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Everything posted by Lilbap

  1. 1. I sometimes flatter myself thinking I am sort of a soft introduction to SL kids. I'm perfectly happy for people to speak to me as an adult, my avatar is 11, my character is 113. I don't expect any special consideration, but then yesterday someone had this hug animation where they knelt down to my level and it melted my heart a little. 2. I wish Moderate sims would remember they're moderate not Adult-lite. Nothing makes me more upset than seeing a new roleplaying sim opens and I go there and its "NO KIDS!!!!" I'm pretty peaceful, I hate being rejected because of the actions of others, even if I can understand people in the past have ruined the pot. 3. I have a fun one for you on this! I have this car that I absolutely love. I was excited to see I could re-size it down to my side. Then an adult sat down on it and said, "Lets go." Because they were so big and the car was my size their butt sort of went through the bottom of the car and elevated it up enough it wouldn't go.
  2. Kinda depends on which lore you draw from really. Think about it, there's no more growth so brain development stops at the point fo the change. For me, Sasha slips into childish behaviours sometimes but realizes it. Its sort of like when you get upset and a native accent you've been trying to hide shows through. Age Ranges for Child Vampires Ages 6-8 Characteristics: Very young and often very dependent on their sire. They retain a significant amount of innocence and naivety. Psychological Traits: They might struggle to understand their new existence fully, leading to a high degree of confusion and fear. Their childlike innocence often clashes starkly with their vampiric nature. Roleplaying Tips: Emphasize their dependence on older vampires and their struggle to comprehend their condition. They may often look to their sire for guidance and reassurance. Ages 8-10 Characteristics: Slightly more independent but still largely reliant on their sire or other older vampires. They begin to understand their situation better but still retain much of their childhood innocence. Psychological Traits: They start to grapple with the loss of their mortal life and the permanence of their new condition. This age range may exhibit a mix of childlike behavior and glimpses of understanding their vampiric nature. Roleplaying Tips: Highlight their moments of clarity and understanding amidst their childlike behaviors. Their interactions may show a mix of dependency and budding independence. Ages 10-12 Characteristics: They start to exhibit more independence and a better understanding of their situation. They can start to develop their own identity within the vampiric world. Psychological Traits: This age range often deals with significant internal conflict as they reconcile their lost childhood with their new reality. They may exhibit a more pronounced struggle between their vampiric instincts and their lingering humanity. Roleplaying Tips: Focus on their internal conflicts and moments of maturity. They may begin to question their sire's decisions and seek more autonomy. Ages 12-14 Characteristics: Approaching adolescence, they are more self-aware and independent. They may begin to resent their vampiric condition more deeply as they understand the full implications of their immortality. Psychological Traits: They often experience a heightened sense of rebellion and a strong desire for independence. This age range may exhibit significant anger and frustration towards their sire and their condition. Roleplaying Tips: Emphasize their rebellious nature and desire for independence. They may clash more frequently with their sire and other authority figures.
  3. Busted and thank you too. Salem's Lot is getting another remake soon!
  4. I HAVE BEEN UNLEASHED!! Ahem, sorry, hi and thank you for the question! Currently I am kind of on a vibe as vampirism as a transmitted disease through bites. My sister Jenny suggested her character could be a phlebotomist and able to drain donors for me. We both agree that secretly Sasha still sneaks out and feeds when she's really hungry. I lean more towards Dracula and Let The Right One In than more modern tellings. No sparkling here, but I do have a "sun suit" outfit I wear with long sleeve gloves, veils to cover my head and a parasol. That's about the only concession I have that people don't have their winlights set to Midnight For my appearance, I found an image I loooved recently that kinda looks like my vibe enough I can say "Yeah I can see me." I'm older because my mesh body won't get smaller and I can't afford a new one right now. Right now I don't really have a story, I can't find a vampire place that will allow vampire kids. I have a head canon I keep running as well as occasionally write out background details for my own and the entertainment of friends. As I mentioned, I get sidetracked. So I guess I will toss out some quick media I've snatched ideas from to make my own lore. Let The Right One In: This is a major inspiration for me. I use it as a crib sheet for abilities my character might have as a vampire as well as the weakness (except for my sun suit concession). I always ask before I come into a home, its just polite. Children of the Night: A vampire movie from Argentina about a medical facility that was there basically to help child vampires. It gave me a lot of insight of vampires at different ages, and I liked the idea that vampire fangs "grow in" over time. I've long shed my baby teeth. There was one cringe moment, so be aware. The Lesser Dead: A novel I mentioned above, gave me a lot of insight into the "impulse control" issues for child vampires as well as how Sasha feels when full. Vampire the Masquerade: I mean, you can't roleplay a vampire and not have heard of this RPG. I use the statistics to give me a better grasp of Sasha's physical strengths and weaknesses. I found an online document called: PEQUEÑOS VAMPIROS by Manuel Ángel Gayoso Peña. Its in Spanish so I am slowly translating it, but its insightful on the subject. Black Eyed Kids: That urban legend more than anything terrified me to become facinated with child monsters. They need to be invited in too!
