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Ice Luv

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Everything posted by Ice Luv

  1. Long coat and Halloween spookiness rolled into one.
  2. A bear. With a duck on its head. Because why not?
  3. Bob has visited the Cyber Fair and been subjected to extreme levels of cuteness.
  4. Arrrr... so it be Talk Like a Pirate Day once again. Drink up me hearties, yo ho!
  5. No, I got that outfit a few weeks ago in one of Flashpoint's weekly sales.
  6. For the hair, I would go for Angela by Sintiklia, which is available as a free group gift.
  7. Bob offers services as bartender. Bob serves drinks good. Almost never poisons anyone.
  8. Yes, the picture on my hard drive is titled "DIB", for Dinkie in Black, as Persephone managed to figure out above.
  9. Since everyone seems to be doing Dinkie pics at the moment, I guess I can jump on the bandwagon too.
  10. I found just the right tool to make that delicate adjustment.
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