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Chelsea Hansen

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Everything posted by Chelsea Hansen

  1. No bait, and being silly, and just contemplating what we need to hold others responsible for regarding specs. My guess is that they aren't even looked at when checking out Second Life, and that most people interested in a game pretty much have enough juice to run it. Most.
  2. What about a grandma who saw the bad specs? Would you care about Grandma?
  3. It is time to rejoice and feel JOY -- any time of year. I'm in!
  4. /me hates melodrama. Distorts everything beyond hope.
  5. Ruins immersion, but I'll use it when needed.
  6. Hi Ayashe. I am in the Firestorm support group and like you I notice residents needing help with the current update. I'm certain more than three of four need help, but even if, say, 100 residents are experiencing reduced performance this is a drop in the bucket when compared to all the residents having zero or minimal problems! There are thousands who use the Firestorm viewer. It's easy to get a skewed idea pertaining to the scope of the problem when we only hear from those needing support, and we don't hear from those doing fine. Likewise, this skewed perception affects the forum. Those having problems are very loud! I can't blame them really as they love SL and want the thing to work! But still, we need to keep in mind that we are likely getting a distorted perception when we only pay attention to those who are upset and not hearing from all the others who are doing fine or only minimally affected. Personally, my old desktop isn't the greatest, and I do see some diminished performance, but nothing to write home about.
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