  5. I'm not a therapist, and I don't know their lives. I'm not qualified to make choices in other people's healing procsess. I think the ones that would suggest it are the ones more interested in hurting and not promoting healing.
  6. There's a rich diversity of books and movies on the topic of vampire children. I recommend, naturally "Let The Right One In," as well as 2024's "Abigail" for films with vampire children that are really good. Hoping Abigail will get a novelization so I can dig further into her psychology. If you want an absolutely chilling child vampire novel, I recomment "Lesser Dead," Christopher Buehlman. Do yourself a favour though and don't spoiler it for yourself.
  7. There's this maker that makes a BoM decomposition cosmetic thing. I thought at one point of getting it to represent when my character was hungry. Then I thought about it, people might accept a vampire because really unless you "think too hard about it," they skirt the uncanny valley. However, it doesn't take a lot of imagination to look at a zombie kid and make the connection "dead baby," and the last thing I want to do is trigger someone who lost a child.
  8. You're making this reeeeeaaaally hard for someone with impulse control issues to stay on topic! I could go on forever on playing a vampire kid.
  9. Ew! I would throw them fruits and veggies to keep them close. Its got to be like a combination of a hamsters nibble and a hippo cracking watermalons in their mouths! Would be fun and horrific to watch. I guess like me.
  10. My character is a 113 year old vampire that was changed when they were a kid. So when I am In Character I tend to be a more cynical and aggressive character. Most of the time I'm just living my best life and relaxing my tight control I have over myself. I'm more than happy to geek out about movies, video games, books and such. I guess the best way is to look at the location, if I'm on a roleplay sim I'm RPing, if not I'm just me.
  11. 1. I try not to play favourites, there's so many meaningful people in my lives My sister Jenny and my friend Bill live with me so I will mention them. My sister Jenny, words can't describe it. She won't allow me to be anything but the best person I can be. She helps me rember RL things because I have a bad memory. I have PTSD, so sometimes I struggle with my anger, and Jenny gently chides me enough to make me realize I am being silly. She's unfailingly supportive. Bill Flecher, I know in my bones he will always be there, with either a warm hug when I desperately need one or an insightful conversation. Again, all my friends are special to me, but I felt the question kind of needed an answer. Sorry if I ramble a bit. 2. I was standing in a coffee shop talking to my friends when someone teleported in and tried to turn the crowd against me. "What is this a kindergarden now?" Even tossed the ***** rules at me. Everyone in the place, not just my friends basically ran them off. I've never felt so loved. I have trouble picking two other ones as I have had a lot of great experiences, and again I feel I am rambling and don't want to spam the post. 3. Maybe the ones that baby babble tone that down, learn from real children how they speak and inteact that way. I have trouble going to G rated and child frendly sims because that "style" drives me up the wall. I'm not one to yuck someone's yum and if your social circle loves you how you want to represent yourself its great. However, that's one thing I told a lot in private, I don't feel "cringy" to adults because I speak to them on a somewhat adult level. 4. Stop treating us like a disease, sex offenders, or some other unsavoury sort to avoid. I like to think I am a pretty nice person, and I have a seething hatred of child molestors. Get to know us as individuals, like we get to know you, as an individual that has every right to live their second life how they feel happy. 5. I don't have an opinion on either. I don't collect them.
