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Tazzie Tuque

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Posts posted by Tazzie Tuque

  1. 1 hour ago, Mollymews said:

    the designer gave a free TMP body as a gift to the community, when none of their body designer contemporaries at that time did. 1000s of people took the gift body and appreciated it in the spirit given

    and then what followed was an exclusive over priced shop where you could get clothing for this "free" body... and for years you could get clothes no where else as they did not share the information needed for other clothing designers to rig for that body so folks were stuck using their weird web based overpriced store, with I might add very little selection.  This is partly how they got a bad rep.  Giving out the free bodies was a ploy to hook folks into having to use their store.  In the end it did not work out too well for them so they released the kits to designers so others could make clothing finally.

    • Like 9
  2. I agree with all that has been said so far!  When I found out that the Legacy Body was from the same creator as TMP..  I wrote it off instantly!  and yes...

    4 hours ago, MelodyClone1 said:

    Maitreya, would release it as a free update (and they already did, free 3x HP nipple shapes + bunch of other enhancements in last update)

    Kudos to Maitreya for sure..  she thought of just about everything that would be needed in her update and I am certain she put hours of work into it.. and yet a free update!  Cannot beat that!

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  3. I  agree, that some accessories in particular really do need to be mod in order to be able to make them fit right..  but having said that, there is a work around that by adding a resize script, I don't mean the old resize the whole thing at once scripts.. There are some great scripts out there that allow you to resize each direction independently of the rest and with a little patience anyone can use those and they work and since no mod items are often copy,  someone can resize different items and save a copy in that size, and then make a copy and resize it differently  if they need to for another body or what ever.  Hats are a perfect example of that.  So I cannot understand why they are not used more often. As for things like rigged mesh clothing items, well you can not resize those no matter what the permissions are the only thing one could do with mod rights for things like that is mess with the textures and/or colours or both, which is exactly why the designer made them no mod.  No designer wants to see their work totally messed up with their name on it as creator.  They have taken great care to texture their creations, to have them look as they feel works best, and in many cases a hud is offered with texture and or colour options giving people choices.  I can totally respect that.

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    • Haha 1
  4. 4 hours ago, Gadget Portal said:

    In all seriousness, I find that bloggers all just blog the same cheap stuff. Quality merchants don't bother with bloggers. 

    And even if the item in question is good quality,  "some" so called "bloggers"  manage to make the item look like excuse the expression "hell".

    I had some really bad experiences with bloggers years back when I tired only once to use them...  my outfits were displayed in front of glaring lighting, with a busy background, and on a waaaaay distorted body shape..  It was so bad that I had some regular customers IM me to ask how I could let my work be displayed in such an ugly way..  That was the end of bloggers for me for a very long time.. recently I have tried again, but I must say I was not impressed.. so likely won't again.  My own Flickr page will have to do at least I put the focus on the piece of clothing I am displaying and not the background or the ice cream cone dripping down the front.

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  5. I don't want to prove anyone wrong or right..  but I need to say that since there is a LOT of revealing type club wear out there it is because there is a demand for it.  (there was a big discussion in here on another thread about the same thing).  Having said that, I think a lot of things have shifted in SL over the past years,  I have been here making clothing for almost 15 years.. I try to do a little bit of everything because honestly I do not want to cater to one type.  I have a small store,  I do take a lot of time working with mostly the textures, often times making my own textures or altering something to work with what I have in mind.  I have everything from club wear to office wear, beach, formal, pant outfits etc..  But I am just a very small player in this huge fashion business in SL..  I am not going to name my store here as that might be construed as advertising.  But there are some good high quality non revealing styles out there but I guess one has to look for them in places other than the BIG known stores.

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  6. Now those arms have got to be photoshoped in lmao...  no way that guy has those arms..  he has no pecs to go with them, anyone working arms to get that would have to have pecs as well.. just saying lmao ..  but all the same great response to the duck lips pics .. hahahahahah

  7. Another approach might be to go to some of the fairs and clothing events that are all over the grid now.. if you see something you like there you can always take the LM for the store and go see what else they have.  A lot of time the smaller events and Fairs will have some pretty good stuff..  

