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Everything posted by TheFlyingSaltire

  1. I have two avatars. This one has a single name, TheFlyingSaltire, with the display name of Vicki Thomas. My other one dates back to 31 January 2007, and is Helen Zenovka. Whenever you see anyone with the last name of Zenovka, you know they've been on SL for a long time.........
  2. Thanks for that information. I'll get one as soon as I get myself some more spending money.......
  3. I agree completely. Abranimations has some pretty good animations too, but they're not as good as Paragon, which is clearly the best on SL.
  4. Oh dear - I posted a photo of my alt on my forum login, and now I can't delete it.........
  5. I can't post a link or picture at the moment, because I am on my mobile phone, but KC Couture has some really good shoes as group gifts, most with colour changing HUDs. Over 20 styles I think, from memory. Most are high heels, but there are a couple of flats, a pair of thongs/flip-flops, and a pair of sneakers.
  6. I wouldn't want it as a name, but it probably makes as much sense as Depp.
  7. Sorry to say this but, when I look at the basic Jamie, I find myself wondering if the people who designed her have ever seen a naked woman
  8. OK, I have a Maitreya body and Lelutka head, so I don't need a Senra avatar, but wanted to try one out. I used one for three or four days and was glad to get rid of it. I found it clumsy to use and not particularly good looking. I also found it hard to get clothes to fit properly although if I had persisted, I may have got that to work. Quite frankly, I think that the old system avatars look better, despite their limitations and, if I was trying to do SL for free, I would use one of them instead.
  9. I'm using a Mac, which limits the number of options for me a bit.
  10. I started using Firestorm years ago but, after an update (two years ago, maybe three) it became very laggy, even on low settings. I experimented with a few alternative viewers and found that Singularity worked best. I know that it hasn't had any recent updates, but it works and, to me, that's all that matters.
  11. This dress is a little bit on the short side compared to what I normally wear, but I think it suits me:
  12. I've had a few requests like this from time to time, and they invariably come from members of groups I am in. Chances are they send requests out to everyone else in the group as well. I have no idea why they do it. If I get a friend request from a total stranger, I just delete it.
  13. If you're seeking a relationship, then I think you should be upfront about it, otherwise I don't see any need to say anything. I think it was said earlier before, that if anyone feels that they need to ask, then they probably won't believe your answer, whatever it is. I'm an RL female and I play as either female or as a male to female transsexual and I rarely get anyone asking about who I am in RL. The one time I did get questioned about my gender or sexual preferences has been on the odd occasion when I have tried to play a male character - I invariably have people ask me if I'm gay (I hasten to add that I have nothing against gays - it's just that I find it to be an amusing reaction). Basically, my attitude is that this is SL and I am who you see. I come to SL for dancing and social interaction, not sex or relationships, so who I am in RL is irrelevant.
  14. Doing my best to look like Liza Minnelli in Cabaret:
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