  12. A lot less welcoming these days.
  13. People trying to get me into "adult" roleplay when I'm a SL kid.. I explained, I became a SL kid because I really got tired of all the people hitting me up for slex. I let them I'm asexual to which they asked, "So when you touch yourself....down there what do you feel?" Ew, ew, ew, ew.
  14. I guess I can go a little into my situation. I've been in SL for a long time and as an adult avatar I eventually got tired of not being able to log in without someone trying to pander me for sex. I could be sitting alone in my house, my IMs open up and its someone that happened to be in the same group I'm in that just looked at my profile and thought despite everything they'd give it a go. In SL, being a kid puts me in a strange situation, especially since the ToS change. I don't really fit in with the SL kid culture as it seems to gear itself towards younger SL kids. Physically my avatar is 11, I did research into child development and thought "This is a good enough age, I can interact with adults on a functional level as well as being too young to be 'on the menu' for the SLex crowd." I get nervous going to G rated sims because I have trouble relating to people who present as super young, and yet when I go to M rated hangout sims some people still try to get me thrown out, or worse try to get the crowd to turn against me. I really feel that this new change has done less for 'keeping SL kids safe from predators' and more like giving ill informed people a license to come after us. I just want to be at peace, not have to deal with harassment and get to know all the wonderful people SL has to offer!
  15. This is a super cool thread. Fellow child avi here too, not up on tech like scripting or stuff, but if anyone wants me to answer questions I can.
  16. I have no problem following the new rules. I wasn't breaking the old ones. I just wish it would clear up a lot of the knee-jerk reactions the ones that DON'T read the TOS and just listen to the stuff people tell them. I watch a lot, a LOT of court stuff on youtube, you get these people that someone says, "If you say you're a soverign citizen, or indiginious you'll get out of any criminal charge," so the peole come to court say all the sounds that the person directed at them. While on the surface they sound like actual words, they're actually nonsense. I used to visit a sim. It started out as Moderate, but people were like, "Yooooh, people are having sex in the motels, you should make this place adult." So to cover their butts, the owners made the sim Adult. Still followed all the M rated rules, no public nudity, keep your 'adult stuff' behind closed doors. As a SL kid, as long as I followed the rules I was fine. I never cammed in, if someone came up with their compensation showing I would get away from them. Things were great, I had a lot of friends. We'd hang out, watch people race their cars and everything was fine. Now the new ToS comes out and while I am sad I have to leave what was basically my home or change to something I don't want to be. So I left the sim. Now I am looking for a new place, a M rated sim I can RP my little vampire story, but I arrive on M rated sims, read their rules and its like, "Because of the fact we allow adult activities, SL kids are not allowed." Its like there's this soft ban on actual mature sims because people believe either you have to be toddler oriented (G rated) or XXX rated (A) to cover your butt, there's no middle ground. I fall into a strange place as a SL kid. I'm not interested in 'family roleplay,' and I don't care what people do behind closed doors. So I feel a little like I'm without a country, not really wanted anywhere right now. Again, I am ALL for protecting SL kids from sickos, if I need a modesty pannel fine, I wear coverings already it doesn't change much for me (As long as I can wear my ballet uniform without them showing). I just wish people would take the time to be more educated about the rules because it feels like SL was already small and its getting even more small. (( That said any sim that'll allow a vampire kid that not toddlercore, let me know! ))
  17. I hear chairs wired for electricity cures that.
  18. May the cardboard box robots rise! Its my go-to shopping avi now.
  19. I wear underwear, even covering over my nipples in case some sick f*...er...person with a mental illness derendered my clothing I don't mind doing it, heck, I am happy to do it. What I don't like is having some (as of yet) undefined modesty covering that could ruin my outfits. Seriously, girl next door skin, shudder. I don't want to find a skin, with modesty covering that's not too obtrusive and have a mesh body update that covers me shoulders to thighs I can't take off, you know? I'm perfectly fine protecting myself, perfectly find complying with the ToS, I just rather it be on a skin level not a mesh level so ruin my look. I am not a criminal, I don't want to be treated like one.
  20. I wouldn't want to have to take the oral exam.
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