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xXSuicidalIdolXx Candycane

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Everything posted by xXSuicidalIdolXx Candycane

  1. I'm not sure what I did on the last post apparently I wrote Under what the previous commenter had said but my land is at 8,000m so it's a pretty big Square parcel where I'm able to really go through and decorate I'm in an M rated region so it's not intended to be adult it's just supposed to be a lounge I would like to put my DJ setup in it have a hot tub some place where the gothic type can hang out since the last hangout just went poof, I wanted to know if there were any actual pre-built buildings instead of going through and actually building one by scratch the previous comment gave me some ideas but because I have 8,000 square meters of space I don't know if there's anything larger than a 1024 I'll have to do some investigating
  2. hey hey, question for you all, my friend that I started second life with met a dude that had a night club, he had a friend who wildly gave me lindens to go get DJ stuff since I used to DJ and blah blah, well me and my were talking and since I have 3 properties at which I am paying 90 a month for including premium plus, I have no idea what to do with my 1 property since I now have moved to an ocean property by the blake sea, we were wanting to made a club of our own there was a place called big tiddy goth warehouse and it went poof, the owner just quit. I would like to make use of this DJ stuff and also make a goth type hang out up in the sky, does anyone know of any places that sell full buildings that are not furnished? I remember some that were way to amazing but cant find them now. or does everyone just build them from a box and texture them from there? any help would be amazing! please and thank you!
  3. Hidden features are always a fun discovery so I was wondering what else is there that myself and other people don't know?? I just discovered that you can reply to an IM through your email by literally just typing it out and sending it.. I know I know facepalm most of you already probably know bout that but like let's list some hidden features! 😂
  4. I'm just going to come out and say it this is why the retention is probably low and people leave I have read 14 pages of nothing but back and forth none of you listen to the warnings and not all of you but there's a good handful of people in here that think it should go one way or another my advice to you if you don't like what Linden Labs is doing then why don't you get off the form and go make your own volunteer program yes? I mean everybody is so back and forth and if this is how everyone is going to act towards newcomers no wonder everybody gets confused there's already a steep learning curve but when you throw in everybody's back and forth y'all are making this more confusing than what it has to be again all of you but geez.. a little advice normally what happens is a employee works for a company gets as much information as possible sets off and creates their own company. there is no excuse why some of you who have been here for 17 years can't come up with a service of your own since you know Second Life In and Out. There has been a total of three warnings and you expect Linden labs to listen to you? Y'all can't even listen to the mole, I only started two years ago so I wasn't around for the main volunteer section but if this is how most of y'all acted back then no wonder it went up in chaos, this just feels so divided and it doesn't have to be.. why don't we all just relax for a second and let the program roll out and take it from there shall we?
  5. THIS ^^^ 3rd warning, I will not forgive yall for getting this thread locked, smh, Thank You Quartz! ❤️
  6. I feel like I need to intervene which I don't know why because none of you listen! twice already (3 TIMES NOW) everybody has been warned to keep this on topic. I have actually enjoyed reading all this the past 13 Pages educating myself which everyone is excellent for the free education but could we possibly do us all a favor and move this to a brand new thread so this one doesn't get locked? Even if you don't like the program I still don't want the thread to be shut down and it ruined for the rest of us I mean it's just a thought...
