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Aria Aurelia

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Everything posted by Aria Aurelia

  1. I upgraded my premium account for another year in April. So I'm ready for the prorated today with my 150 bucks!
  2. I'm ready for them to take my money as well. I've got over 100 textures I've made in the last month waiting to be uploaded for free.. let the savings begin! I had started making somethings before this was announced was on the verge of upload when this was announced and have decided to hold off until the time came of free uploads!
  3. I’m ready to see the official upgrade page with all the benefits posted in written form. If more is listed than just what has been said I might do another account as well.
  4. Personally you couldn't ever pay me enough money to live on mainland. A larger linden home for me would be something I would keep going if I decided to part ways with secondlife as I've done in the past for several years only logging in now and again. I'd have readily saved money, a place to rez, and a home to live in without having to spend anymore money or worrying about having to sell land afterward if I decided to stop the payment.
  5. They in theory should go back to the unreleased queue versus the normal queue but we shall see.
  6. We shall see how it works but quite frankly the ticket system is quite good because I have no desire to mess around with land pages and I can just upgrade an request a house now. Interesting, we shall see on opening day when I upgrade and see what happens.
  7. Thats already happening anyway with the exploit that is being used to switch houses between groups of the same people. Plus people with loads of accounts with premium anyway. If this gives a few people a house they want then they deserve to have one. The price of this will basically make it at least feasible for some people to obtain a house of choice. The cost of it is so expensive enough to prohibit 20 accounts on the same person
  8. I'd like to know as well another 3000L would be rather interesting.
  9. Good to know about the tax thing, and when is premium plus going to be live so we can upgrade?
  10. Some of you are very against this but anyone taking it out has a choice to either not bother or make sure they get the money they’ve spent out of it in free uploads. The point I’m making is that it does give you incentive to make things if you have the will and want to do it. You can have more than one premium account a year. I akin this to getting latte everyday or going out for dinner once a month. It will cost you far more than 249 in a year.
  11. Actually it will give those without dozens of Alts and only a PP accounts chance to own a very nice parceL before it can be snatched up. Depends on the person I think. We will see how the premium plus homes look
  12. I actually have up until recently had several premium accounts on a yearly subscriptions. Every few weeks I log them in and send myself the money. My sim is actually owned by one of my alts who is premium. I however have been downgrading yearly premium accounts as they have set to expire because I refuse to pay tax. I have two that just renewed and 1 more that will renew in September that I'll keep on the cheap end. I literally have not bought Linden from LInden Labs since they raised the buying fee to whatever stupid amount it became. I bought a fairly large amount right before they raised the buy fee and I pretty much still have most of that money because I was collecting premium money from the alts every few weeks.
  13. I'd rather just have the 650 stipend and the free uploads at this point because I don't like giving them any sort of fee for buying Linden which I haven't done in over a year now. Group membership is always an incentive for me as well. If I could use the 2048 tier on my full sim I currently pay for then I'd be super duper happy.
  14. I have a huge texture collection at my disposal in real life that I've bought over teh last 10 plus years. I was making clothes for zoobys at one point in the last year. I was spending a mint uploading textures alone for some of those outfits. You think 1 outfit 3 textures, that 30L plus an ad which is another 10 linden you make 24 of the same outfit do the math 24 x 40 = 960 linden just for one set. it adds up pretty quick 1000L on average = 4 bucks in life. Plus I can make animations, sounds, and other things as well. If they add mesh to this its even better deal. I use to upload more htan 6000 textures a year at one point in my sl life. I'm not a person that has ever used that feature they had for locally looking at the textures either I dont even wanna ponder how much money I spent on uploading until the right thing showed up in the right spot.
  15. I'm ok with the price. I can run up 249 dollars worth of texture uploads a year pretty quickly if given enough time and space. I've had weeks where I've spent 4000L plus alone in texture uploads. I've now got a reason to actually do something. Now if I could only use the land tier to offset the Tier of my full sim that would be the cherry on the cake.
  16. Thanks for the video share. I found it highly informative and to the point. I can now upgrade to premium plus when its offered without having to be looking for more information.
  17. I tend to agree with you. However if Linden Labs took the time to fix the exploit on the website that is being used it would all stop instantly 😊. Enjoy the weekend because the weather is lovely.
  18. JUST TOSSED THIS HOUSE FOR ANYONE IN NEED! http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Grote Dijk/108/124/24
  19. Can be 20 or 30k prims - I’m me in world
  20. Interesting thread. Seems the same ole same ole is going in with these houses. Back to not reading this forum for another 3 months.
  21. Congrats! I have over the bridge on the little island I will be tossing at some point in the near future. I paid that account up for a year, however I never log it on.
  22. I'll be dumping a few choice houses in the next few weeks - enjoy whoever finds them (particularly stilt houses & victorians)
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