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Ayashe Ninetails

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Everything posted by Ayashe Ninetails

  1. Couple thangs... Welcome! I actually didn't send you any character customization videos or anything on the face capture features. The customization system is NICE. The face anims are cursed, but that's just me, lol. Maybe they'll clean that up at a later date. I imagine SL's puppetry would've looked equally as cursed on release, too. It's a tough thing to get right. A multiplayer mode is supposedly on the roadmap after release. Like all games, the players are demanding it. What it'll look like is anyone's guess (likely smaller-scale). It's got high requirements (a 3070 is listed as the recommended, at least at the moment), but that's to be expected. It's Unreal 5. Games like this (and the Sims) drive a lot of Twitch and YouTube engagement, though, and popular content creators are usually on the best available hardware at any given time (sometimes sponsored by the companies to push it), so I'm sure at least some will be nudged to upgrade along the way.
  2. Physics is super tricky and unfortunately, lacking it eliminates a bunch of cool possibilities (I'd have way too much damn fun with a Party Animals/Gang Beasts-style battle thing in here lol). Then again, one of the top games on steam for weeks has been something about a damn banana, so who even knows at this point what people would be most into in SL. Maybe we're thinking too hard. Meme games for the win. I've seen way too many horror games that take place in hospitals. 👀
  3. Aaack. I feel you. I once tried to conquer my squeamish tendencies by seeing that horrible, gross piranha movie on a first date. The less said about ALL of that the better. 🙃 That'd be a great one, too! And another easy choice would be something like Chained Together, lol. We are lacking in the "ragebait" department. Also spot-the-difference anomaly-based games (the I'm on Observation Duty series, Exit 8, etc.). Those tend to be horror-based, so I'm totally out already lol, but that'd be a pretty cool option if we could get a similar system working here, too.
  4. Okay yeah, I know exactly which movie you're talking about now. I've seen a clip or two, but never sat down to watch the entire thing for obvious reasons (me being a punk scaredy cat among them 😂) Oh I'm already imagining all the ways it could go wrong. Lag, furniture glitched and suspended in mid-air, entirely broken rezzers, puzzle glitches, etc. Almost like my experience using house rezzers in home/commercial building stores filled to the brim with heavily-scripted house rezzers, leaving a bunch of random furniture floating above the platform from the dozen or so homes rezzed before your choice and not knowing whether that floating pool water comes with the currently rezzed house or nah. 🤣
  5. Wat. Girl it's the OG. Well okay, maybe not. I think Stanley's a bit older, but STILL. 😂 Lmao I never even thought of TPing. Rezzing them "on demand" sounds cooler, though. If that's even a thing that can be done. Yeeees, just imagine the possibilities. It's difficult, though, because that means the story (if one actually exists) now depends on certain puzzle pieces/clues showing up in randomly generated areas and that gets into all kinds of continuity and flow and event issues. It would likely have to be simple. Also, why does The Cube sound so familiar? Isn't that a horror movie or am I losing my mind?
  6. Slight detour, but if you love those, definitely try The Vanishing of Ethan Carter. You might also like The Stanley Parable. SOMA if you want to dip a bit further into horror and aren't put off by having to hide and get chased a bit (though I think there's a mode that turns all that off). Back on topic - also peek at Blue Prince. It's still in development but I played the demo. It combines escape room mechanics and huge meta puzzles with the ability to "draw" the room you exit into via set of blueprints that pops up when you open the door. 3 random room choices (parlor, master bedroom, hallway, observatory, etc.) will show and each might contain puzzle clues or bonuses for your character. The point is to work your way into a secret chamber hidden deep within the mansion and solve the mystery of the estate. Given the random nature of everything, you may or may not get locked out of progressing. I mention it because the idea of randomly rezzing the next room you enter is freakin' cool and it'd make for some interesting escape room experiences if that were possible here in SL (we do have rezzerrrrrsssssss).
  7. If they managed to add Only Up! to Palia, I mean... I'm kidding. Let's never do that.
  8. I agree with you - we can't do much of this right now. If LL wanted to put the work in, we might be able to get a little something. Definitely not AAA-quality, but nothing I mentioned is really at that level. User-created games on the indie level exist elsewhere. How LL works something to support experiences like that in here while preserving the old content - that's a super valid problem. Don't know if that's doable. That game is wild. So freakin' well-done, too.
