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Madelaine McMasters

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Everything posted by Madelaine McMasters

  1. Good morning, Kids!!! To Ajja, Val and Lia, I'm sending my best wishes. Good luck to you all.
  2. "I believe that a scientist looking at nonscientific problems is just as dumb as the next guy." Richard Feynman
  3. 4-16-1999 Students dancing to Prince's "1999" at a rave party in Boston's Back Bay come to the sudden realization that no imagination is required. Within a year, Prince's song will spark waves of nostalgia everywhere. 4-16-2013 The last physical copy of Rad Bradbury's "Fahrenheit 451" rolls off the printing presses at Ballantine Books. It is announced that e-book versions of the tome will be retitled "Fahrenheit 95" to reflect the fact that, while the autoignition temperature of book paper is approximately 451°F, the typical e-book reader is specified to operate only up to 95 degrees. 4-16-2014 After more than two years re-analyzing scripture, Rapture prognosticator Harold Camping announces that his persistant inability to predict the end of the world stemmed from his mistaken assumption that it would happen for all at once. "I have now discovered that the Rapture is an individual event. I will make it my life's work to ascertain the date of the Rapture for each of Earth's seven billion inhabitants." explained Camping, who was 93 at the time.
  4. Drake1 Nightfire wrote: i have two, from my favorite authors. "The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown." --- H.P. Lovecraft "I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain." --- Frank Herbert, Dune - Bene Gesserit Litany Against Fear i taught my 7 year old daughter the litany when she was afraid of the dark... i overhead her whispering it when she went to pet my uncles Rottweiler. :smileyvery-happy: I don't think I was ever afraid of the dark. When I was very young, my Father built a small cardboard door at the base of the wall near by bed. This "Monster Door" was the portal into the world of strange creatures who were afraid of me and left small "gifts" to win my favor. Those gifts might be pieces of candy, rusty hinges or dust bunnies. As they only moved about in the dark, I was generally happy to have the lights go out at bedtime, so I could sneak to the door and discover my treat. Meanwhile, my Mother loved to chase me around in the dark (first in the house, then through the woods) making spooky noises. If she caught me, she tickled me. The dark is a wonderful and mysterious place, unfortunately because of the all too real risks, too few people enjoy it. I don't think I'd have understood Lovecraft or Herbert when I was little (not sure I understand them now). My SL home and skybox are connected by small, teleporting Monster Doors. Old habits die hard.
  5. PeterCanessa Oh wrote: Love that one Irene. "It's easier to ask for forgiveness than it is to get permission" - Grace Hopper (possibly) I love that Admiral Hopper carried foot long bits of wire in her purse, and handed them out as nanoseconds.
  6. “To be is to do - Socrates To do is to be - Sartre Do Be Do Be Do - Sinatra” ― Kurt Vonnegut
  7. emmettcullen93 wrote: Ceka Cianci wrote: emmettcullen93 wrote: Ceka Cianci wrote: "Always remember that you are unique. Just like everyone else". :smileywink: is that from forest gump? oh you want original quotes? i can do those too hehehe here is one of mine from a long long time ago in RA forums.. "Vanity..it's not just for holding up the sink anymore".. Ceka Cianci <3 lol o now that is cute lol That poster could also read "Individuality: Fake it, who'll know?" Most of the snowflakes depicted have either five or eight spokes. Only the one partially off the top, left of center, has six. I love despair.com, Emmett! ;-)
  8. April 15, 1582 - Bassist Julian Calendar is arrested for smuggling his diminutive date, Amanda Lynn, into the Sistine Chapel by hiding her inside his bass. His plan is foiled when, during his performance of Jelly Roll Morton's "Tank Town Bump" for Pope Gregory XIII, his petite paramour sneezes. The apologetic Calendar is released on his own recognizance and immediately flees the country with Amanda before astute musical scholars realize that Jelly Roll Morton will not be born for another 303 years. April 15, 1961 - Ben Franklin's famous quote "In this world, nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes." is cast further into doubt when probate judge Barbara Dahl reveals that the recently deceased Nobel physicist Erwin Schrödinger willed his entire estate to his cat. April 15, 2012 - SL Resident Boone Steerpike is highly embarassed when Snugs McMasters misinterprets Hippie Bowman's Sunday morning breakfast invite "Breakfast at Boones. Come on out and enjoy each other!" as announcing an orgy.
