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Everything posted by CursedCo

  1. I am a Graphic Designer in RL, but I do not have the time to make the graphics I need in the time that I need them done. Weekly projects, very little editing required. Pay per project 500-1k each product and at LEAST 2 projects a week. If you have knowledge of Canva and Photoshop even a basic knowledge you can do the tasks required. https://forms.gle/kUGYv52Dt3uPuyeRA Apply here, we will get back to you.
  2. You read my mind! Messaging you in world now.
  3. Crowd is looking for staff to help our venues and sim! Set in a cyber-fantasy setting, the Crowd sim implements a cityscape, two club venues, outdoor entertainment district, shopping area, residential neighborhood, beautifully landscaped park, AviCrowd HQ, an amusement park (coming soon) , beach, open water sim, marina, docks, concert venue, a gallery, free-play linden casino, and hotel. The sim is nearing completion on a complete reconstruction, which means it’s that time to get some staff to help fill upcoming open positions. These range from helping our newest venues The Lair and The Vineyard, as well as assisting in tasks pertaining to sim and resident management. We’re currently hiring the following positions: DJs Dancers Hosts Club Managers Security Event Specialists Scripters Creators Sim Managers Receptionists Realtors and more! Take a look at the application below If you're curious about the sim, the employeement, or anything at all please feel free to contact me at CursedCo or my partner/co-owner ValorCo in world with an IM. We don't normally see notecards so IMs are preferred. If you want to join our team, please fill out this form: https://forms.gle/Ett3Eti2dXhnqcZZ6 Photos of sim progress have been posted to our group on AviCrowd: https://www.avicrowd.com/parties/the-crowd/
  4. I can help you with this project! Please provide in world contact information so we can chat about requirements
  5. Hi there! Graphic Artist here. Looking for work. I'm a professional with 4 years of schooling and more than 8 years of experience. I can draw just about anything with time. I can create 3D models/meshes. I have little knowledge with animation but can do it. Looking for commission work. I can create just about anything within time. The bigger the project the higher the rate. I will always try to make my pricing reasonable in comparison to prices similar in contrast. That doesn't mean I will price match based off of other's work though. If you need art, meshes, concepts or any designs really. Feel free to reach out to me for any request and we will see what we can do ❤️ Best way to reach me is discord Cursed#9007 but, if you don't have one feel free to reach out to me in World through IM @ CursedCo I won't notice notecards. Specialize in logo creations but below is some of my artwork. These are not the finished pieces of these works, I don't publish my finished work anywhere other than places which pay for them.
  6. Can we have more information about this? I'm interested but, don't want to reach out incase it doesn't actually pertain to me.
  7. Hi there! I tried to reach out to you on discord but the username you provided isn't working. I've sent you a message in world as well
  8. Graphic Artist here: Looking for commission work. I can create just about anything within time. The bigger the project the higher the rate. I will always try to make my pricing reasonable in comparison to prices similar in contrast. That doesn't mean I will price match based off of other's work though. If you need art, meshes, concepts or any designs really. Feel free to reach out to me for any request and we will see what we can do ❤️ Best way to reach me is discord Cursed#9007 but, if you don't have one feel free to reach out to me in World through IM @ CursedCo I won't notice notecards. Below are just two examples of my work, I don't keep portfolios but I do have some more examples if necessary. L) Animated, 3D logo, designed and created by myself R) Magazine photo taken, edited, and on GUY magazine SL.
  9. Thank you both for your feedback! For those with Vision issues, there are screen filters that most with vision issues already have. If with said filters this is still hard to read, you can read the photo advertisement that I posted. If in the future I decide to change the font in future posts that's my decision to make. I personally like the font, I don't have an issue reading it in either mode, and will not be changing it at this time.
  10. House must go, willing to go even cheaper! IM for details
  11. Friendly reminder, if you have an issue being able to see the font; you can go to the bottom and change the theme to light ❤️
  12. It pushes all other post down and forces reposting or bumping on recent post. It's worse than bumping, because it creates duplicate post. I'd much rather see a bump for relevancy rather than 5 post of the same thing and fighting to get a spot seems redundant.
  13. You already posted less than 24 hours ago about this same topic. (Or at least it was bumped since then)
  14. Chief of Information and Marketing Chief positions have been filled! Positions are going fast, but we still have a few available. We're still looking for Realtors, Event Managers, CSR, Moderators and more!
  15. Unbeatable pricing! Discount is available for 7 weeks in advanced ONLY, price per week is 350. Mainland Property, Covenant, built to look like a beach community. With the house on the property it's 375 prims. Comes with Security, Privacy, Home Control, Radio, sand landscape but customizable lot. 1024 sqm. Community dock and beach area. IM for details and tours.
