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Everything posted by IvyTechEngineer

  1. This is what I am trying to do. The bottom mountain was created in SL by modification of the terrain. The top mesh model was created by downloading the raw file and converting it into a mesh model. The current mesh model has 387 tris. This is a 10x reduction from the version I worked with. I don't remember exactly how I got there but in the past I have used some modifiers, merged vertices, etc. A lot of manual edits and other magic. Suggestions on how I can reduce my mesh in an easy way?
  2. Hello again, I want to revisit my mountain and maybe add a cave to it. I am having trouble with making the physics model for it. I cannot seem to use the Medium LOD for the physics file? When I am trying to upload see the following, However, the uploaded model has a much different performance for the physics. I cannot go into the cave and I cannot stand on the lower level of the mountain. What am I missing? Do I need to build the physics model from scratch? Can you down load the medium physics "file" as a starting point? Thanks
  3. Thanks for the info Claurice, have you found any modifier that can eliminate small tris in Blender? This would be a good addon especially because this is where I got hung up ...
  4. I believe I have uncovered part of the error after much trial and error. I must have had some vertices that were very close together. So I selected everything and the merged by distance the vertices and that seemed to fix it. I will probably use the latest physics model for my building. Thanks for your help ...
  5. After all my effort it just didn't work. I even did some additional edits in Blender to align the vertical edges between the walkway between the circular buildings. SL is still not happy, lol. I will look closer at the file in Blender. OBTW, attached the existing picture from the SL Viewer. I thought that if selected 4 vertices that I could use the F to create a new face. I am not sure how to split the faces?
  6. tried again and got the same results after I simplified the mesh...
  7. Thanks, I made a new lower prim physics model that is pretty good I think. I may even modify it a little and use it as the mesh. Not sure I want to spend the time to texture it or just try to do that in SL. After all that work when I tried to upload I get the error message that I have "triangles that are too small"! dang it : ) Looks like I have more work to do ...
  8. Ok, I used the knife tool in Blender and then just deleted faces. It was a little tuff because I was using my laptop but got it done. I then uploaded the model and picked the options shown in the picture. I then picked the Medium LOD for the physics model and uploaded but I cannot walk through the doorways or fly into the top and walk around to see if I could get to both sides. What did I do wring? OBWT - pasteall.org has retired, any good options to share Blender files?
  9. Thanks ChinRey, I had hope that I could do everything in SL. I am rusty with Blender but this forum has provided a lot of help in the past. I will take your advise to try to use the original and edit in Blender... Thanks
  10. Hello I have been interested in adding arches to cylindrical buildings in Second Life. I typically use the default SL viewer and only use Firestorm to save dae files and with Opensim. My basic thoughts on workflow, if the building starts in SL, is to build the basic structure in SL export as a DAE file (using linked objects) import into Blender and edit. export as as DAE and upload to SL I tried to edit the structures in SL but was unhappy with the results, i.e. the arch between the tunnel and the cylindrical walls had gaps. Suggestions? Thanks ivytechengineer
  11. Hello again, Got a question for you about models that have already been uploaded. Is there a way to review the Physics info for the model? Thanks
  12. Hello again I wanted to revisit my efforts to make a mesh model from part of the terrain file. I thought I would try to upload the last model I worked on. I could create a simple physics model but wanted to explore the Physics tab when uploading a model a little bit more. A physics model can be created from a LOD for a model. However, there appears to be other options or steps like Convert to hulls (surface, solid or wrap)? Also, what does Step 3, Simplify do? Thanks
  13. Hello It has bee a little while since I used Blender last. I wanted to use some of the STL files that my students created in Solidworks and convert them in Blender. I believe this was the primary reason why I had to use Blender. Anyway, if I have a model that has been scaled in Blender how do apply the scaling to get the scale back to 1? Thanks
  14. Thanks for the advise. I watched the video and tried to join the old sandbox to the new one and it reset the Options for the parcel to the main parcel options, i.e. only people in a particular group can build? If I want to open it up as a sandbox for my students would I just select the "Build" for everyone radial button? Not sure what the best strategy is...
  15. Hello I would like to align an object to the parcel x, y, and z orientations inside a building that is rotated. Most of the time I just use trial and error to align objects but is there a better way? Thanks ivytechengineer
  16. Thanks, I have just forgotten how to subdivide my parcel. Any ideas on how to do that? thanks
  17. How do you setup a sandbox in SL on your parcel? I have done it before but I forget how to do it. Thanks ivytechengineer
  18. Can you stream a mp3 that is on the web or do you need some sort of player? I want to stream a song in a sandbox on my island https://www.ivytechengineering.com/abell118/music/I'llBeSeeingYou.mp3 Is there a way to do that?
  19. Thank you so much. I received the models (three of them) and two textures file but didn't see the notecard for the location of the blend file. Thank you so much for all of your help, this is awesome!
  20. I had hoped to maybe take a Blender class this summer (wanted a class that aligns with making things like the Arduino, DC Motor, etc). I am sure there are many gaps in my understanding. I am self-taught and of course this makes it ineffective and I ask a lot of questions. Also, I use Blender sporadically so I need to be reminded of things that I saw before. My object is really to build things that I can use in Second Life for teaching. A while back I stumbled across a great article - Engineering Education Island: Teaching Engineering in Virtual Worlds and asked the author for suggestions because I wanted to build a virtual learning environment for my school. He said that they had stopped using SL because of the cost increase back in 2012 or so. Many educators left SL at that time. I recently did a survey and found that only 15% of the educational sites listed on the https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Second_Life_Education_Directory still have some sort of presence in SL. That is a tremendous decline. My end goal is to build a virtual cleanroom. I have Maya models for much of the equipment and will be going to UNM to get the rest of the info to build the cleanroom this summer. In the mean time I am attempting to learn as much as I can and create course content that I can use in my engineering classes. I wanted to thank everyone for their help and your suggestions. It is much appreciated. ivytechengineer
  21. Do you have a Second Life Marketplace or would you be willing to sell your model? I still want to see what I can do but there is so much I don't know right now. This sounds like a cop-out but it will probably take me another couple of weeks working on this over my summer break.
  22. Thanks, I need it check this out. This will make drawing much easier.
  23. Sorry I have not commented on this post. I always get a little squeamish when I see objects that appear to get dimensionally shifted because I am not sure if I can fit everything back together. I think you can actually delete out right eh 50+ holes in the board. They won't help the student understand the Arduino any better if they are missing or present. I was trying to figure out how to create a Board "Vertex Group". I am using Blender 2.8, maybe I need to upgrade? Just watched a YouTube video (Using VERTEX GROUPS in Blender - Beginner Tutorial) and you can form a Vertex Group when you select the Object Data Properties. Cool, maybe I can use the feature to build a library of Blender models? I have spent some time cleaning up the board file but discovered that I inadvertently deleted all the pins on the reset part. I want to add these pins back but I want to add them back to the same location that they were there before. I will do some more searching to see how I can add them back. OBTW, it has always bothered me that I cannot determine the exact x, y, and z location of a vertices in Blender. In CAD tools the exact dimension are always easy to find and use...
  24. I am avoiding working on the IC because it is so complicated for no good reason. Even the CAD drawing is way more complicated. Thanks, this looks like a lot of work...
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