  9. Everyone? Got one open right now. Just on this one platform alone (only showing GOG, doesn't include the 1,741+ games on Itch, or my Steam, Epic, PC Game Pass, Amazon Prime, Legacy Games, dev/publisher launcher-specific platforms, or Big Fish libraries - yes I'm a dork): I have a pretty good idea of what could work in SL. I see no reason why something like escape games, pool/billiards, arcades, multiplayer puzzle games, or goofy versions of Phasmo, Among Us, Lethal Company, or Content Warning could work (with a few layups from LL). Edit: OH, Fall Guys. Need a definite assist from LL to make it snappy and responsive enough, but a game like that would be hilarious in SL.
  10. Aww that's a shame. Now that we're on the subject, I remember old Drune used to have an arcade in it. I'm pretty sure the cabinets were well-made, but it was such a ridiculously stylish atmosphere overall both inside and outside that arcade (the entire sim, really), I wasn't paying much attention to the finer details. Typical meeee! 😂 Here, peek at this one. It's the one I bought a while back. If their mainstore still exists, there should be a non-functional demo model out on the floor. Nomad might also have some stuff, too. I remember them having some old carnival games in some nice cabinets, like the mystics who give out fortunes and stuffs like that. That's a cool idea, but I have nooooo clue how to make things like this. I was floored when I first saw a playable version, lol.
  11. The functional arcade game cabinets are pretty awesome. I have one that I stumbled across somewhere when digging around for my woman cave builds. Old retro-style cyberpunk-themed fighting game with full music made in a Yamaha 3812 VST plugin (which mimics old sound card audio from vintage games). Thing is coooool.
  12. Things do compete for our free time, though. I assume that's what was meant by the OP. "I was just thinking... when I am not using SL, what am I doing with my SL time?"
  13. Hmm, yeah I never actually looked at it (or Habbo Hotel for that matter). I'm mostly familiar with Roblox's game content as it's fairly similar, sort of, to some of what you'd also see in multiplayer Minecraft. Noooo idea. I'm not sure how these games are actually made. There's a creator studio hub online with a bunch of documentation on how to create and publish games and experiences. I think they've got their own app or software or something? Don't quote me. This is all super beyond the scope of my knowledge. I don't think it's actually possible with our current iteration of SL, though. We'd need an overhaul. In RL? I'd starve! I never said I was good at these things. 😂 Mixed audience is kind of weird to me. It's the same kind of thing that Twitch found itself trying to navigate a while ago. 18+ content right there on the homepage while the platform itself is what, 13+? It was a mess for a while when they tried to update their content rules.
  14. Not certain about VRChat as it never appealed to me enough to peek at it much, but Roblox yes. It's all user-created games and realms and whatnot. This is something IMO better left to residents. They should provide the backend ability to make it all work, but the user-content is where this stuff absolutely shines. Roblox has everything from serious games to total meme-games that explode in popularity and I'd hate relying on a company itself to "get" how viral content works. Madpea, but I haven't seen them myself. I adore escape room games, though, and it's a genre that's fairly popular. There are all kinds on Steam, ranging from academy/university settings to scarier ones. This leads to my original question I've been asking myself for well over a decade - what does SL actually want to be? The 16+ demo is fairly strong. These are the ones who will obsessively follow their favorite content creators all over on numerous platforms (YouTube, Twitch, TikTok, Instagram, Twitter, etc.) and are easily influenced to purchase in-game content. 18+ is necessary if they want to go full adult playground, though. Up to them to figure that out.
  15. Not sure on that, but I'm always a sucker for games, so I'd be all in. I'll add to that - escape rooms, solvable puzzles (like Islands of Insight, which is multiplayer), competitive sport games and competitions, etc. Just last night, I saw there's a popular horror game inside Roblox that actually looked pretty scary (I was watching on Twitch). Having the ability to produce fully-functional games within the platform itself would be pretty neat IMO. Hard to say, but there's no good way for them to advertise full-on adult content if they have no plans to make SL 18+. Add more loot boxes, gacha mechanics, overpriced cosmetics of their own, and FOMO (just kidding - please don't).
