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xXSuicidalIdolXx Candycane

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Everything posted by xXSuicidalIdolXx Candycane

  1. Problem fixed! sometimes logging out and logging back in will do the trick! wish there was a way to delete posts instead of doing this. sorry for the added post!!
  2. I noticed some of the forums have not been replied to since last year and places do close down. what are some active hotspots you hang around at? the only ones I know are Londan City, which.. lets skip, I was warned about the the boardroom, boy did I get an earful. I'm just feeling voice social and would like to meet some new people, thank you for replying!
  3. I find these comments very fascinated and I wanted to jump in here and give my two cents the first thing I want to say is the fact that I did not create this thread to create drama I'm about a year and a half old in my account so I personally did not know it was a genuine question and I'm sorry if I ruffled any feathers but yet again I'm not sorry This is a form for Learning and educating and communicating and making friends some people already talked about how some threads don't go well because it turns personal well to that I say screw it I don't understand what the big deal is about the etiquacy in Second Life, what I mean by that is you don't just go up to a stranger's house and trespass their property in real life the metaverse is kind of the same thing there's rules and certain things that you follow and why people make it personal is beyond me I mean I bought with my own money in real life a piece of the pie and second life my own little private area and if I don't want people trespassing on my property then I should be allowed some given rights to make that happen and the thing about the zero second orbs I really do not care about who thinks it's wrong or who thinks it's right the way I look at it is I'm stair stepping I was nice and people still were trespassing so I have to take it up a notch because people do not care I'm going to say it right now that I know there's a lot of people in the Second Life Community being there for a year and a half already I have found that a lot of people like to cause drama and I'm not for that I said what I said I have a zero second orb I don't want people trespassing on my property and people should not have a problem with that and I know there's going to be arguments to what I'm saying right now which that's the internet for you The bottom line is what I'm trying to say is I have a zero second orb and I don't care if people are pissed off with it it is my little section it is my privacy and people in real life would probably do the same thing in fact they do it's called if you go up to somebody's house in the country they come out with a shotgun. So after reading all these comments I appreciate everybody's input on this I really do but I just don't understand why some threads have gone wrong and became very personal like we're all playing the same freaking software we're all on the same metaverse let's all just get along let's all just do what we want to do stop the drama stop the Tantrums and let's just have fun let's not be toxic
  4. Thank you so so much for the replies I appreciate it so to go from top to bottom.. first of all I did not know there was a specific altitude that a ban line goes up to so definitely good to know I appreciate it When I got the property it had to have been maybe a few months ago as a matter of fact that is some good thinking I never even thought about if the previous land was maybe a main store of course I don't have the details on that I've even looked in the landlog if you will online and the seller deleted it and put their own stuff I have not tried this with an ALT account even though I do have one this has been happening probably the last couple weeks so it just kind of started that's why I initially thought maybe it was Bots or something. As for the security system I have one and I highly recommend anybody that has a security issue get one of those, its called the Sly Security System, literally I think the person was selling it for like one Linden or something like that I forget the main store but this person has all kinds of products for your business and such the reason why I like it so much is because it actually gives me an actual email that tells me somebody entered and was ejected from my property so it does the job just fine The whole reason why I made this post was because maybe there was something I was missing and if others was experiencing the same thing but everyone brought up some good points that I was not aware of so the post did its job I guess it's just something that I'm going to deal with
  5. Something that doesn't make sense to me is that I have a piece of property on Mainland I have the access options to no one including ban lines up, I have the sly security system also for the property which it sends me emails when somebody has been detected and throws them out, if access is denied through the second life settings and I also have a security system how are people still getting access into my property? Does the ban lines only go so high up and as a result people are going past that and then jumping into my property? I'm not mad I'm just trying to educate myself on how the whole system works as always thank you for your input! A little side note too I noticed that these people who are getting into my property are not new accounts they're at least two three years old I don't know if they're Bots I do know about the Bonnie Bots but those are not what the names are I've even sent every single one of them a message and ask what I could do for them and I never get a reply back some their online status says unknown while some say online
  6. one big issue I find is the Ebody clothing lineup and way to well.. naughty for my liking but I'm already deep into the ecosystem of Ebody, can everyone please leave some landmarks on where to find some decent clothes? I'm a virtual photographer and would like something a bit more modest and classes, shirts, tanks, pants, swimwear, anything? please and thank you!