  7. this is so FLIPPIN awesome!! maybe its just me but this thread made me feel warm and happy hearing from all the Lindens, like these are some of the people who make it all possible. I guess since I can truly call Second Life (My Second Home) and finally get to meet some of the people behind why I fell in love with Second Life it just brings me joy and in hopes they all get to see my very huge THANK YOU! for all that they have done and continue to do 💜👏👏👏
  8. See the more you know, reading some comments you only get half the story putting in your own comments speculating a certain thing others comment then the story becomes more complete so thank you for that
  9. I've been following This Thread since the beginning I'm only on page 5 and slowly working my way up each night I lay in bed, here is just a thought and while this might seem harsh it could very be the reality of it. Some people have stated that the original Second Life viewer is outdated which I did get on fix it up a bit and look over everything since I haven't really touched it since I began two years ago, if we maybe look at the big picture and again this sounds harsh but what if Linden labs doesn't update the viewer because why would they? Some people have talked about Linden labs being petty when it comes to the money part of things so follow me on this you have firestorm singularity black dragon and catnips that I'm aware of. It seems that Firestorm would be the most popular go to to advance out of the regular viewer now what if Linden Labs said behind the scenes why would we put money into the original viewer when there's a non-profit organization firestorm who basically already made a better viewer than ours, thinking about it Firestorm kind of did the Dirty Work pretty much for free if it's true with Linden Labs being not share worthy of the prophets in my opinion it would make sense This is all just speculation of course but following some comments and a little bit of shower thoughts Linden labs creates a viewer it's basic others thought they could do it better Linden labs didn't have to pay them so theoretically what's the point of making a better viewer when there's already other popular ones? Or another theory is the fact that Maybe it was all designed that way when I logged on tonight got everything set up the way I want it to be the original viewer is pretty basic thinking about the mentor part of things and how on page 5 someone said they want you as a mentor to be as efficient as possible what if that goes for the person who signs on the second life the viewer was not meant to be complicated it was meant to be basic and then there's other viewers if you decide to get more in depth with Second Life there's options so theoretically speaking the second life you were was not meant to be a long-term thing it was meant to be basic so it doesn't complicate things and then if people want to pursue second life even further they can air quotes graduate to a more complex viewer Would like to hear your thoughts on this!
  10. At least for me you wasted your time and writing all that because I didn't read but the bottom part you follow me here most people here have said go get a stilt home okay yeah so go ahead and follow me to a stilt home and go place a yacht which I specifically said that I had now we can go around and around all day I've already had enough altercations on this Farm I don't need another one but follow me since that's what we're using as a word here I have a yacht and a surfboard I specifically said both of those things I have to say it twice for you now why don't you yourself go get a stilt home and try to whip out a yacht in a little 1024 m area where there's just this little narrow canal in fact I can only go out about maybe a hundred feet now if you want to get technical I'll take the size of the yacht the feet that go into it the width that go into it and try to fit that into a 1024 M area and realistically trying to navigate through the stilt home area like I was it's pretty unrealistic and it's not satisfying there's no really salable ocean right there at least where I was put I've already said thank you I've already moved on and we want to just keep going You know it's actually laughable because I was getting upset at people taking advantage of me and getting upset at Linden lab but just like I said previously if you would read before jumping on my joystick over here I specifically said that I was uneducated and everybody in this form educated me in real life I was basically told in case you missed it that's just the way the real world works so guess what I guess I'm going to have to be not nice about it either and I'm going to have to be just like everybody else even though I don't want to I've got to play the game to get what I want and if you have a problem with that then it sounds like a personal problem everybody educated me on how things work so I got what the program and finally got a property I'm sure by now that you're still lost and I'm sure you're probably going to write another reply but don't you worry this is the only reply you're going to get out of me I'm not about to go around and around on a freaking form go back and read my comments before Some of y'all just do not let things go and you have to break it down to be so technical because you're bored or whatever the case may be I don't know what you're trying to prove but damn knock it off and go sit down 😂✌
  11. freakin right on! PERSEPHONE FOR THE FLIPPIN WIN! and thank you! I'm not done yet but its getting there, you may have noticed the elevator, thats because those fine people who made that thing are amazing! I put a platform up 200m, made a box and then put my skybox in it to make it look a bit nicer, I then got a teleporter on the platform so then I can just poof into the skybox, everything is in reverse, the skybox is floor 1 while the boat dock is floor 2. I promised the land owner which is in this threat cough... that I got this land from that I was gonna try to make it as nice as possible. so the comment is much appreciated! ❤️ its still far from done. if anyone needs the names of anything you see in the picture I will list them! ^___^
  12. That's some very interesting info again the more everybody chimes in the more smarter I get about all this because it's not like it's just smack dab on a form somewhere but it does give you the chance to forcibly and I use that in a funny term socialize with other people on Second Life Now that I done got a nice property can anybody recommend like some beach items like chairs trees accessories anything? heres what im working with.
