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Tazzie Tuque

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Posts posted by Tazzie Tuque

  1. 38 minutes ago, Pussycat Catnap said:

    with the furry makers being that much better... and yet they choose to ignore the larger market...

    I am not a furry, I am mainstream human I guess you would say.  But I have worked with 3D programs and I know how difficult it is to create any kind of human or animal form with any kind of reality to it.  My guess is that the furry makers are just plain not interested in doing normal human stuff.  And I can see why, there is so much more creativity allowed when doing furry stuff.  Part of being a creator of anything is the enjoyment of the creation itself, the business aspect of it is secondary to a true creator.  A business oriented person will look for something safe that is likely to sell.  I could be way off base here but in 15 years in SL, that is one of my observations.

  2. OK I was a skeptic regarding bakes on mesh,  I stalled and yes complained too..  BUT I thought for others who were like me, that I would post this, might give some assurance that is does actually work.  Although it will take a fair amount of effort to get it all coordinated and working for you.  

    I put a concerted effort into this whole thing this past week,  when a new Catwa HDPRO head came out that I just could not resist.  But it did not have the ability to apply hair base with applier.  You could only get a hairbase you wanted in BOM mode.  So that gave me the push to solve my BOM issue.  

    After 4 full days of skin and head demos..  I was pretty discouraged,  I would find a head skin that looked great but there was not matching body skin for it..  or I would find a great skin but no head skin to match..  or I would find something that did work for both head and body but the colour was too light for my taste.  IN the end I deleted over 1K items all demos.

    The good news is that all that finally paid off:  I found a skin and head to match in a colour I liked.. and the head skin matched my own body shape for my head almost perfectly, only had to tweak a little bit.  AND I am now fully BOM all the way.. thanks to my Maitreya body..  I can go full BOM and still wear all my mesh clothing and if I need to hide a poke through part, I can still use my body hud's alpha sections.  

    A lot of work, trial and error but in the end I am now a happy camper.. totally enjoying mixing mesh with system layers added here and there for tats, under shirts panties etc.  

    So guess I wanted to post something positive :)  

    • Like 3
  3. Good grief!  more self advertising,  this is not a place to post your blog items or to solicit people to join your blog!!  This is NOT what this forum is for..  read the rules!

    • Like 1
  4. whether your old clothes will work for you now depends on a few things..  some will work if they are mesh if you use the alpha sections on your body hud to block out any parts that poke through.. but that won't work for all of your clothes.  If you have the system files for the classic avatar you can still use them if your body has the ability to go to BOM (bakes on mesh).  But on the other hand,  look at it this way, now you get to go shopping and buy a whole new wardrobe lol. 

    • Haha 1
  5. I fully commend you for speaking up about this issue.  It is not different than someone using a registered trade mark belonging to someone else, which is of course against the SL TOS..  Only it is much harder to spot and prove so people are more inclined to get away with it..  

    And you are definitely correct about the fact that is is not only your people to whom this is happening..  I fully support what you have written here, and I hope many more will do so as well.

    Chii Migwetch!

    Thank you!

    • Like 4
  6. It really is anyone's guess,  as the skin that is used can alter the appearance big time..  plus if they alter  the shape of the head and/or features that changes it too.  So ya unless someone actually knows this person and can ask what she used..  it is gonna be just a guess.

  7. No demo would certainly make it impossible for me to even consider purchase,  I would think the creator might know that.  But sometimes a no demo situation indicates something not quite up to snuff and the creator knows that so does not do a demo hoping folks will just buy anyhow.  

    As for other Bento heads I just spent the better part of 3 days shopping for demos all over the place, and I did not see any heads that were noted as being anime, but I will say that I think some of Catwa's heads would probably work, as there is at least one that is close.  Might wanna go check them out.

    The other thing to take into consideration, is if you find a head that is not one of the mainly popular ones, it might be a bit of a hassle getting skin and head to match.  Just a thought.

  8. 2 hours ago, Jordan Whitt said:

    Why am I telling you all about these two behemoths you ask?  Well one of them offered her services to "make you look as good" as she did...for a measly 20,000L.

    OMG! thank you for my morning laugh!  I really needed that.. lol ..   But seriously, I am sure that the offer to "make you look as good"" as she did for a measly 20,000L  was not intended to be taken seriously. .  But then who knows, this is SL after all.. 

  9. oops looks like the edit wiped out the whole post!   But if you are still wondering about how to add textures to your full perm item..  you need to use the maps provided and upload them to your computer.. and you need a program like Photoshop, Gimp or something like that to edit the maps in.. add your textures there,  than upload them back into SL and apply them to your item.  

  10. 2 hours ago, MillyWH said:

    I wouldn't have hesitated to ask for 5000L for the help I gave them. Again, it is about 10 hours of total time and my time is worth it.

    Sighs,  in truth  no one in SL actually gets fairly compensated for their "work" if you look at it that way.  It can take up to a full 40 hr work week to make one mesh clothing item and rig it and texture it, make a fat pack, made demos etc.  If these creators charged according to time spent working on something, none of us would be able to afford to buy it.  But they don't.    Just something to think about.

