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Millennium Sands

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Everything posted by Millennium Sands

  1. Well, I'm not much of a scripter, but I can give you a pointer. Go to a fairground and you'll see lots of builds where static or animated seat poses are moved around. Ferris wheels, all sorts of carusels, merry-go-rounds... they all use the feature you discribed. So, yes, it's possibel. I made a rotating float myself, and had no problems. And when you move an object around with an avatar sitting on it, the avatar moves with the object. My suggestion is to try another sit script.
  2. Well, Saoirse... It's not a problem at all, it's a special delivery service, the "Millennium Easter Egg Supply for 2011". The reason why you keep falling is because you're supposed to land in a pan. Stripping off was a wise decision, because most rezidents want their eggs without shell. All you have to do now is to decide if you want to be delivered sugared or spiced. Option A - Sugared: Stay as you are, stripped, and while you're falling, get three teaspoons of sugar ready. When you hit the ground and become squashed, dance in the pan with the sugar until you get a feeling of harmony and unity. Wait for a big spoon who lifts you up and close your eyes. Mmmmm... Sooo sweet and tasty! Option B - Spiced: Again, stay as you are, stripped, and while you're falling make friends with a half teaspoon of salt, one teaspoon of pepper, and two teaspoons of random spice of your choice (this one is called egg surprise!). When you squish in the pan, wait until your feet feel burning hot, and you feel kind of stiff. A fork will offer you a lift. Close your eyes and accept that offer. By April 26, the season for eggs is over and you can rebake. Please don't pretend to be lamb, pork or beef when you're not an egg anymore. SL rezidents are gourmets who can't be fooled easily. By pretending to be anything else than an egg you'll only spoil our inworld experience. With kind regards - Your Millennium
  3. To quote a popular song: I'm definitely here for your entertainment, but you have to entertain me too! :smileywink:
  4. Well Pep... Some guys actually made it into my pants! :smileywink: But before you ask: No, they didn't start with "hi", and instead of asking how I am, they hit some keys that gave me a notion indicating that they might be unique, and not standard loosing noobs or oldbies looking for sex instead of a mind.
  5. 98% of chat up lines I receive go like this: Chatter: "hi" My response (from "hi" I already know how this will go on, but I don't want to be unfriendly or ignorant): "Hi." Yes, I actually take the time to start with a capital letter and conclude the "sentence" with a period. Chatter: "how are you?" It doesn't really matter what I might say from this point on, his answer will always be "ok", or in case he's a genius, "good". Anyway - depending on my mood, my response might be more or less "elaborate" while I'm yawning... My response A (I',m buisy): "I'm fine, thank you. "Chatter: "ok". (To continue from this point on is too much for a 8 bit brain, I suppose. End of conversation.) My response B (I'm in naughty mode): "I'm healthy and sexy. How are you?" Chatter: "ok" (or "good", depending on his "intelligence". It doesn't matter if I'm dealing with a 8 or 16 bit brain, he'll never be able to figure out how he could continue from this point on and make his way into my pants. The "elaborate" response B is a safe way to overload any common male brain. He'll consider his options for an eternity and never call back.) And the remaining 2%? Smart jerks. But if you narrow it down to 0,02%, you might stumble upon really smart and unique guys...
  6. Oh, I forgot option C. It transcripts to this: "I'm an incompetent fool, who doesn't even know that I can receive all your IMs by e-mail, uncapped. You better don't fall for me when you're looking for a real professional in merchandising, building, scripting, or general knowledge. But since I wanted to point out how occupied and important I'm already are, I put this "capped" remark in my profile. I might be an uncapable noob, but I'm still smart enought to outwit a real idiot like you!"
  7. Here's one of my favourite turn offs when I read a profile: "My IMs are capped". It transcripts to this: A.) "I'm a merchant (or manager) who doesn't want to bother with your complains about a failed delivery or a bad service. I have your money, and that's all I want. So shut up and leave me alone! If you're such a noob that you don't know that I can receive all your IMs by e-mail, uncapped, you don't deserve a better treatment!" B.) "I'm a VIP who receives zillions of IMs per minute, because I'm so popular, desired, and whatever. I really don't have the time to deal with a nothing like you. Even if you know that I can receive all your IMs by e-mail, uncapped, it doesn't make a difference, because I'm soooo popular, desired, and whatever, and I can't spend a second of my precious time to look down at you from a window of my ivory tower, because I'm sooooooooo special, and desired, and whatever, that I'd might miss an IM from the REALLY important people if I'd bother with YOU."
  8. Yes, I do. And it took me a little eternity to find out why my previous posting had no text. In the long run I found out that I have to set it to compatibility mode.
  9. I've tested this feature on 2.6.3 Beta. Even after hours of tweaking, I never came close to a smooth bounce like it's shown in the videos. Whatever I do, my boobs always seem to be on a slideshow, changing from one freeze frame stance to another every few moments. And when I'm not even moving they continue to bounce and sway this way, like they have a life of their own. I didn't check them in the previous version, but it looks to me like the physics are seriously bugged in this beta, and not useable at all. But once they are fixed, people might see one important reason less to use a 3rd party client.
  10. I can't help it, but some folks here simply sound ridiculous to me... Pedestrians who got hit multiple times by these cars? How blind can you be??? Ok, I was hit one time myself, and readers of the Alphaville Herald might remember the report on this oh so terrible, painful, and shocking experience. But getting hit more than once could almost be called an artistic achievement. :smileyvery-happy: If you're really that shortsighted, here's good news for you: There's a draw distance BEYOND 4 meters! Oh, and those drivers who find it next to impossible to drive a car and survive this new "heavy traffic"? Anybody with driving skills like THAT might be even more dangerous to pedestrians than those botcars! Maybe I'm prejudiced, since I'm a race driver in SL and used to more than meeting one other car on a road every 10 minutes, but I'd really appriciate it if those drivers would send me a warning when they hit the roads, so I can run for shelter somewhere. :smileyvery-happy: What really makes me wonder is this question: How do these people survive 1st Life???
  11. Ok, I didn't read all those 158 comments so far, but I still have a little issue... First, the plus (I write this so the folks from the Lab get a positive feedback once in a while...) My concerns about "My Notices" turned out to be addressed. I only didn't see my notices because I wasn't logged in here in this blog. Ehm... do I have to log in to the blog every time I want to check my notices? Well, I suppose to be logged with viewer 2 will override this procedure. Since I'm using Phoenix and don't intend to use viewer 2, unless I'm forced to use it (a case that might cause me to cancel my premium account , cash out and say goodbye to SL once and for all), I'd say the wrong perception of this issue was my fault. Now to the minus.... I still need a privacy setting that hides my groups to EVERYBODY, even friends!
  12. The discussion of privacy settings has unfortunately distracted almost everybody from other concerns. For years, I wrote notices into profiles. These remarks serve as a sort of long range memory, telling me what kind of experience I had when I met the profile owner, when and where we met, and many more things. Erasing these notices by dropping in-world profiles would sort of lobotomise me, if you get my meaning. In-world profiles were a very useful tool in general, while these new web-based profiles look quite pointless to me.
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