  7. so is there a reason for this or is it just the way the engine was built? I am a virtual photographer in second life and while editing I notice this keeps happening. I have DOF on but the hair somehow carves out its little buffer area, I also did a video project and it was the same thing.. the hair is from stealthic, I believe it happens with other hair makers like truth and foxy, anyways please help? yall have been so good to me answering questions thank you!! ❤️
  8. doing a little bit more research this is the first time I have heard of a sim surround, I traced the place that sells them and have contacted them 2 people already about the issue, from what I see, it looks like it needs a lot of work, and they are not cheap ether coming in at 1750 lindens...
  9. I have no idea what the cause of this is and should I be worried? has anyone seen this happen to them? like the mountain textures go through my property as well as everyone else, thanks for the input. [image redacted by moderator]
  10. Let address it this way no matter what social media platform I post on it seems like I get snarky replies and I'm quite frankly tired of the snarky replies when all I ask is just a general question maybe it's how I word the questions that prompt the Starkey replies but I think that I ask a pretty genuine question, I know I didn't post the create drama or to post to the comments that I dislike it's the mere fact that it's I never ending process it's the same thing over and over again whether it's Reddit or Tumblr, even Facebook groups or even this community I'm just quite frankly tired of the snarky rude comments, and it's quite interesting when I decide to be snarky back people tend to point it out that I'm in the wrong yet it seems other people get a pass Since you want me to reply to the thread so basically Maybe I'm not getting my point across clearly, I am someone who has no idea about artificial intelligence that's why I created this thread in the first place to ask people of the community because somebody out there has to know something, just because I didn't reply to the first comment doesn't mean anything I didn't know that there's a particular order that I have to reply to comments so apparently that's noted, the art above that the user gave an example of that's not quite what I'm going after, basically what I was wondering in the first place was is it possible to take a virtual character that is made up of mesh and transform that character into a very realistic life like version, I thought that I clarified that in the earlier comments I'm not sure what you would like me to put down, I just thought it would be interesting late night thoughts went through my head what if we took a not real but video game like character and turned it into a hyper realistic type person the skin complexion with real hair and actual human human features, so I don't have anything to offer besides asking a simple question and reading what other people have to say because I know nothing about artificial intelligence so I figured I would leave it up to the community to put their answers and just let me clarify I just am tired of the snarky comments left on my threads and when I am snarky back and almost seems not okay, but hey it's the Internet it's the Wild Wild West I'm not going to take it personally
  11. It's a general discussion for him to generate some talk let me break it down for you like this since apparently you were confused.. I am into photography moreover virtual photography since I found Second Life what I thought would be interesting would be to upload one of my photography pictures of my avatars and actually uploaded to AI or artificial intelligence it seems like you've lost a couple brain cells so then my avatars already look like a human but there's a part about them that is virtual what I wanted to know was what my avatars would look like if they were a legit human, that's what I would need it for
  12. You know it's quite sad of how obnoxious some of you can be it's a general discussion forum you much rather sit there and be outlandish and just not pleasant what did you gain from an idiot response like that? Oh wait you got a reply out of me congratulations here's your cookie
  13. heres an interesting question, after watching Coldfusion Tv on youtube talking about how advanced AI has become, the question I have and egger to know is.. I have seen photogenic pictures of people that AI has created and they are not real people but lets say you upload your avatar to AI, is it then possible to have it create a real life looking person from your avatar?
