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Madelaine McMasters

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Everything posted by Madelaine McMasters

  1. DQ Darwin wrote: Oh Maddy well done do you have a bar code for this maybe? Yes we need to step things up a notch. I'll get back to you:) ETA: Do you think it is necessary to add the radioactive level of the thorium or is that not required until after the Senate Committee has reached a verdict? I registered the UPC code... http://www.upcdatabase.com/item/839289003897 If the Senate can get enough thorium laden commitee members into one room to vote, they'll go critical. No verdict will be returned.
  2. Lillie Woodells wrote: /me Closes her eyes, holds her nose, and drinks in the love. Can I have a glass of water please!!!!! The juice is free, water is extra.
  3. Void Singer wrote: Vacuous? hmmm that comment has given me the perfect one of my Av's to wear >=) PS I get 50% of the gross or 25% of the net (whichever is greater) for public appearances (cause I'm greedy) I expect 50% of the gross will equal 25% of the net.
  4. DQ Darwin wrote: "Can I take the love that goes into it, but skip the juice?" Okay thats a deal, jumps in front of Maddy for a hug I'm sorry, Lillie. The love is in the juice, you can't strain it out. Dee, I think we need to step up the marketing a notch...
  5. Dillon Levenque wrote: Madelaine McMasters wrote: Watch it, Ms. Singer. My fireplace awaits you. Oh, I think you could sell tickets for that one, Maddy. The Singeing of Singer. Oooh, if we can get the vacuous lass to commit to a date and time, we could celebrate "Burning Void, the Singeing of Singer"! I'll prepare the handbills.
  6. Void Singer wrote: Madelaine McMasters wrote: [...] I wondered if I'd understand the inhabitants and would they accept me. I still wonder ;-) no. j/k =P Watch it, Ms. Singer. My fireplace awaits you.
  7. Hi Makinoe, It sounds like you need to "rebake" your avatar's textures. The keyboard command for this is Ctrl-Alt-D on a PC and Ctrl-Opt-D on a Mac. If that doesn't work you may need to clear the viewer cache. How to do that depends on the viewer you're using. I haven't tried V3 yet, so don't know exactly where that's located. Some links (they may be old): http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Clearing_the_cache http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Rebaking_textures
  8. Briana, the Mother Road is a favorite of mine as well. I also loved AM Radio's sims, most of which have recently vanished.
  9. Dillon Levenque wrote: Celestiall Nightfire wrote: Here's a more obscure one that I recommend, it's an anthology of OSC short stories called "Folk of the Fringe". It's interesting from the Morman aspect infused into the stories, and reminds be a little of "Canticle for Leibowitz". A several years ago I corresponded with a woman who lives in NY...and she wanted to start a Church...based upon "Crafting". She was an avid crafter and felt that there were religious similarities to someone that crafts, or creates, and the spirituality that religions have. I was curious as to how it would pan out, and I signed up for her email list. Well, long story short...I now get regular emails from the Church of the Craft...the main branch located in NY..and happily check out the website where the COC has grown to other locations around the country. Which is the closest I get to a church. *laughing* http://churchofcraft.org/ I guess I shouldn't be surprised that at least two of the 'other locations' are in my home state. One's even within driving distance! Our reputation is, I supposed, deserved. But the best part of your post was the book. Haven't seen a reference to 'A Canticle For Leibowitz' in years. I read it again not too many years ago; still just as good. I too read Canticle and should re-read it someday. Church of Craft reminds me of SL, the only place where "Intelligent Design" is in evidence for me. I know quite a few people here who share a kinship through the shared experience of creating and through sharing their creations with others. I do sometimes feel like I'm crawling around inside someone's head when I visit a sim. It's a neat feeling.
  10. Deltango Vale wrote: Celestiall Nightfire wrote: "and reminds be a little of "Canticle for Leibowitz"." ------------------------------------------------------ Superb novel. Reminds me of Doctor Mirabilis, by James Blish I read Canticle back in college, it's faded into the mists, but I know I read it all in one go. That doesn't happen often.
  11. Canoro Philipp wrote: i think one of the things that newbies find most confusing, is not the interface, but the fact that we are faced with a world different from real life, we have no idea of what is possible, what we may find, we dont know what kind of people habitate this strange place. Canoro, this was very much my feeling on first entering SL. I knew I'd come to understand the interface but, as I had come to explore things I hadn't before online, I wondered if I'd understand the inhabitants and would they accept me. I still wonder ;-)
  12. Marigold Devin wrote: Oh... and I also kill forum threads on a regular basis :matte-motes-big-grin-squint: /me jumps in behind you to revive it! ;-)
  13. valerie Inshan wrote: Good morning everyone! Oooops I'm late today. Warm hugs and kisses to you all. What a lovely image, Val. I live just minutes (by bicycle) away from cows like that. I've milked 'em, I've tried to tip 'em over and they just stand there and think deep thoughts. Meanwhile those li'l flies zoom over the bovine landscape, giddy with excitement over the riches awaiting below. What a life. :-)
  14. Hi, Kids! Lia, welcome home! I've posted this before, but I feel like doing it again! /me sends a special thanks to Sylvia for the gift of a ukulele some time ago.
