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Ai Velde

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Everything posted by Ai Velde

  1. Opensource Obscure wrote: I don't think this is a big deal. They will be able to solve this and avoid it happens in the future. It's not rocket science. Hi, welcome to Linden Labs. Over here we have a water fountain. It doesn't work, but we find that if you stare at it long enough you'll stop feeling thirsty and wander away.
  2. This is pure insanity, folks. Screencap of the carnage below. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/image/serverpage/image-id/7095i1F1BFFB3FEAE6EF7/image-size/original?v=mpbl-1&px=-1
  3. @Pamela Click the name of the person you want to PM where the icons are, and on the righthand side of their page that it takes you to, you should see a link that says in the Contact box "Send this user a private message." It'll take you directly to sending them one. ;D
  4. @Darrius I think the fact we don't have some sort of message system, even if quick and dirty, on the marketplace is unacceptable. EVERY e-commerce website has a way for customers to contact the sellers. This may not be eBay but there is real money involved - our customers need a way to contact us on the marketplace platform so that they can report an issue such as a failed delivery, ask questions, constructive criticism or otherwise, and everything else. Can't wrap my mind around why we don't have this.
  5. This wouldn't be AS MUCH of an issue I think, if customers didn't so often use the review system as a support and Q/A system. Such as leaving 1 star reviews for failed deliveries and reviews that say "didn't get it", or low star reviews saying things like, "I'm not sure how to make this work, can you tell me how to..." and other requests for support or otherwise. This is an entirely different can of worms but it does tie into the problem. Honestly? I'mma just throw this ball out there... But customers need a way to contact merchants through the marketplace. There needs to be some sort of Private Message widget. Heck, even something as simple as putting a button on the listing pages and on the store main page that has that merchants' forum private message link. Like mine is http://community.secondlife.com/t5/notes/privatenotespage/tab/compose/note-to-user-id/88218 and that takes you directly to sending me a PM. Quick and dirty but efficient. The mindset of a customer is if they're shopping on the marketplace and not in world, then they are obviously choosing the marketplace over shopping in world generally, or for that particular product. Meaning, if they HAVE a marketplace related issue with a MARKETPLACERELATEDPRODUCT, they're going to want to resolve that marketplace issue with that marketplace related product o i dun no ON THE MARKETPLACE. >:[
  6. I agree so hard with this. lol. But it's not just notifications of reviews we need, but Ms. Margret Place doesn't notify us of ANYTHING other than sales. I've raised a minor kerfuffle here and there over items being taken down or delisted on the marketplace with no notification to the merchant. Reviews is another thing I'd like to receive notification for. I'm sure other merchants can list several more things that they would like to receive notifications for in regards to their store. For me, I check my listings daily for reviews. I've put in big all-caps letters for users to contact me in world ASAP if they have a problem, and so far it works, but every now and then you get a customer who doddles by, buys something, doesn't receive it (at the marketplace's fault), and leaves a 1 star DERP DIDNT GET IT review. And when that happens I want to know INSTANTLY and resolve it. Just as I'd like if someone left criticism to know immediately so I could work something out with the customer so that they feel more satisfied. It's a pain finding these things out 60 million years later. ETA: At the last office hour, Brooke did say that notifications were on the list, and the, I quote, "very long list ". Which is dandy, I'm sure they have a ton of stuff they need to do, I can wait, as long as it WILL get done. I think notifications are extremely important, they don't, so it's probably on the backburner. But if we keep pushing about it, maybe they'll upgrade the issue a bit.
  7. Long post ahead. Porky, I found you on XStreet a million years ago and have bought oodles of your 'other' stuff as well as a good handful of prefabs. I'm only speaking for myself and the way I shop, but as one of your customers who found you on the market, I think your current set-up is fine. What determined my interest in your items generally was the style and quality. It didn't matter what exactly I was looking at; it was something I thought looked good, and that enticed me to browse your listings further. Speaking of prefabs specifically - say I'm looking at some topiary of yours - it's good quality, has a nice modern style that appeals to me, it was as easy as clicking 'view more' and then having to pick my jaw up off the floor from the gorgeous homes, several of which I had to have along with all sorts of other things. And that was from oggling to death some neat topiary. It's easily seen (and I say easily meaning someone isn't mentally afflicted and can click the Building Components -> Structures on the store page) that you sell prefabs, a lot of them looked epic, so I went to look in world. There was nothing convoluted about it for me. I think most customers, if they see something done, anything at all, in a style that's appealing to them, they'll look and see what else the person has to offer in that style. Therefore, in your case, I don't think it matters if they're looking at all the accessories and other items. As long as you DO have some prefabs on there for them to discover you sell prefabs, your other items work as good advertisement to the quality of items you sell. As a merchant, my reply is a little more basic. If you feel there is room for improvement, then improve. However, don't fix what isn't broken. I wouldn't think having lots of misc items takes away from your prefab sales, because for me, it gained me as a prefab customer of yours. Anything that shows off the quality and unique style of your art is excellent in garnering sales. If someone likes your misc items and knows you sell prefabs, then the next time they're looking for a home, they'll look for you first because they know you sell a style they like and are familiar with. Also, I think that probably a lot of people who buy from you both buy misc items like furniture and topiary, and prefabs? The items you sell tend to work together; ie: prefab, furnishings, landscaping. So again, as a customer who buys a house from you, and would like to furnish it, and add some nifty stuff outside that matches the theme, I would want to find all of those things under one name, together, when shopping. I think you could run the risk of hurting your sales by separating them. But that's me and I'm lazy.
