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Everything posted by SkylarNitely96

  1. Room for another in your magnificent flying machine? Great photo 🥰 (do you cook Babbage the same as cabbage? Asking for a friend....)
  2. You wear those pants from Blueberry so well, cute 😎
  3. What's is an alt, how do you 'create' one? (Pretty btw 😉💜)
  4. Hey! Welcome aboard sweetie, yea can only suggest what Rowan said, try and replace the skin with another. The vid that Mari posted is great, I used it last week too. Hope it works it's self out hun x
  5. D'ya need to back rubbed?..... lol , great capture
  6. Newbies warning... if you change you're body/head/skin the reward is very pleasing but.... the journey is painful, ohh man its sore, time consuming, frustrating...... DEMO's is the key, you will go through loads.... but when you get close to that picture in your head, its definitely worth it (it'll be a while before i attempt this again) be good ❤️
  7. Bouncing on a big pink think?!? Sure there is a joke in there but not sure if I want to risk having my little knuckles wrapped 🤣😍
  8. so... after being put into the witness protection program, there was a requirement for some minor surgery - but you don't have to look hard to see who i am... hehe
  9. I'm having this problem - changed from Slink body and head to Maitreya body and Slink head, can i get the head and body to match? can i hek, been playing around all day, different demo's, stripped back to bear plain body (clawed my eyes... some things cant be unseen lol) - strange thing is its got me quite down lol - if anyone has experience or ideas drop us a line please ❤️
  10. Gotta say, well done for having all the furniture and decor and STILL having Prims left, I did living room, kitchen, bedroom and music room and now have a bare hall and two spare bedrooms 😂😂💙 - beautiful home 🥰
  11. I believe that car is a Hillman Imp - cool pic 😎💙
  12. (whispers..... ) D'ya know Bofa?............... Bofa a dez nutz 😳😂
  13. (Louis Balfour spins around on his stool, takes the cigarette out his mouth and says...) Welcome to Jazzzz Club..... nyyce... Check Clam on bass.... Definitely going to visit 👍🏻
  14. Will look out for you when I am on , great to have you back 😍
  15. Comes with 4 minions to help carry the Canon P on their shoulders 😂 singing a little tune as the march along with the shlong 😂
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