  13. A real quick note, I did end up finding a waterfront property finally and now I own a little pixelated piece of the pie of an amazing open world we call Second Life, so I'm not mad no more 😂
  14. I personally want to thank everyone for all the replies because as a 27 year old I'm still learning and what is mind-blowingly wild about second life is it literally represents the real world now technically I've only been on for about a year and a half so I'm still fairly learning the community and what goes on I mean hell I want to be a part of the second life family however it's crazy that a lot of you educated me and I took that advice and told some people in the real world and they looked at me and they're like dude you're basically talking about how people do the same thing in real life you know I was unaware cuz I'm not into buying properties in real life but the education and the amount of support it's crazy, now that I'm more aware of how it works I'm not as dumbfounded and upset as I once was because now I'm starting to understand why things work the way they do so I appreciate all the comments and the education you guys are freaking awesome y'all make me mad sometimes but you freaking awesome 🤣💀
  15. lmao damn just forget this forum, nothing in that web page tells me what the problem is or how to fix it and all you want to do is show me a web link instead of flipping just telling me. like dude I posted here for answers not to get a freakin web link which does not resolve the issue, so if you want to say well this is what you said, go freakin look at the website and you tell me how to fix it because it sure is not there.
  16. It is freaking fantastic that I literally explain my issue so perfectly that none of you still understand what the hell I'm even talking about, let me try to explain this one last time I'm in third person and I use my scroll wheel to go into first person at least that's the way it used to be now when I go in the first person and I use my scroll wheel my point of view you know when the screen zooms out and then when you pull the screen back you have a greater field of view yeah that's what it's doing and I can't figure out for the life of me why my scroll wheel is zooming the camera in first person Like I appreciate the help and I'm not trying to get an attitude but nothing in my settings has changed is it a keyboard shortcut that I accidentally hit a key combination to make my first person view zoom in and out
  17. What my issue is is that I don't know exactly what happened or when it happened but I would always go in the first person and then I would use the scroll wheel and then it would bring me out of first person view now the problem is when I'm in first person view if I use the scroll wheel my screen zooms and it won't leave first person
  18. umm so what did I do?? I use first person view a lot when looking around but for what ever reason now my scroll wheel zooms me in and out like the depth of field or I guess it zooms the POV, it used to be I would scroll it back to leave first person and I'm just so dumbfounded what just happened.. can yall like help me please? firestorm user.
  19. not me the past 2 nights slowly reading the comments 🍿 yall are entertainment 😂
  20. No I don't see it as a negative comment in fact I saw it as an educational comment because that's why I made the post I basically asked the community why and I got many answers but I would say this is basically the most informative answer that could be commented for me it's all about a learning process and you know I apologize if my comments came off as aggressive or angry but up until you said something I was unaware of how that works again that's why I posted this is to get answers this is a community after all this is what this website is for so I very much appreciate the answers that everybody has put down an educated me on little by little how things work I guess you can say that I was uneducated and seeking answers is what I was out for, so thank you for telling me about all that the past few comments really did help 💜
  21. I would also like to add really quick that I asked the reseller to give me one good explanation to why they jacked up the price to about $400 in real life for 1024 m piece of land Oceanside and they basically replied back saying that it was already expensive when they bought it but it's funny because I replied back honestly that's a personal problem nobody forced you to pay that much for that property and now you're just passing it on to the next person nobody can give me a logical explanation why it is that expensive to own a piece of digital land this is reminding me of the freaking nfts, nobody can give me a good explanation of why it's so damn expensive besides that it is supply and demand and I'm not going to take that as an answer there is no reason why a piece of land should be over $6,000 in a virtual members second life is good but it ain't that freaking good and you're telling me that is not for profit if I pay you $6,000 of in-game currency minus the percent that Governor Linden is going to take out you're walking away with just about $5,000 I mean come on that's the biggest freaking scam that I've ever seen land and second life costs nothing it's the amount of value that a person thinks it is worth.
