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Everything posted by enolablowfies

  1. If there is an actual problem, you tried to contact the creator & the creator doesn't respond or fix the problem within 2 weeks they deserve a negative review. If you're going to sell things, it's your responsibility to provide service for said products. A lot of creators these days just ignore & or ban anyone that says anything they don't like about their product, even if the problem is real. People need to stop acting like creators, even the big ones, have a right to behave any way they want, because if real money is involved they certainly do NOT & there should be repercussions for those that act in such a way. Just making a product & putting it out isn't the end of the process, customer service can make or break a creator & more should learn that lesson. It's not always the customers fault, but a lot of creators act that way. You'd be surprised at how some of your "famous" creators talk about their customers on Facebook with their friends & in creator groups.
  2. Well they added the last name Lovelace which was an adult porn star in the 70's. Maybe they are becoming a bit more progressive when it comes to adult stuff. lol
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