    • Like 1
  8. Well mragab appears to be new to posting;  so probably needs to learn that this is not the place to show off your pics.  This is a forum, and a post needs to have a topic and some sort of content.  

  9. 29 minutes ago, Theresa Tennyson said:

    Only I, personally, have turned notices off for that group because the ads instantly became annoying.

    I have to admit that I do that as well with any group that sends a message at a rate of one per second or maybe not that fast but enough to be very annoying yes, and not only notices but IM group chat as well.  I probably miss some important stuff but, it is still worth shutting them off for MY peace!

  10. 5 minutes ago, Gadget Portal said:

    Isn't it your brand you want them to promote?


    6 minutes ago, Gadget Portal said:

    Nailed it.

    And that was the point I was politely trying to make before in this thread.  Now after seeing more comments..  I would like to add...  No group has to allow you to advertise.. period!  And using groups like that to advertise your brand is just plain lazy.. check out my previous comment early on.. to see what some other options might be..  it seems that was ignored.

  11. 49 minutes ago, Monica Querrien said:

    Someone had their account deleted because they were a free account and posting links (forgot if it was a blogger link or inworld/marketplace links). A few people contacted Flickr and they said on free accounts, linking to places with commercial activity in the photo stream posts was prohibited. It was all over facebook, and I did a blog post on it.

    oh ok well I am a paying Flickr user so maybe that is why no one has bothered me,,, yet anyhow.  I do not follow FB as TAZZ  as Facebook took my page down ages ago saying I was not a real person.. so I just don't follow anything to do with SL in FB  as I don't want my RL page involved at all.  Thank you for the clarification.

  12. Wish I could help you on this but truth is I was wondering pretty much the same thing..  hope someone can shed some light on it.. And it is pretty sad when a creator locks down pretty much everything on their bodies,  it only decreases the interest in it, due to lack of options for things like tattoos and make up and such.  But surely they must realize that.

  13. ok so let me get this straight,  you are already making clothes for Belleza Freya so waiting for the kit is not the problem right?   It is just that you want to be able to advertise in the group.  Actually advertising new items in a group for folks also makes items is not going to reach the buyers that you want to get the information because your buyers will not likely be in the group for creators..  As for the Belleza patrons group,  I am not sure that would do much good for you either.. I trust you have your own group for patrons to follow you so that would of course be a place to advertise all new stuff.. and there are a few other groups in SL that would help to reach potential buyers.  SL Designer's Union for one and i know there are a few others.  And of course if you get your stuff out there in events and fairs that also helps as you can have the event bloggers cover your work, and you can usually post in the event groups as well.  

    As for not bothering to make Belleza Freya .. indeed you should there is a huge market out there still for that model.. so by all means do make it.


  14. 1 hour ago, Chic Aeon said:

    Just for the record that was NOT my quote about trying out at home. The item "I" was talking about was in Sinespace (like the OP mentioned) There is no way to try out at home via demo in Sinespace, the try out feature is THROUGH the viewer.    I haven't tried either the Sinespace dress or the SL dress.   Yes, very confusing. 

    oh very sorry about that...  I think my whole point is this:  the video was from Sinespace, but the dresses in question here are items in our SL Market Place, which are advertising movement and insinuating that it is the same as what you see in the video..  Thus after trying the demos in SL.. my conclusion was as stated: "So did I cause I was skeptical and curious.. and I gotta say my skepticism was definitely not misplaced.. lol  No way do these outfits do what they are advertised to do in SL... geeze!  No confusion... video for dress from Sinespace... item in SL maket place advertised to do what the video from Sinespace does... ergo false advertising period.

  15. Right now there are only three that I trust and use,  from time to time I try demos from various others but usually am disappointed on how they fit..or the lack of realism in the texture of the hair, or the dullness of the blacks.    But these three are consistently good.  Exxess, Aregrace, and Mina.   

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