  22. I just wanted to hop in here the last time I didn't say anything people were trying to call me out by saying that my just here to get a rise out of people no it was the weekend and for my sanity and my mental health I decided to step away from the computer Listen I made this post because like I'm kind of devastated you know maybe it doesn't make sense to you but it makes sense to me I'm a little bit mad at both you the people but also second life as well first of all you the people have taken advantage of regular consumers like me fine eating up all the property that you can find and then you label yourself as a reseller and then you flip it for a decent profit like I know I've done my research you can cash out on in game currency You know I was looking at some land Seaside and realize there's two different versions of the sea you have the infinite sea and then you have salable sea, it doesn't matter which one it is I went to a property that had salable and it was only 1024 m and the girl wanted $400 in real life for it like are you kidding me right now and before anybody starts getting upset that I'm pointing you guys out it is ridiculous because some of you not all of you are taking advantage of a situation and all I wanted to do was just own a little piece of property so I can deploy My Yacht and go surfing but no I have to give an arm and a leg to you greedy little Sons of Guns Let me remind you really quick 1024 m is nothing I might as well just go get a freaking Linden home because let me tell you you need prims to place objects down the smaller the property the less primes you get the bigger the property the more primes you get so you're telling me that the reason why you're going to charge me $400 in real life is because of supply and demand no this community is screwed up man you're not going to sit here and tell me it's supply and demand when you damn well know you're over inflating everything because you can you're screwing everybody and furthermore it's funny how it's supply and demand when all I see is property for sale the joke's on everybody who buys up these properties and things are going to get $4,000 from it If you dare tell me that you had somebody spend $4,000 you need to freaking be put out the pasture and get off second life because that's freaking screwed nothing in second life has a value just like real life everybody thinks something is valuable and they'll label price on it according to what they find it to be worth Now I'm also mad at Second Life because of the fact that upon looking at the map there's plenty of infinite sea but where is the sailable ocean?? You take a good close look at that map and there's a nice big old chunk of a smooth Square telling you that that is not salable if second life would open up more areas for you to obtain areas where you can actually explore the ocean without putting a no travel zone right there I don't see the issue I think everybody would be happy but they've made it so freaking collectible now we find ourselves in the spot where everybody's got a hog up whatever Land There is left and overinflated because they are greedy I'm going to ignore any negative comments because I believe I'm strongly in the right frame of mind and saying what needs to be said it's nothing but greed and I am mad because I am spending a year and a half and second life lot of money a premium plus user and all I wanted was a piece of property to just enjoy the game or whatever you want to call it and if anybody has anything negative to say you're not going to hear back from me because I'm not here to argue I'm just I finally found something that I really enjoy and it's been ruined by greed and stupid people who just do not care this is not me being an ***** this is me being understanding and putting my voice out there and saying hey this sucks and it needs to change so both second life and the people of Second Life are at fault, thank you for listening to my little rant
  23. Just like the title says can someone please humor me and explain to me why prices are so high on Mainland water areas, all of you have been very good to me answering my posts and I appreciate it but am I missing something $3,000... in real life to get something smaller than what I currently have at 8192m, like is second life bigger than I can imagine? I'm extremely bummed because I want to sell my property and get something with the ocean but there is no way that I'm going to spend $500 a $1,000 $3,000 on a property in second life..
  24. So I straight panicked I was just about in tears when I made that post and I was desperate but for anybody wondering this is what happened to my avatar I had a full furry Avatar that I had bought from the furry Mall and all I did was detach everything from my main Avatar and then added all of the components from the full furry Avatar when I reverted back the face got so distorted and nothing I did fixed it, I was asking for help on how to fix the problem. Something happened with the face whether it was the face Alpha the main component to make the face what it is I don't know but all I did was I logged off and I logged back in and it fixed the issue, like I said this was a panic post. I will say what sucks about second life is the fact that you cannot export your avatar shape into a file on your computer you can't even share your shape with an alternate account what I do recommend however is one of two things in case something happens with your shape file, the first option is make an ALT accounts and copy all of the numbers and make a duplicate shape on your backup account or the second would be take a picture of all of the numbers in the edit Avatar menu that way in case anything ever happens you still can go back and put your avatar the way it was before This was very scary because if that file did become corrupt there would be nothing I could do to get back what my avatar look like and answer the question I use only The Firestorm viewer.
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