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Ayashe Ninetails

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Everything posted by Ayashe Ninetails

  1. Omg these are fantastic. Time to build a look around them.
  2. Thank you so much!! Your avie is adorable btw! Your old hair isn't weird at all. I think it perfectly suits your style, though the new one is very nice, too.
  3. Haha, same! Those are from Simple Bloom, but have you seen the ones at Core? I need those in my life, lmao. They're fierce.
  4. Okay, I used Lelutka Kaya for this one, but she looked too sweet (the head is adorable). Can't have that, soooo, I dug around for some wicked brows and worked those sliders. 😂
  5. Lol, that's the style I usually go for, to be honest. My mermaids are always of the "kind of a jerk" variety. The other one will look slightly more pleasant, but I'd advise against taking your boat out around her, too.
  6. I couldn't decide on a new look for my mermaid (not a surprise, thanks to all of the wonderful holiday gifts), so instead of simply updating it, I went ahead and made two brand new ones. One more human-like and one a bit more alien (below). Currently rocking this one. I'll post version 2 tomorrow.
  7. 🤣 Omg I know, right? It's soooo expensive to get the good stuff shipped, let alone bought! It's insane. But once you've tasted it, it's just so hard to go back to the cheaper alternatives. At least, for me it is. I make do with whatever imported chocolate I can find for a decent price in grocery stores, but mannnn I was craving some fresh truffles so hard for the holidays, but alas. I just couldn't pay that shipping. And working near a Lindt store? Aaah...I would've eaten nothing but, lol.
  8. Sir! Hershey's is anything but! Have you tasted champagne truffles? You realllllyyyy need to taste champagne truffles - preferably fresh from a chocolate shop. That...THAT...is chocolate heaven. Oops. Guess I found a second hill to die on. 😂
  9. Candy bars 👏 cookie bits (crust excluded - I'll allow it) 👏 confetti sprinkles 👏 marshmallows 👏 Hershey's anything 👏 moist layers of vanilla birthday cake 👏 brownie chunks 👏 or any other random trail mix restaurants insist on stuffing into a cheesecake DOES NOT ever belong in a cheesecake! I'm not going to name names, but these restaurants know who they are. Cheesecake texture ruiners all of em!!
  10. Lol, it certainly couldn't hurt! Things definitely get frustrating sometimes (I have days where noooothing I do looks right!).
  11. I like a mix of both. I'm always experimenting with my style. I don't know of any stylized skins like that, but I do know that you can work wonders with makeup and tattoos. Dotty's Secret, for example, has a Pop Art cell-shaded group gift. CREATiCA has some animated cell-shader body outline auras, but I've not tried those myself. Search around the marketplace and see what you can find! Ugh, the dreaded alpha halo. I usually deal with it by playing with my depth of field settings, camera angles, background, windlight/lighting, and if all else fails - scream into the void and change hairstyles. 100% raw and I leave it there. My entire motivation for doing photography in SL, aside from having something to do with all the characters I create of course, is to see just how far I can get using only in-world tools. I went to design school, so Photoshopping my photos to death would be fairly simple, but honestly, I just find it more fun doing it this way. I like the challenge. As for tips - if you can run Black Dragon on decent settings without your computer bursting into flames, go for it. It's so fun to work with. Experiment. Poke every slider. Tweak blur and shadows and glow and haze and lighting. Play with camera angles. Create your own custom windlights and poses. Mess with clouds. Learn to make rainbows (or be like me and do it entirely by accident). Learn to edit super super basic particle scripts and play with the effects. Tinker with all the graphic preferences to find the settings that work for your setup. Scream into the void and keep practicing. My own settings - couldn't tell you. I change them ALL the time. Some things stay the same, like umm...anything to do with sky/terrain quality/etc. generally stays at high or ultra. Maybe medium if I don't need something for a photo (like trees).
  12. I love this thread. Everyone's photos are fantastic. ❤️ I decided to stop slacking and finally get to work updating all of my older looks with new skins, heads, shapes, hair, clothes, etc. My orc's done, so one down and...many more to go.