    • Thanks 1
  11. 20 minutes ago, Chic Aeon said:

    And for the folks that have mentioned the "extra work" needed for a demo --- it is MINIMAL

    I would not put out an item for sale without a DEMO.  Once you get into the habit of making a demo it becomes automatic, just part of the process.  I do, however, draw the line at making a full DEMO texture hud to go with the DEMO item.  I make a lot of clothing items that come with a texture hud and do not charge the usual Fat Pack price.  My price is maybe 100L more than a single item if that (depends on the item).  So with charging those prices I am not willing to make a whole other texture hud with DEMO on everything,  that would be a lot of extra work that in my opinion is not needed and would certainly have to bring up the cost of the item in the end.  To me a DEMO is to see how the item looks in terms of fit i.e. does it work for my body? Does it still cover properly on movement?  Can I cover parts that poke out with my body's alpha sections?  Do I like how it looks on my body?  And if I do then I will buy the item, all I need is one of the textures/colours too see what I need to see from a DEMO.  I provide a picture of the actual Texture/Colour Hud on my main product picture so folks can see what the choices are.  

    As for poses and animations and dances..  I only buy those from inworld stores where I can go and jump on a pose stand and check them out.  I can't see how anyone could just pick one of those up on MP without testing them out first.

    • Like 4
  12. Motorcycles that you wear instead of rezz have not been made for a very very long time.. I doubt that you will find any at this point.  They are sadly out dated.  I think you can still get a horse your can wear though lol.

  13. 11 hours ago, PixieGirrrrl said:

    , have you tried removing and then re-wearing your hair? That always fixes it for me. 

    that is a fix that only you see and even that is temporary, as noted above each time you tp  or change something it's back.    Sometimes clothing has alpha blending on and it really does not need it.  If the textures applied were on a transparent background in .png format  when applied to the mesh it will automatically give you alpha blending.  If you have mod perms you can change that to alpha masking which stops the glitching.  I would think that most creators of clothing would know that and either use .tga format or put a background layer under their texture map to avoid their customers having this issue.

    • Like 3
  14. 4 hours ago, MajikVixen Lorefield said:

    What am I missing here??

    You are not missing anything.  To me it all boils down to lazy.  Yes it takes a lot of time and work to create something in the fashion world of SL,  and no way do creators actually ever really recover what their time is worth in terms of lindens.   So here is how I see it.  Those who do not provide demos are saving themselves some time, by not having to duplicate their work with DEMO written on it or attached to it.  Lazy in my view.  And of course when confronted with this, they are going to defend their practice with a load of justifications, to cover up the truth.. i.e. lazy.  I sell clothing in S L and no way would I put something out without a demo (unless perhaps if it is a gift),  because I am also a consumer and as such I would not consider buying anything without a demo myself..  so why would I expect my customers to buy without a demo?  To me it is just good business practice.  Because no matter how lovely something looks in the picture,  there are no guarantees that it is going to look great on every avatar, and folks should have the right to test that out before spending the lindens.  And that goes for those who sell for cheap cheap prices as well.   We have seen this same complaint over and over again in this forum, and yet those who need to get the message just don't seem to get it.  But if customers stopped buying without demos,  they might have to rethink their practices.


    • Like 4
  15. For full perm nails, you could perhaps search Market Place,  there are many full perm mesh items available there, so if they exist that is most likely where you will find them.

    As for auras,  as with anything else that would have to be an added physical prim or mesh covering around the body, made to be semi transparent with added glow on the texture which would be worn like clothing.  I do not know of any script that would accomplish this on it's own without something to attach it to.  And it would have to be separate from the body and added on.

  16. Well from what I know of mesh making,  it takes incredible skill and a whole lot of time to make a decent mesh body no matter how basic and I can understand those who make mesh bodies need to be compensated for their time and work.  So a one time charge of about 5500L for a good body is not so much to ask.  It is when the body creator does a minor change or update and then charges that same fee of 5500L all over again to get the changes is where I draw the line.  Updates should be free.  As for effects like water drops etc.  those are usually skin options not actually part of the mesh.  

  17. 1 hour ago, Reiille said:

    or there may be a size for classic avatars which is usually unrigged.

    I have to correct myself here..  should have said rigged instead of unrigged... my bad..  as for totally unrigged clthing, probably rare as hen's teeth now if any exists at all.. but as I said try MP as you never know what you can find there.

  18. first of all hard to tell from your picture if you want male or female clothes..  aside from that, there are a lot of stores that sell outdated clothing items for really cheap, and most of those are mesh unrigged,  or there may be a size for classic avatars which is usually unrigged.   Maybe try typing classic mesh clothing in Market Place and see what comes up.  

    • Thanks 1
  19. you make a master prim with the name of the product on it.. then you place each applier on that main prim and then link them all together making the master prim your main prim so link it last.  I have done this with clothing appliers and it works well and is very simple to make.

  20. Well before you decide what to charge, there are a few things that you need to be sure of..  perhaps you already have these things covered but in case you don't here are a few things to consider.. Firstly your own avatar has to be exceptional in appearance and that includes a good wardrobe that fits well,  hair, skin, shape and all that.  And you need to have some really good promo photos of yourself and perhaps some before and after photos of someone you have already helped do a make over.  Something else to consider is that a lot of folks in here enjoy helping friends and new comers get themselves all fixed up and they do it for free.  Also most folks in SL do not have a whole lot of lindens to play with so by the time they pay for mesh bodies, heads, skins, hair that you will be suggesting they do,  there won't be a whole lot left over to pay you.  And especially new folks to SL,  they most certainly will not have a lot of lindens, and probably won't be to open to buying lindens with real money either.  I have been here almost 15 years and I speak from a place of some experience.  But I wish you luck in your new business.

    • Like 5
  21. yes as Alwin said Lapointe & Bastchild have a "system" such as you described.. I know with tuxedos and suits you buy the basic suit and you can add different addons to it later as you like.  Add ons such as vests tie shirt combinations pocket puff etc.  My X would not use anything other than this brand cause it fit so well.


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