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Ice Luv

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Everything posted by Ice Luv

  1. They said I was too chicken to post this!
  2. I'm not sure if it is quite what you are looking for, but you might take a look at the Synth AO by Body Language. It features some subtle fast head and finger movements that could be interpreted as insect-like.
  3. The Empire requires more photos. You would be wise to comply if you don't wish to answer to Lord Vader.
  4. Bob has learned his lesson from last year, when his slime grub cake was not well received. This year he is playing it safe with Zellexian hyper-candies. Each one guaranteed highly radioactive, to give the one you love that special glow!
  5. Santa Bob has taken over operations in your planet's northern polar region. Many Ho's to you, people of Earth.
  6. Apparently today is Cyberman Day. Or maybe I misheard that.
  7. Bob is ready for the World Cup.⚽ He is confident that his world will win. [Not meaning to gloss over the socio-political issues associated with this tournament in RL, but this is not the appropriate forum to be discussing such things.]
  8. 100 years or so ago, pink was considered a masculine colour.
  9. If I'm out and about I most commonly use a human avatar, but it's not unusual for me to change avatar several times in a day. Male/Female/Human/Elf/Alien/Robot/Goblin/Bunny/Gelatinous Cube or whatever. Identity crisis? Moi? Surely not. All my other selves assure me that I am perfectly fine. 😉
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