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Posts posted by Wincil

  1. 4 minutes ago, Sammy Huntsman said:

    Yes, that is what Google is for. But you can't say you know what it means, and then state word for word what the definition of it is. It's okay to not know what a word means. 

    Then again how can you know if you don't know the definition again I know what the definition means like I sad I looked it up before and the Internet is full of that information and that can include stuff like dictionary's.

  2. 8 minutes ago, Zalificent Corvinus said:

    Really? shall we check?


    Cancel Culture of people who wear Kupra, or are taller than you.

    This is Ironic Hypocrisy after the Kupra shaming and Tall Shaming.

    Here you were trying to shame the reality of statistics, because it proved that avatars 4'10 tall are no more or less realistic in height than avatars that are 5'10. And thus contrary to your Tall shaming earlier.

    You talk about Rowan being in a "Ghetto", thats easily open to interpretation as racist hate speech.

    Oh and Ageist hate speech against "boomers" while trying not to annoy the Genx's.



    Im sorry to say your wrong I'm not cancel culturing Kupra and how did I said anything racist or any ageist hate speech? Again with the false accusations btw I never tall shamed anyone.

    • Like 3
  3. 4 minutes ago, Rowan Amore said:

    Almost no one here is doing that and certainly not me...ngl.  We're discussing how LL needs to clarify certain aspects of their new rules concerning children not only for the children's sake but also for the adults so they DO NOT FALSELY AR child avatars.

    Well aslo adult avatar's can be falsey AR'ed btw and I'm pretty sure that can be addressed.

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  4. 3 minutes ago, Sammy Huntsman said:

    How is this cancel culture? People voiced their distaste with the current rules and how they were worded, and LL changed it. That isn't cancel culture. That is called listening to your customer base. 

    Why would there need to be distaste with the current rules and how they were worded anyway?

    • Confused 1
  5. 1 minute ago, Zalificent Corvinus said:

    And yet you've tried cancel culturing @Rowan Amore (a comment about ghettos I'd have reported you for I'f I was her), you've tried cancel culturing "boomers", and "people who arte not rabid fans of anime, and people over 5'4, and all manner of groups, in many posts scattered over 170 pages.


    Complaining about cancel culture like that is what the Boomers, and GenXs and other people who can use "big words" call "Blatant Hypocrisy".

    They are just too nice to say it to your face.


    Again im not the one who is cancel culturing 

    • Haha 1
  6. 23 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

    I beg your pardon. Most of us Forum regulars have indeed "heard" of Anime. (I am more into manga myself, anime is a very crude art forum compared to manga. The original stories for most anime were manga, etc. etc.)

    Some of us may just disagree on whether someone's avatar "looks young" or not. Whether or not a character is based on an anime style, if it looks young, it looks young. Being based on an anime style does not get that avatar a  "free pass".  Arguments to the contrary are very silly.

    I suspect some of the "Boomers" on here have even heard of anime.  I'm GenX and tend to stick to anime from the early 2000's. 


    Someones avatar Being based on an anime style does not get that avatar "free pass" seens kinda silly and not everyone is gen x and sticks with anime from the 2000's looking youthful doesn't always equates to a child and anime is fictional some people don't seen to get that.

    • Confused 1
  7. 5 minutes ago, Fluffy Sharkfin said:

    I suspect that you're right in your assumption that the average age of participants of these forums is older than the average age of SL residents as a whole, but it's probably best to avoid any generalisations such as "all forum users are like this..." or "all child avatars do this...".  It works both ways after all.

    Then again I didn't say stuff like "all fourm users are like this..." or "all child avatars do this...".

    • Haha 1
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  8. 3 hours ago, Rowan Amore said:

    I respect all cultures, races and such also but how I see something and you see something, how we interpret words and in this case avatars, will be dependent on many aspects.  It's not cut and dry.   It has nothing whatsoever to do with respect.

    People may see my avatar and think They may have only grown up around black people who spoke like that.  Are they correct?  Not in my case.  I grew up in a predominantly white community.   So although their assumption about me is incorrect, it's still based on their own race, age, upbringing.  Do they respect me any less for being black?  I don't know nor do I care what strangers think.  It's their opinion and we're all entitled to them.  Opinions aren't right or wrong necessarily unless facts prove otherwise.

    This is the basis for why avatar age determination is subjective and not objective.  

    Well there could could be people who would disagree with you and think that you are incorrect I would aslo think you speaks in such becasue you have a bias.

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  9. 7 minutes ago, Rowan Amore said:

    Yes, maybe you could stop doing that?

    What has been said and is true is that different cultures, ages, races, etc. can interpret things differently.  That IS how the world works.

    I'm not the one starting culture wars btw and I would respect all cultures again how is this ture and how the world works? Again things can be misinterpreted.

    • Confused 1
  10. 6 minutes ago, Arielle Popstar said:

    Yes there is some truth to that. Someone said on another SL related site that "Getting banned for emulating culturally unfamiliar makeup styles is a thing.

    There's is some truth to that? How so? I don't think there is that seems that seens like discrimination to me.

    • Haha 1
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