  16. The REGION Starting in Early 2021, two men ventured off to create a sim that would appeal to the alternative, punk, subculture of people. With influences from multiple scenic sims, cyberpunk, and horror stylings the REGION was born. A region to stand out among all regions and built to be a community where people, all walks of life can be accepted and enjoy what Second Life has to offer. Since it's creation The REGION has grown to the multi-business destination it is today featuring: a Club/Lounge, Circus, Scenic Park (With Linden Fishing), Dressing Sandbox, Retail properties, Open Venue locations, Shopping Plaza, Arcade, Movie/Drive-in Theater, Cafe, Pizza Bakery, Dockyard and much more! All of these locations to be enjoyed by the guest who are looking for something to sooth their dark soul. With in the year, we hope to have many events including: music festivals, live concerts, DJ events, Merchandise, Clothing/Furniture shops, and more! Though these things won't be possible with out your help and support of the community. Which is why we're hiring YOU! The CAREERWe're hiring for a couple management positions such as Event Manager, Marketing/Advertisement Manager, Chief of Information. Experience where preferred is not necessary. We are capable of training for any of the responsibilities. We do 1 week of training for every position to ensure position is done is how we intend. Minimum starting wage for Management is 3k a month and can be as much as 6k a month, depending on productivity, experiences, and ability. First week of management training is unpaid and payments are at the end of the month. We are now hiring Real Estate Agents with an extra 10% commission on first sale of every house. We are also now hiring DJs and Live Performers. First 2 weeks of performances are tip based to ensure customer growth and activity. Only Performers with a large following and experience will be hired. Performances are open for tips so long as no one else is performing. We will work with you on scheduling and salary depending on prerequisites met. We encourage anyone to apply for the position who would be passionate about the REGION projects. Must be an active individual and will undergo a week training process without payment to ensure activity and passion for the group. We're a new group looking to create a meaningful brand. Focus in one of the many areas of the community that REGION offers is a great start if management seems a little much to handle right off the bat. We're willing to hire for smaller positions and provide promotions that may lead to better pay, benefits, positions. Promotion through the company is available for all positions with your growth, our growth and your fantastic working performance. We have amazing benefits such as: 50% off housing, free VIP memberships (As seen on our website), 2 week Vacations, and more! The REQUIREMENTS DISCORD Social Media for your SL account Passion English only Our success means your success! You can visit the Region Sim here: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/The Region/105/148/24 Join our Discord Server to apply: https://discord.gg/cuAdpy93kA Website: https://theregionsl.com Contact by IM is preferred but notecards are autoaccepted Comment Questions/Concerns, we're here to help!
  17. Hopefully so! I'll take note of that and in the future when we post new forums update in the comments accordingly. Thanks again for your helpful advice and suggestions. All feedback is always appreciated.
  18. Specifically ""We have found someone for X but are still looking for Y" is an actual update IMO" I think is unacceptable according to the above qoute listed from Jagix, considering "Still Looking" is unavailable, I would assume that ensures that still looking for whatever position isn't acceptable. I find it unfortunate if that is allowed because, then I would rather just bump to ensure that any position would still be mentioned. That way if someone was interested, they could still express interest in the position even if it is unavailable and not be intimated that it is unavailable from stating that it's been taken.
  19. Thank you for informing me that this is apparently not apart of community guidelines! That's very unfortunate as I find reposting the post every time I need to update it as unnecessary. Unfortunately, there is no way to go back into a previous comment and delete it that I'm aware of. Your help is always appreciated Rowan!
  20. Thank you for your opinion and feedback! Bumping the post is preferable due to keeping comments, views, and other information related to the post in the same forum. Rather than, reposting every time we want to repost the forum. I will consider reposting though in a different font for those using dark theme for clarity ❤️
  21. The REGION The REGION is a Alternative multi-themed, business featuring: a Club/Lounge, Circus, Scenic Park (With Linden Fishing), Dressing Sandbox, Retail properties, Open Venue locations, Shopping Plaza and much more! Owned by Valorco(CEO) and myself. We're welcoming to all organisms that may walk the city, and are especially helpful to new users. The community is brand-new so we like to help and give back to newer users as well. Opening a new sim soon with a bunch of other new features! We strive to create a community for everyone to be entertained and provide reasons for people to come online in second-life. The CAREERWe're hiring for a couple management positions such as Event Manager, Marketing/Advertisement Manager, Social Media Management, Region management, and more. Experience where preferred is not necessary. We are capable of training for any of the responsibilities. We encourage anyone to apply for the position who would be passionate about the REGION projects. Must be an active individual and will undergo a week training process without payment to ensure activity and passion for the group. We're a new group looking to create a meaningful brand. Focus in one of the many areas of the community that REGION offers is a great start if management seems a little much to handle right off the bat. We're willing to hire for smaller positions and provide promotions that may lead to better pay, benefits, positions. Promotion through the company is available for all positions with your growth, our growth and your fantastic working performance. Starting pay is between 4k-6k a month depending on position and availability. We're willing to negotiate proper salary for experienced workers who can provide proper experience evidence. The REQUIREMENTS Passion Activity Second-Life Media (Depending on the position applying) Personality Literate English Leadership Qualities Discord Our success means your success! You can visit the Region Sim here: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/The Region/105/148/24 Join our Discord Server to apply: https://discord.gg/cuAdpy93kA Contact by IM is preferred but notecards are autoaccepted Comment Questions/Concerns, we're here to help!
  22. I'd be happy to discuss contracting for this position. I co-own a few sims and have a lot of experience creating and advertising sims. I've done 90% of teraformming and landscaping for these properties. Due to my extensive knowledge in 3D design and Graphic humanities, I've also meshed and built a few of the items on the landscapes with my own textures that I've created as well. I have multiple objects available for the theme if needed as well. Happy to work on the project at anytime, the owners being available is not necessary for me to work. I'm active all day. IMs are always open, Notecards are auto-accepted. Below is a link to a Flikr that displays a Region I Own and have created myself so you can see examples of my work. As well as an attached photo that has some of my favorite pieces ❤️ Happy to share more examples if necessary. https://www.flickr.com/photos/192606480@N06/with/51064442876/
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