really sad and pathetic that creators think the average user is too dumb to know how to do simple things like edit size, tint or play with material settings.

    That is NOT what making things no mod is all about at all.. no one thinks folks are too dumb to know how to use these things.   It IS about preserving the creators, creation from being totally messed up by folks messing with the material settings and the tints.  It takes a long time to create something in SL,  a lot of hours, work and attention to detail,  and they do not wanna see one of their creations made into some kind of hideous "thing"...  with their name on it.

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  18. 5 hours ago, charlottevics said:

    I hate the hypersexualization of fashion in Second Life too. It's why I prefer Japanese fashion designers/creators. They tend to value quality, creativity and uniqueness over sex appeal which is overrated to me. And I wish more designers did focus less on it,

    More designers DO focus on just these "quality, creativity, and uniqueness".. this is NOT limited to any ONE nationality for fashion design.  This whole discussion,  got started because someone made an observation, about the over abundance of "let it all hang out" fashions that are out there and made a statement on it.  I think I said this before, but I will say it again, 1. Sexy does NOT always mean "let it all hang out" meaning T & A.   A well designed item can be totally sexy and cover everything it needs to.  and  2.  SL is a huge place, and has a lot of diverse tastes in fashion,  there is room for it all..  it is just a matter of personal choice as to what you like or do not like.. and where you shop or do not shop.  Those T & A fashions have their place and serve their purpose for those who want them.   AND yes you are likely to find both styles in many stores, and why not?  We are free to pick and chose what we prefer.  

  19. I have made my own shapes since I started in SL over 14 years ago, and way way back when, I used to make shapes and sell them as well..  I started out using one of the LL shapes found in the library as they are full perm to you.  when you have adjusted that to a new shape you like, save it as mentioned in the post above and name it,  then you can assign any perms you want for the next owner..  However, if you are starting with a shape made by someone else and the perms are no transfer, chances are yes it will remain no transfer to you even if you make a new one from it.  

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  20. And I so agree with you, yes one can be as sexy as heck without letting it all hang out..  In fact the men I hang with, do not find the hanging out stuff sexy at all.. they find a well dressed and well draped garment much more alluring.

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  21. 1 hour ago, HoneyBear Lilliehook said:

    And that conservative little picture you had going there....incorrect. 

    Aww you edited the best part of that out..  saw it in my email but when I got here it was gone.  Anyhow I did see it and thank you for my evening laugh.. I thought it was hillarious.

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  22. 23 minutes ago, MelodyClone1 said:

    If you don't like the style, let's see, then don't shop there? Really, no one gives a *****. Must be rocket science. You sound like one of those weirdos who thinks anyone wearing heels higher than 2 inches, showing 1 inch of cleavage, or using boob size larger than 50 is automatically a *****. Just because you like to roleplay as a 10 year old doesn't mean 99.99% of the population does.

    And really, such a legit threat, one person refusing to shop at a store. I'm sure all shops will be threatened into revolving around your tastes now cause their entire livelihood depends on it.

    Wow that is really sarcastic, and mean and totally uncalled for.. 


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