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Tazzie Tuque

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Posts posted by Tazzie Tuque

  1. 3 hours ago, Toshiharo said:

    Yeah, that's exactly what I meant. I need a way to test-upload without spitting Lindens.

    Ahh ok.  If that is what you need then I do not believe there is another way to do it at no cost other than the beta grid.. But you might want to file a ticket with LL or join in on a ticket if someone else has reported this issue.  Check the LL Jira.


  2. not sure what you mean by test clothes.  If you mean test the textures on clothing before uploading them, that can easily be done any where do not need the beta grid.  This goes for both mesh and BOM as well.  But I am not sure that is what you mean so I will not go into great detail here in case that is not what you meant.  Perhaps you could be a little more specific?

  3. Well I have been in SL over 15 years,  and seen one hell of a lot of changes,   but this,  I dunno.  My main concern is what changes the new owners are going to make..  We have already been experiencing mega problems and constant "maintenance" inworld and on Market Place (i.e. it has been 2 days of trying to get 4 listings done and I still haven't because MP keeps having 'Issues")..  Gotta wonder if and when it all settles down, what upheaval will be next.  That does worry me.

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  4. Just another thought on this topic, huds do create lag some more than others, so if you are running around SL with like 5 huds open on your screen not only is the screen cluttered but you are causing lag.  Even if the huds are minimized they are still there.  If you use Firestorm there is a handy little window they have to save all your favourite wearables in so you don't have to hunt through your inventory to find a hud you frequently use,  just drag it into that window and pop that up when you need something.  As I said in an earlier post.. a small hud size may be fine for those with great vision, but we are all not so lucky, so for me anyhow huds need to be fairly large so I can see what I am doing with them.  Some huds are so small that I have to get  out a magnifying glass to see what I am clicking on.. and sorry that is just very inconvenient and not too efficient either.

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  5. 8 hours ago, Eilessa said:

    I want to make both a BOM version and an applier version, could you tell me where to get the old dev kit so i can give it a try please? 😀

    Sent you a personal message Eilessa

    • Thanks 1
  6. with the new Maitreya body V5,  you need to be wearing one of the add on layers and then when you apply something like a tattoo it will go on to the layer you are wearing.  If you are wearing all 3 added layers,  I am not sure about the tattoo you made, but I know with my old appliers for Maitreya, I will get the menu still.  So I am not sure what the issue might be.  Could be changes I have not tried to make anything using the new dev kits as the old one still works for me just fine..  However having said that.  Anything I make these days is not on appliers but made for BOM since this body can now be used in BOM mode.  Much easier.


    • Thanks 1
  7. I have not seen anything in any of those pictures posted thus far that comes even close to representing the 60's.  The description given in the above post is pretty accurate These pics are from SL several years back created for an event like Woodstock. They are typical of the later 60's .. the Hippie movement. Snapshot_012.png.b7207087d12c5e3f958dc8001bf6c8bd.pngSnapshot_001.png.ba2851d18cc8eae55562308beeba9a4d.png

  8. 16 minutes ago, lynxstudio said:

    Don't you like the designs?

    It is not a question of like or not like.  It is a question as to whether or not this fits the purpose of this forum.  Firstly this is not the place to advertise your designs.  If we all did that this would become a blog page and not a forum.

  9. 3 hours ago, RowanMinx said:

    To be perfectly honest, most physics I've seen are wacky.

    In my opinion this is true.  I have them (no I did not buy them, they were a gift from a hopeful suitor)  but will not use them for that very reason,  most of the settings are way out of any sort of normal range.  Nothing worse than seeing a woman in a club bouncing out of her dress where the physics actually breaks through the mesh of the dress.  Nothing at all natural about that lmao.  Nor attractive in my opinion.

    • Like 2
  10. 13 minutes ago, Phil Deakins said:

    Since starting the thread, I've heard that a physics layer is sometimes provided with some clothes. I wonder if that a method of doing it.

    I have never heard of clothing that comes with a built in physics layer,  since clothing and physics are two different things.  The physics layer would still have to be applied separately from the clothing.  So if the clothing item came with a folder she would still have the option not to wear the physics part.

    • Like 2
  11. 4 hours ago, Claireschen Hesten said:

    If anything i find most HUDs for texture change/customisation well the bit i need to see too small, some are so small you don't know what part of the item is being changed until you click on something

    Exactly the point I was making earlier in this thread.  And I also wanted to add this:  for a simple texture change hud, why do some creators feel it is necessary to put large buttons on it for their FB Page and other social media links???  These take up space and who clicks them??????  I ignore them.  The space could be used to make the important buttons large enough to actually see properly!  I mean come on now, if I already bought your product why do you need to advertise on a hud that should be functional only for the purpose of changing textures?

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  12. Well one of the reasons for making a larger hud, just might be so folks with vision issues can actually see what they are clicking on.  Not every one has 20/20 vision.  I know if I get a hud that I cannot read because it is too small and I cannot make it larger, well I just cannot use that item then and the hud becomes useless.  

    The other thing with huds is that they are not supposed to be kept on at all times..  Use a hud to get your desired effect what ever that hud is for and take it off.. 

    A hud is a tool not meant to stay on your screen.  Game type huds for combat etc. are different of course, but I have not found any of those yet that are too big.  


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  13. 2 hours ago, Tokyo Enyo said:

    So yea, we're not creating issues, we're trying to SOLVE some by creating education around it

    Exactly!  and that is why I have not made any further comments on this issue since my first one in support of the original poster.   I did not want to get into a lot of argument with ignorant and self righteous people.  No point to it.

    • Like 1
  14. 18 minutes ago, RowanMinx said:

    I'm afraid to get into bakes on mesh after last week's glitchfest at my favorite bar where several people's avatars were smoke for the day because they had bakes on mesh stuff going on.

    That was an SL thing that was fixed shortly after it started.  SL will always have little "glitches" like that at one point or another..  we just wait them out.  And FYI I was fully BOM that day and everyone saw me perfectly.  So I do not think it was a problem specific to BOM users as a few of my friends were orange clouds and they were not using any BOM stuff.

    • Confused 1
  15. I really wish I understood what you are talking about but I am afraid I do not.  I recently went to full BOM for my avatar.. and so far I have not had any issues with adding prim clothing, or using my body hud.. I am in the  newest EEP FS Beta.  For me everything works great..  but then I am probably not trying to accomplish what you are describing here.  I frequently mix system layer clothing with mesh clothing items.. it all works well for me anyhow.  


  16. 5 minutes ago, Pussycat Catnap said:

    I get that... but.... "you can work at Starbucks, or you can own Starbucks..." which one of those job offers should you take.

    that entirely depends on what the individual wants;  what they get out of the job..  are they money and power oriented?  or are they people and service oriented?  Do they want the hassel and headaches of being in charge or do they just want to kick back and enjoy their work?  Many variables to look at on that question.

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