  9. Anytime you got nothing to do - and lots of time to do it - come on up. - Mae West
  10. 4-14-1929 JJ "Finetooth" McComb alarms hundreds of neighbors in his sleepy NJ hometown when, misunderstanding the label on his allergy medication, "Do Not Operate Heavy Machinery While Using This Medication", he forgets to unmoor his homemade lighter-than-air craft before taking it for a Sunday ride. 4-14-1951 Gladys Morgelson (nee Canbe) files for annulment one day after her groom Nelson's obssession with opossums crosses into the bizarre when he plays dead on their wedding night. 4-14-1996 The "Million Man March" is renamed after it is revealed that, to secure unearned community service credit for his high school civics class, Jamal Wilson dressed his sister in baggy pants, jean jacket and Dodgers baseball cap, handed her five dollars and told her she could shop all day at the National Mall. Wilson's ruse was discovered when his civics teacher spotted him two seats ahead of her at the Bijou, watching "The English Patient".
  11. Dresden Ceriano wrote: Ikiro Tryce wrote: Just adding this in...being a better person means not shoving your silly religion down other people's throats. :matte-motes-wink: ...unless your religion tastes like a fudgesicle. ...Dres
  12. Dillon Levenque wrote: Madelaine McMasters wrote: Clarissa Lowell wrote: I know. I couldn't resist. /me pinches you. Oh oh. Why did you have to show up NOW? My nefariousness?
  13. Kenbro Utu wrote: PeterCanessa Oh wrote: NFN (apochryphal (sic) UK medical notation). Now that is funny. There is little leeway for humor in medical reports in the states. And here's that little leeway! http://britishexpats.com/forum/showthread.php?t=430805 http://www.messybeast.com/dragonqueen/medical-acronyms.htm I rode with paramedics for a couple weeks years ago and learned that they cope with the stress of job using black humor, except when children are involved. They were an impressive and dedicated bunch and very funny.
  14. Dillon Levenque wrote: Clarissa Lowell wrote: I know. I couldn't resist. Now might be a really good time to buy a fire extinguisher and some Nomex clothes, if you don't already have them. She has a reputation. Won't help.
  15. Clarissa Lowell wrote: I know. I couldn't resist. /me pinches you.
  16. Clarissa Lowell wrote: Madelaine McMasters wrote: I'd hoped to find a funny quote from someone bright. I went to see what Hedy Lamarr had to say and was struck by this... "I am not ashamed to say that no man I ever met was my father's equal, and I never loved any other man as much." To all you fellas who have daughters, I wish this for you. To all you fellas who marry their daughters, I hope you'll understand. To all you fellas who marry their daughters and have your own, I know you'll understand. That is a lot of fathers marrying their daughters. Is it Appalachia? Well, I was trying to be compact! They are marrying the daughters of fathers who can't be equaled, potentially becoming fathers who can't be equaled.
  17. /me gives both Peter and Phil pinches to grow inches. Happy Birthday, Guys!
  18. Kelli May wrote: "Do you want to eat out, Kelli?" "Do you want to eat out Kelli?" Punctuation makes a difference! "What is this thing called love?" "What is this thing called, love?" Yep, it does!
  19. PeterCanessa Oh wrote: Hehe, my daughter is a teenager and somewhat unpredictable about such things. I just read the quote to her and she said "Aww, isn't that sweet. Of course daddy" so I must be winning. As a grown man who still enjoys Pooh, I expect you'll do fine. And of course the real winner will be your daughter ;-)
  20. I'd hoped to find a funny quote from someone bright. I went to see what Hedy Lamarr had to say and was struck by this... "I am not ashamed to say that no man I ever met was my father's equal, and I never loved any other man as much." To all you fellas who have daughters, I wish this for you. To all you fellas who marry their daughters, I hope you'll understand. To all you fellas who marry their daughters and have your own, I know you'll understand.
  21. Marigold Devin wrote: Inner voice told me to remove my comment. Need to think more before I hit the "send" button. Should have yesterday. Will do in future. Too late, I saw it! Prig!!! ;-)
  22. Irene Muni wrote: non-English speaker + really bad typing + writer while I answer the phone and other labor issues Damned ESL hunt and peck multi-taskers. I'm envious.
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