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Ice Luv

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Everything posted by Ice Luv

  1. Lots of Lindens and Moles at the Fandom Con fashion show. I didn't manage to catch them all -- it was incredibly laggy.
  2. Captain's Relog, Stardate SL20B: The extension to the Second Life birthday events means that I have been able to find time to try out the Star Trek pilot training simulator. All systems in the Alpha Quadrant have been placed on high alert.
  3. This eco-droid head was a gift at the shop & hop.
  4. It's curious, I keep hearing a small voice in my ear saying "Invest in cheese".
  5. Bob has heard that today is World UFO Day on Earth. So he is out and about in the hope that he might see one.
  6. Have you ever stumbled across something in SL that made you feel you were being personally targeted?
  7. Wild Pack Space Adventure Amusement Park http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Wild Pack/128/128/1003
  8. For modest clothing, you could try Virtue. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Beauty Star/148/245/899
  9. It is important for a lady to be well-educated, don't you think?
  10. You're not getting mine! It's made its own arrangements.
  11. I expect you'll all be relieved to know this is probably the last of my pics from this year's Fantasy Faire.
  12. Star Wars Day! The Fourth is with you, young Forumites, but you are not in July yet.
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