  15. MoiselleErin Teardrop wrote: You have to keep in mind with a RL or SL group chat, most people are more interested in what they want to say instead of listening to anyone else. MoiselleErin, I have only rarely experienced this. People, in general, seem to be as interested in me as I am in them.
  16. Del, what a marvelous acknowledgement to all those who helped you along. I can't help but think you were worth all the pain and suffering you put them through. ;-)
  17. Dillon Levenque wrote: If you go to a club or some other public event typically the host or hostess will say 'Hi'. Sometimes nobody else says a word to you even though there's conversation going on. That might be a bad sign. I've found that in the places I go regularly, most of us make a point of speaking to new people (possibly 'cause we're just getting bored with talking to ourselves all the time). If you arrive someplace and several people at least acknowledge you, the chances you can join the conversation should be pretty good. And no, I've never had an IM convo with myself :-). Lord knows I talk to myself enough in RL; I don't need to do that inworld as well. ETA: If in your OP you used 'group chat' to mean the actual 'Group Chat' feature in which group members share common IM's, my advice was completely pointless (some might suggest that's true more often than not in any case). In reading your comment and those of others I got the idea you meant public chat between a group of avs in the same location and my comments were about those situations. Participating in Group Chat, especially if the other people IM'ing already know each other pretty well and they don't know you at all, might be a little difficult unless you're incredibly brilliant, witty, or both. Dillon, for me public chat and group chat aren't really much different, other than you can see all the potential participants in a public setting. In an actual Group Chat you know what the members share in common and you can pop up the profiles of those chatting, so it's just as easy to find a hook if the common interest doesn't provide one. It does take a little confidence to get through those cases where your efforts fall flat, but each success gives you a new place you can go. As you so sagely noted, we're all prolly dying to talk to someone new ;-)
  18. With standard 3-axis (Euler) rotations, you run into situations where the math blows up. Telescope users, robot designers, pilots and ships captains have run into this problem, which is commonly called gimbal-lock. Quaternion math saves the day. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gimbal_lock ETA: I suppose ship's captains don't encounter gimbal-lock unless they've also encountered intense weather, during which gimbal-lock is probably not a concern. ;-)
  19. Selina Graycloud wrote: Hi! Well, I thought I would post this due to the fact that sometimes I swear I am being ignored in chats lol or enter in to find others with the same. Does this happen to you? How do you overcome? Or do you wind up just IMing messages back and forth TO YOURSELF!!! lol I think we all suffer a bit of this when entering a new space. When I'm at a venue with friends, I often go out of my way to welcome strangers and try to get them into the conversation. I'll check their profiles to see if there's some "hook" I can use to draw them in. If I find myself in a new space, surrounded by strangers, I'll listen for a while, to try to get a sense for the flow of the conversation. Then I'll do the same thing, examine the profiles of the chatters and look for a hook. This works pretty well. I'm an introvert so it's hard work, but without it I'm just gonna be a wallflower.
  20. PeterCanessa Oh wrote: TED? OSC? No idea what you're talking about Peter, OSC is Orson Scott Card, a science fiction author. I'd not known of him until just now Googling "osc ender alvin". TED stands for Technology, Entertainment and Design. It's a non-profit organization that hosts speakers on a wide variety of subjects and makes their talks available for free online at TED.com. I highly recommend it.
  21. valerie Inshan wrote: Awww, thanks Maddy! :smileyhappy: Ooooh, you've done something to yourself. No, no, don't tell me... it's your hair, yes? I seem to recall you usually part it on the left. I love this new look!
  22. valerie Inshan wrote: Hippie Bowman wrote: Lillie Woodells wrote: Good MornAfterEvening everyone! Thank you for breakfast Val! Hippie's right you two do look wonderful dancing in the kitchen! Hugs to you all today! Good morning Lil! They look Fab huh?! Peace! /me blushes for two, lol. Thank you guys! Mmmm, you look good with rosy cheeks, Val.
  23. Void Singer wrote: TED has some wonderful gems of thinking (and occasionally some that people can apply immediately to their lives)...I've spent hours and hours on some of their talks. PS if you haven't read the book, you should.... at least the first one. OSC is an impressive author, and one of the best redeeming qualities of Utah I'm a TED fan too. I love to sit at the corner of Technology and Art, watching traffic.
  24. Hippie Bowman wrote: valerie Inshan wrote: Hiya, good evening, night, morning, everyone! Early hugs from Paris! Ajja and I are serving breakfast/lunch/dinner in my kitchen today, help yourselves! So good Val! You two look so good together! Peace! Good morning, Kids! Val? How did my warm, cozy bed end up in your kitchen? And why is there a pot and all that meat hanging over it?
  25. Some things never change, including my avatar? I doodled it myself! I don't think much about the avatars, it's you folks in the chairs that give me the warm fuzzies. ETA: Well, that's not true, I do like to see what people do with their avatars. I just don't think much about MY avatar.
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