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Everything posted by Lilbap

  1. Its the whole "does not present as a female" bit that I'm not 100% sure on. They/Them is a lot more typing than he/she over time. So I err on the side of caution and wear a bandage around my ribs.
  2. 1) The ban on adult land. As a whole, it doesn't bother me. I only miss my old home sim, I mentioned it was functionally Moderate with the rules but was set adult because people didn't understand the ToS and thought a sim had to be adult if hanky panky was going on inside people's homes. 2) The not being allowed near nudity rule. I'm all for it, I just wish gals would stop showing up places with their cooters showing. Like I was on a M sim the other day some chica shows up with a open front dress held together by front lacing. I don't expect people to change their SLs to accomidate me, but like M is the only rating sim I feel comfortable in. G tends to be, in my opinion, more young than I am comfortable with. For someone to come in all flapping ugly in the breeze feels like I have to retreat even when they're in the wrong. If I say, "This is a mature sim, could you please cover up," I get snarled at, "KIDS SHOULD BE BANNED!" Come on, I follow the rules, you can too! 3) Your usage of Moderate sims. Do you go to these less than you did before? How is the experience? For the most part, I try to get along with everyone, so moderate sims are kind of my space. The really young presenting tend to stay to G sims and the creepers tend to go to the A sims I wouldn't have gone to in the first place. 4) The availability of content - think avatars being updated specifically. I have trouble finding shoes that fit, rig more shoes please, its not 2000. 5) The modesty layers. Oh boy, here's where I'm going to get heat. I'm non-binary and asexual RL. In SL I wear a boy skin because it doesn't have drawn on girl bits. I do wear modesty layers, but I really don't see a point, if I were to take off my underwear I'm smooth as a store maniquin down below, no boy bits, no girl bits. Some days I have boy energy, some days I have girl energy. I don't understand why I would need to wear a bra if I don't have the upper bits either. I don't see guys waddling around wearing Seinfeld Bro's when they're bare chested. 6) Overall how do you feel about everything? Mostly, I find it more amusing than anything else. I could literally RP on a sim where people are mowing people down with machinegun fire dressed in Hugo Boss uniforms, but having to wear a silly bra because someone might derender my clothes seems kinda crazy. I mean, if my looking like I'm 11 upsets someone, I feel it should be on them to mute and derender me. Because the moment I complain about someone treating me like the scum of the earth for having the termarity to log in and try to be happy all I get is, "Just block them," like that solves the issue of them trying to hurl hate and false accusations at me in public.
  3. Nope, so they will play if I have other animations on. Picture if you will, having the option of using Hud A with P0 animations, or Hud B with P2 or P3 animations for the mood. See? That way people like you that would rather P0 animations and those like me who would lke my moods to show.
  4. Could you please make the Mood animations a higher priority?
  5. I'm looking for a shop that sells realistic size buildings. I'm tired of everything being made for giants, especially as I am small. Is there anyone that makes buildings that are not made for titans?
  6. I'm fine with modesty layers, I just think the top bit is silly when your chest is flat. Why do I need to wear a bra, when dudes at a beach aren't wearing bros.
  7. Thanks, I'll start there, but always looking for more!
  8. I'm trying to find buildings that would make a good town like in Far Cry 5. Anyone have any suggestions?
  9. If its "behind closed doors" it falls under Mature, it was residential mostly. If it were the case people having sex inside closed areas linden homes would be Adult too because you know in all those houses someone's gettin' busy.
  10. There were 9 sims other than the motel..
  11. So the sim in question had a motel where people were handling their adult busienss and they said to the owner, "So we're doing the dirty in the motel you should make this an adult sim just in case." The sim owner made it Adult. Even though people were not allowed to wander around naked outside (they give them time out for it). So when the new ToS dropped, despite how the sim is run, and its rules, its Adult and verboten.
  12. @Tommy Linden To be honest, I've been pretty angry at you guys for a few days now. I lost a community of friends that hung out on a sim that was functionally Mature but flagged adult due to ignorance of the ToS. Having reported actual people that have hit me up for sex still around didn't really improve my feelings. This is nice though, it feels we've been heard. So thanks to those that have helped ease the stress of this situation.
  13. Ha yeah thankfully I don't breathe
  14. Fingers crossed for not needing a boob strap when you don't got boobs.
  15. How expensive is it to do that?
  16. Technically speaking it means grandmother, but I love the feel of the word when I say it.
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