  8. *wanders in bumping into things* Is this where the commerce folk are now posting? Pamela? Ami? Porky? Are you all here? Where are we all at now? This is it, right? I FEEL SO DISPLACED. Looks very cool and shiny though. I'll get used to it, just... want to be sure this is the right spot. LOL
  9. Not a thing, there's NOTHING. Okay, one house of mine, and ALL my eyes and eye fatpacks, and some lipstick tattoos are forced adult no matter if I strip the listing bare, reset, pull up, reset again my magic boxes, force update, resync, log back in and fking out, nothing. Are eyes pornographic? Are you supposed to bend over and shove eyeballs up your , is that why? I mean wtf?? *frets all over Darrius* I'm exhausted now. I've had my rage and hysteria. I'm going to go run full speed face-first into a brick wall now till everything becomes quiet.
  10. This is a catastrophe. I have made 3 sales in the past 3 days with a collective amount of around L$600. I can't even pay my rent. My store has been undermined and there's nothing I can do about it since I can't change maturity settings because of some f%@&*$# bug. Anyone less stubborn than myself, who may have put in less hard work into their shop than I did, I'm sure would have closed up and said screw it. The next hurdle LL throws at the merchants, I'm not sure if I'll still have the fight in me. This is ridiculous. And poor Pancake Nirvana in the other thread and Gor sellers. It seems like LL is trying really hard to crush certain businesses.
  11. There's a bug that's not allowing filter rating changes no matter what you do. That might be what you're experiencing. https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/WEB-3581 Vote here.
  12. Nefertiti Nefarious wrote: And if you were going to automatically screw with my listings, you should have given me a way to sort my listings by maturity rating so I could find the ones you messed up.THIS. I think this is what gripes me the most, is the fact that MY listings that I spent hours of MY time on for MY products were torn through in the blink of an eye by a proverbial FU tornado. And then suffered on by a glitch that I can't even do anything about, and with LL's notorious track record, probably won't get any resolution and am on my own to lie down and take it, you know? It seems so disrespectful and condescending. It's not fair. Then a mod rubs salt in the wound and moves my thread earlier. lol. If I wasn't so tired I'm sure I'd be hauling off and backhanding people's heads so hard the G-force would create a new space vacuum. I've been cordial and nice about LL, didn't really have any complaints (only wanted test deliveries for the marketplace), but wow, good work on convincing me to jump the fence.
  13. johnboy Snoodle wrote: Jesus Christ, when will you blo*dy lot stop messing about with all the settings and just leave things to settle down a little, if it's not one thing it's another and I am getting sick of it, I suppose we will now see a return to bad search, bad listing's, and loss of money again? it seems every time things start to improve a bit, you steam in and mess it all up again just for the hell of it, if you want to change things for the better, then lower the tiers and also make land charges by the 512 plot, not lumped in all together so just 1 mtr over the 'block' and you hit people with a full new charge of tier up to the next level, it's a rip off and you know it. Pis*ed yes I am. Agreed. We were just starting to settle down and recover from the botched marketplace transition. Now all of our stuff has been turned upside down. This is why I stopped my eBay business. eBay got to a point where they were trying very hard to kill off small business owners. It stopped being fun, and started being stressful.
  14. Done for both listings, still get "Successfully updated, but the text in the keywords field forced a change in the maturity level". Thank you though, I appreciate the help, but yeah, no progress. So I'm just going to do what Darrius said and wait and try again later, maybe I'm just fighting with a computer.
  15. You've a very unique romance about you, Darrius. LOL
  16. Ab graciously offered to do that as well, but if you want to look, go for it. I really appreciate it, because even after stripping all the text, I got no where. Maybe I'm just hurrdurr and I'm just not seeing something. *throws hands up* https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/GlitterGloss-Cherry-by-IV-InVision/1873375 https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Special-Eyes-Time-by-IV-InVision/1504420
  17. Holy crap. LOL! Every time I refresh more items are adult. This is hilarious!
  18. I changed everything. I changed the name, I changed the image, I changed the description, I changed the keywords. Nothing fixes it. Nothing. Absolutely nothing. It keeps going right back to adult even when it's a bare ass listing. I give up. LL doesn't want me to have a business, fine.
  19. But I removed the description AND the keywords with no luck.
  20. No, not the case, because I was able to modify a listing and change the maturity, but on all the "God obeying" ones that are safe, changing them back from adult is blasphemy. So I do know it is possible to instantly change it. It just WON'T, it keeps spewing a proverbial projectile spray of raw BS saying there's something in the keywords forcing it back to adult. And guess what, it does it even when there ARE NO KEYWORDS. I'm having the world's BIGGEST conniption right now. I never had a problem with LL but I'm about to shoot FIRE out of my eyeballs.
  21. People should probably be aware for items that aren't adult that were forced adult for no reason what-so-ever. Even if you remove all the keywords, all the text, everything from the listing and save it as General, it will still get forced adult. Really, there's NOTHING you can do to fix your listing. Your listings are screwed, your shop is screwed, you are screwed. Spare yourself the agony of chasing a goose that doesn't exist. I'm going to file a ticket, maybe this fatal bug will get fixed in a few months.
  22. Hi, Thanks for reaming my store. I really appreciate it because boy did I need something to keep me busy for 12 hours. Pray tell why one listing is fine, yet when I copy and paste the exact everything in the "non-sinful" listing into the "sinful" one and save, it still gets forced adult? If "the text in the keywords field forced a change in the maturity level" is code for something, can someone explain? I've even removed all the keywords and put God in and it's still so naughty it's adult. I've removed ALL THE TEXT in some listings and it still gets forced adult. Where's the logic? PLEASE FIX YOUR BUSINESS SLAUGHTERING BUG. Thanks!
  23. You can do what I do and just use alternative methods to the Lindex that take paypal, such as Virwox. Others like that pay out instantly after registration and authentication.
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