  16. Oh, yet another thing my own SL competes with these days is any game/platform that maintains a "build anywhere" atmosphere. My most hated SL feature is having to pay real money for land to have space to live/build in, even though I totally understand the need for such a thing (it's certainly not the only place that charges for land). I'm just kind of over paying for it. More specifically, that means it's competing with things like No Man's Sky, Minecraft, Palworld, etc. Anywhere I can spend time hunting down a perfect location to set up a home without having to spend a dime.
  17. Happens all the time in SL and RL and there's really nothing anyone can do about it. Old products get removed to make room for newer items. Same with older gachas. If they're rare or no longer available, resellers do tend to charge quite a lot for them. If they're unable to sell, the prices may come down over time.
  18. I very much agree with this, and although I do peeve a LOT about the state of natural movement in garments across the entire games spectrum (hell, even 3D films struggle with this - the mini documentary about how hair movement was handled in Disney movies like Tangled and Encanto is really interesting), I do appreciate the other techniques that are employed to simulate clothing as realistically as possible, including draping. I don't like skin tight much either (even in RL) unless it's accompanied by something to give it a bit of movement and contrast. Yes yes yes! All of this. This reminds me, actually. There's a singer named Lido Pimienta who some refer to as a "Colombian Björk" and that does actually describe her fashion style rather well. I posted one of her videos for "No Pude" in the music thread, but if you didn't see it there (or ya know, more location blocked goodness - PEEVE), go look her up - she's an absolute joy. Traditional clothing mixed with avant-garde fashion is quickly becoming a favorite of mine. And soooooooooo difficult to find in SL (I struggle to find Afrofuturistic fashion here - yes, there's yet another peeve).
  19. So agree. That's the very first thing I noticed when checking out his ready-to-wear. I've been totally digging the super-wide billowy, palazzo pants look lately for some random reason (yet another thing we can't have in SL due to mesh wonkiness - peeve!), so the drape of his capes and dresses immediately caught my eye. It almost feels wrong somehow. I've seen enough Gucci and Balenciaga off-the-rack nightmare fuel with the stupidest prices soaring into the thousands, yet here's this talented visionary selling his extremely classy yet functional and wearable to serious social and/or business functions outfits and dresses for the price of a cheap ugly Coach bag on clearance at Macy's. I'd feel kind of bad not paying a little more, lol.
  20. And you didn't TELL me? PEEVE! My brother just emailed me about him earlier. He's the textile lover, so I'm not surprised he found him first. This designer slipped by me somehow.😂 Big same, though, me when I first saw his portfolio... "DERNIER!!!!!" Sigh. If only we had the swishes. Yep! That's gorgeous, too. I was looking at this one cape and thought...only $300? Seriously? And it's so pretty. A regular person could totally save up for this. I've touched Helmut Lang tees that cost more than that (quite literally touched - I took a romp through Selfridges on Oxford Street in London one day just to touch things I'd never be able to afford, LOL).
  21. Peeve: We really need swishies in SL. @Scylla Rhiadra Scyllaaaaaa!!!!!!!! LOOKIE https://www.instagram.com/p/C_S0YM-yOVN/ Check the rest of his account for other items in the collection, too. More stuff for me to put in the "Wish we could have swishy garments in SL" pile. 😂 Unpeeve: Some of his non-runway dresses and things are actually kind of affordable. 👀
  22. Interesting popup warning. That's certainly one way to get people to train these things for free. 😂
  23. That's actually something we work very hard to train out of it and avoid encouraging that behavior. Of course, not every model will be trained the same way with the same values behind it, but there's a ton of risk in allowing a bot to riff, so to speak. Don't go by me, though. I don't have a very romanticized view of this stuff and would never even be involved with it if there weren't companies that spend a lot of time keeping these things on rails and setting a good example. Billionaires with shady ethics running amok in the industry is a terrifying prospect to me and I'm thankful for those of them who value safety and security over LOOK WUT I CAN DO *coughsZuckcoughs*.
  24. Given my experience working with some of it - no. In the future if it lasts that long - your guess is as good as mine.
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