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Everything posted by Kashoutt

  1. As of recently someone has been stalking me on secondlife. They are using someone in my virtual family's username. Initially I thought it was that it was my family member but I'm still on the fence about this. I dont talk to many people so I am not sure who it could be. I've blocked all the accounts but they just keep making more. I dont want to overeact and be wrong, so how can I protect myself from this stalker? Is it possible for someone to track me without knowing my location or sending me a tracking device? How do I know if I have a tracking device on me? If you have any suggestions please share because it's starting to make my time on SL unenjoyable. [Images redacted by moderator]
  2. Thank's everyone for your support on this matter. You're all amazing! Turns out it was my attachment count !
  3. login on in a different region will work but that only works for about 5 mins then its back to being greyed out
  4. I've tried on the LL viewer and the same problem, cant add or wear, attach, detach or unpack
  5. Since yesterday I cannot wear, add or attach items all the options are greyed out this happened randomly. I tried clearing cache method using the Firestorm wiki forum suggested on another post but that didn't work, this also only happens on my account on my pc, please help!
  6. thank you both, I'll try both and see where that gets me
  7. So I'm not sure if it was something I did, however my rear view camera angle no longer works after logging off and back on to Firestorm viewer. I've tried researching the forums and asked google and tried all the camera fixes even redownloaded Firestorm second life rear view showing front view angle. It makes it harder to walk as I cant see anything around me. Can anyone help with this?
  8. is there any update on this?, were you able to get your voice to work because I am having the same issue
  9. after reviewing the site and following the instructions I am still unable to hear the voices
  10. Thank you. I'll try that now and follow up.
  11. Hey, I have been having issues with hearing the voices on second second life. At first I could not for the life of me get my mic to work. I finally got it to work, however the sound wasn't coming though clearly so I decided to stop using my mic, since then I have not been able to hear voices in the chat. I've checked all the volume levels, all the visible voice features and I still cannot hear the voices on the mic, can anyone help with this?
  12. YESSSSS the layers worked!!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH. I feel silly for not even checking in the first place
  13. i'll try this and follow up. Thank you for all the help
  14. i have both redux and classic, i've tried on both
  15. I do not have BOM, I have even redone my body completely to make sure I dont have any layers I might not need
  16. Thank you everyone for your help, that did change the issue I was having
  17. I have literally tried everything from buying only tattoos compatible with slink to the omega appliers. I’ve tried researching, I made sure my layers support tattoos probably bought a world of things I will NEVER need to help get my tattoos to work I have even asked several friends and still my tattoos do not work. Any advice?
  18. Its been a long time coming but I was finally able to get my avatar the way I wanted it. Everything had been working fine but recently I changed the head and skin appliers for my avatar, however now when I try to dress my avatar parts will disappear for example if I put on a shirt when i try to put on pants the shirt disappears and vice versa or if i put on the hair base my head disappears. I'm not sure what is happening. I tried reconstructing my avatar again from scratch and the same thing happens, can anyone help with this?
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