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Memory Harker

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    Girl Anachronism

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  1. TEST DRIVE, YOU SAY? *cracks coffee-stained knuckles* 1. Is there anything more basically painful than opening sidework when you've got a hangover? 2. If the customer tells you they ordered rye toast, but you distinctly heard them ask for "wheat" when they ordered, what do you do with the wheat you've just brought them? 3. If small children totally destroy your table's condiment stand (opening the jelly packets & smearing them everywhere, tearing the sugar packets open & spilling 'em onto the floor, etc), is the murder of them or their parents justified? 4. How long do you let people camp with only coffee and a basket of chips & salsa at your best four-top on a Sunday brunch? 5. Regarding #4 above, at what point is cropdusting permissible? *curtsies & goes back to family meal*
  2. No, you're right, that was the very same Taco. The adorable, top-hatted little miscreant. ❤️
  3. Well, I mean Nethermind Bliss & Taco Rubio are still – very happily – together: https://www.austinchronicle.com/daily/sxsw/2011-03-11/sxswi-from-in-game-friends-to-meatspace-marriage/ Yes, even now, in 2022.
  4. Um ... howdy, y'all. *waves goofily* So, I'm the person who wrote that article. Because I occasionally write articles about SL for the Austin Chronicle – usually when there's some SL component at SXSW – because the Chronicle people started that media maelstrom of a festival back in 1984 & now the damned thing pretty much takes over the city (and our editorial coverage) every year. And I've been a resident of Second Life since 2005 & it pleases me to promote this place of ours whenever the old dayjob allows. And I used that poster because I love the way it looks & I love how it's an audacious rejoinder to Zuckerberg's pathetic "Metaverse" idea & all the sudden frothing wannabes trying to ride those tawdry coattails. Also because the poster was created (weeks earlier) by my wildly talented friend Angie Pearse (that's her in the bondage gear), and she's just ... *sigh* ... well, she's the cat's whiskers, is what she is. ❤️ Linden Lab, to be sure, had nothing to do with the image or my use of it.
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