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Tears Serf

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Everything posted by Tears Serf

  1. no I´m not sadly. but on the brightside the store don´t exist any longer.
  2. My biggest SL disappointments since 2006 : would be to see sl slow death. not much of mainland remians. Most places are gone or empty (still hate timezone´s) . and that nowdays sl are buy buy buy, not much left of what it where when Linden walket among us. Forgot one thing, I got kicked out from a sim because, as the store owner said, I haden´t bought enough .
  3. I am selling around 16000sqm in small parcels at Malitz. Or you can buy it as hole, just IM tears.serf with price and size. wonderful view of the ocean where you can sail on lindenwater. SLurl
  4. I did a new folder for my firestorm chache so i can find it without the trouble to find the cache in windows user acountsmaze. you can change the path for cach just start firestorm dont login and use preference, then make a new folder where you can see it and you have access.
  5. I had some problems with the same headset as you have, but its more that all sound flat or nothing..downloaded new drivers for usb for my motherboard and new drivers for the headset. works fine now.
  6. what I learned in my 8 years here in sl is that, I live in Sweden and its around 18 to 30 jumps before I reach secondlife and its often the last node in Europe and the first in US that slowing me down. and then next node that stops are sometimes in san Francisco and sometimes in LA. trace youre rout to sl and I guess you will find out whats wrong
  7. I am selling around 16000sqm in small parcels at Malitz. wonderful view of the ocean whee you ca sail on lindenwater. SLurl
  8. Sheerhank a water property if intressted contect tears.serf inworld. or just buit :) 2560sqm at 8.67/sqm 22000l$
  9. I found out the answer around this. its a bug the make simulater crash when baking new navmesh.
  10. Yes at monday 12th Jan but this happend 3 days in a row. first now its stable again. as stable sl can be....
  11. I´m losing objects when I need to rebake my parcel at Malitz. Can build and place and then when Im finished with the landscape and rebaks everything looks great until I logout. When I get back in world everything are back as I didn't do anything. Have lost pets meshterrain and so on. Any one else notice something as his?
  12. Syo Emerald wrote: Tears Serf wrote: Estate control... I am on mainland, me and Lars 'own' a parcel at the size of an half sim. I was stupid to think ppl in sl could handle public access. I always report to linden when someone don't follow ToS or ban them if they can't understand common sense. Madelaine maybe you made it much simpler for me, and let the Port die as Lars wants. And restrict it to me and Lars or them who want pay for access. I guess Madeleine McMasters that I seen second life's rise, the happy prosperous days, to 2010 then see the SL fall. And I guess I for a moment forgot. Maybe I needed a reality check to se how bad thing are. There where always griefers around. In 2010, when I started SL, the sandbox I used as my log-out and general unpacking place was griefed daily by people who thought it was fun to throw gages around. And before 2010 there where also a lot griefers. People who grief others will be around as long as the servers are running and as long as people log into Second Life. Its sad to hear that someone spoiled your generous offer. I would suggest to make a group and give that group rezzing rights on this parcel. Then remove the open entry to the group and let people know, that they can talk to either you or Lars for an invitation. This may cut off the kind of griefer you have there, because I suspect its the kind of does it because its possible and not because there is a passionate background. Ive been here too loong i guess.
  13. Estate control... I am on mainland, me and Lars 'own' a parcel at the size of an half sim. I was stupid to think ppl in sl could handle public access. I always report to linden when someone don't follow ToS or ban them if they can't understand common sense. Madelaine maybe you made it much simpler for me, and let the Port die as Lars wants. And restrict it to me and Lars or them who want pay for access. I guess Madeleine McMasters that I seen second life's rise, the happy prosperous days, to 2010 then see the SL fall. And I guess I for a moment forgot. Maybe I needed a reality check to se how bad thing are.
  14. better to use 18 years checked:matte-motes-bored:
  15. Almost 3 weeks I and Lars had open our port. We offer everyone to be able to rez their boats, but since 1 week back began light particle script and some memmory-eating-thingy that destroys so much. I have done 3 abuse reportes and I know that Lars also done it. 3 weeks, 500 person and some nuts the just want to destroy. The first thing we will do is to reduce the time before the boats must be gone, disappointing when the 'dream of serenity' maybe will stay as just a dream. Mia
  16. it looked more like a vrworld that you would like to have, but never get. some parts of sl have all that some part are something else.
  17. I do. but you have always been able to join free.
  18. I dont understand what you meant. we talked about a specific spam, that comes in waves.
  19. was before 2008, we had some real pervs in sl and sl where in every newpaper. I didnt mean only this forum, its secondLife where the forum are a large window to the world inside. maybe I have been here to long.
  20. Ultra and 3 monitors 28 fps. but its often serverside thet make my day harder.
  21. Need age and id cnroll. you can see by youreself what happend since 2007 0r 2009 when the dropped all. its just a freakshow of newbie askin same question...
  22. maybe you have a point, havent been in this forum since linden did there major changes 2007-2008. we lost allt then. but Im so tired of all this porn post. or if i go somewhere beyond my own parcel the first im i get are "Do sex??" open gates to secondlife without any check at all its a baaad idea.
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