  14. https://models-magazine.weebly.com/latest-issue.html This is just insane!! I just found out that your very own over here.. has been placed as photographer of the month in ModeLS Magazine! I was given the chance to tell my story on why/how I got into photography and how I ended up here. you may find my story along with my pictures of Snow And Ellenor Raven on page 50. Thank you to ModeLS Magazine for the interview and spotlight!
  15. okay so this goes out to everyone who has responded, thank you. you all have giving me some Steller advice to move forward with! I suppose I worded the first post a bit weirdly and noticed some comments in a way think all I care about is views, comments etc. which is not true and here is my point of view to help round out what I am aiming for and please note all advice giving has helped me already. so, coming from someone who is very much into real life photography as you can find a link in my profile. the same happened to my real-life pictures as I am a drone pilot and got into that hobby of arial photography. my Facebook page has no comments or likes or interactions and the same has followed with my second life pictures, which is why I sounded off in my post by getting discourage, likes, comments and follows are not what I generally care about however I am no expert or have gone to school for photography but instead picked this up as passion of mine and learned what I can do within second life and real world photography. I very much enjoy the community and what it offers but when barley getting any interaction from my posts I often wonder if I have done something wrong? is my work good? etc not sure if creators feel that way or if it's just me, the comments everyone has put down makes sense, but I guess being a human, an artist or hobbiest certain things go through my mind and when I hear nothing, I think sometimes is what I am doing even enjoyable for others. the comments though are what I needed to hear in support as this is the first time I'm coming out and seeking advice, guidance and support.
  16. maybe some could help me better understand why? I noticed within the art and photography of second life it seems those who put way less effort into pictures and avatar appearance have a higher likelihood of more reactions, following and comments, meanwhile someone like me who spends well over 7 hours on a photoshoot from start to finish who very well cleans up and cares about detail yet the follows, reactions and comments are nowhere to be found, personally it's a *****ty feeling as someone who works really hard on photography and puts in the effort but in no return is not interacted with but on the other hand someone with no skills or a nice looking avatar gets to what I can see full fame, sure one can argue about what makes a picture what it is, colors, detail, outfits, setting, lighting, background etc. maybe someone could shed light on what I'm doing wrong but it just seems backwards, no talent gets everything mean while talent gets nothing. it is very frustrating, and I totally get it there is a lot of us here but coming into second life and getting into photography just seems like a waste at this point.
  17. My Avatar Snow Raven (Age 26) A ☪ Goth Mastermind... ☪
  18. ohhh my goodness! 9 pictures that made the edit process out of 27. a total of 7 hours from start to finish which included picking location, going through my inventory to find outfits, poses, the process of finding right facial expressions, choosing the time of day and scene changes to go along with it, after angles were found for snapshots, headed over to rawtherapee to start the editing process. finally to pixlr to add my signature. mind you this was also 7 hours of my finely picked music! now that I finally have my mitts on a very powerful gaming pc it was time to push second life to the limits and see the true graphics. what are your honest true thoughts on these?
  19. I really need to meet some people in Second Life to get into the know I had absolutely no idea I just know that it was a place that I found a while back though they were a bit expensive I will say that but they had quality stuff. I guess what I have is kind of a rarity now thank you though for answering back
  20. there has to be someone here who has shopped at [Salem] it was a real a real amazing clothing store as I got some stuff from there and now its gone and seems to be rebranded to something totally different? if anyone has any info on this it would be awesome!
  21. this is a fun one.. is there any way I can combine a sound and animation together? I just got the wednesday dance and its just the animation itself, I would like to add a sound with it but going into gestures the only animations I can get are from the library but I can pick the custom sound, is there anyway I can combine the 2? thank you for the help!
  22. Snow Raven, Get Your Halo Dirty! For anyone who is looking for an awesome photoshoot area.. (Backdrop City) has you covered. high in the sky with above and below platforms filled with creative and stunning visuals for some pretty nifty shots its just a place you have to visit. Lets Take The Taxi? http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Backdrop City/108/235/1400
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