  13. Yup, usually changing every single thing. I really do need to update everything before I go adding more outfits to the list! Ack it's official - I'm slacking! I need more outfits immediately. Actually, I still need to build some looks around the two Logo heads, Logan, the BeSpoke elf, and the two AK heads, so there's that. I finally worked on Lel Kaya last night and got her sorted. Same! Yes! I'm so down for this! We could find a good hangout spot so we can drop in when we've put something new together and do fashion shows or something. 🤣
  14. OMG we need to go shopping!!! Or maybe we don't, LOL. 🤣 And wow yeah I know that feel, 100%! I've started adding what version of my head/body I'm wearing to my outfit titles because I'll just leave them there for months and later switch to it to use as a starter for another outfit/avie and suddenly shoes don't fit and I'm realizing I'm wearing Maitreya 5.1 and not 5.3 and forget it, LOL. I should really clean these out and start updating them, but no time. Too many new heads to try on!
  15. I knowwwwww, I'm ridiculous! 🤣 Aww, thank you so much!! ❤️ Avatar styling is a huge hobby of mine. I had to take up SL photography to justify it - I was spending so much time on it, lol. One of these days, I'll post some finished photos in the photo threads when I get these new ones up and running - using some of these free gifts, for sure!
  16. Lol, all but one of mine are on this same account. It's just easier for me that way. My original avie rarely ever changes her look (used to run a shop with her 100 years ago, so she's my neglected business alt these days). Now, checking my Outfits tab on this account, I currently have 191 saved outfits. Eep. Some really are just outfits, but many are completely different looks with different skins, shapes, heads, bodies, accessories, etc. I uhhh, may need an intervention.
  17. Yup, the back clipping is definitely the worst problem I've encountered. I've had some pretty decent luck with interactive styles and style huds (from stores like Foxy, Kuni, and the former Little Bones) - being able to toss it into a ponytail or bun or swap the style around a bit helps alleviate that issue most of the time. Couple of other stores that I've had some decent success with - .Shi, Adoness, and sometimes Moon. .Shi and Adoness lean more into avant-garde and punk, though, so they may or may not work for the OP.
  18. No.Match and Wasabi have some longer styles, too, but I typically just wear womens hair on my men. Much more variety. Gotta experiment with that a bit, though. Demo thoroughly.
  19. You guyyyyyyyssss! I said I wasn't going to make more avatarrrrrrs *whine* I've got 3 in progress (okay wait...4) and now look at all these cute things hereeeeee. Btw, thanks for the heads up (heh heh heh) about BeSpoke. I just picked up their Merfolk head last weekend for 50L and now a free elf? Yippie! Oh, since we're sharing - Akeruka (AK) is also giving out a male and female head to group members. 150L group join fee, though, but the heads can wear Evo classic skins/makeup/etc., so there's that. Giveaway ends Jan 3rd. Oh and if you do join the group for it, it's worth it to stay. They run 50% off sales and things pretty frequently.
  20. Any particular style you're most interested in? In general, I'd definitely recommend checking out some of the fantasy-specific events like We Love Roleplay and the new Roleplay Fashion Addicts weekend sale event. For cyberpunk, there's Val'More, Stop, Wicca's Originals, Gild, Gabriel. CerberusXing, Contraption, Valkyr, Madame Noir, and Azoury for cyberpunk & steampunk accessories like headpieces, jaws, hats, various limbs, glasses, rings, claws, etc. Cyber Fair, Access, and Mainframe are some other big events worth a peek. SeraphimSL and Access would be the best place to keep up with those. For full costumes - irrISIStible Shop. Goth - L'Emporio&PL I could maybe offer more suggestions depending on what exactly you're after. I mix and match from a lot of random places.
  21. Hmmm... I helped someone achieve this look using Lelutka Skyler + a Stray Dog I completely forgot the name of (I'm so helpful!). We liked that combo as some of the Stray Dog skins have some very nice shading and slight crow's feet around the eyes. It looked very natural. Plus, if a tad bit more is needed, he could try playing around with some Izzie's skin addons like eyebags, wrinkles, age spots, forehead and frown lines, etc. They should all have demos and Izzie has done a fantastic job of updating for Evo X. Last thing - if he wears beards, mixing in a slight touch of gray could also help. Okara has a pretty nice selection and they're tintable. Layering beards and playing with tints worked pretty well. With all that, I'd say we pretty much nailed a late 30s to late 40s look. For the head - Skyler is only one option. I'd also suggest trying Connor, Paxton, Alain, Devon is a good one yup, and Eon. Edit: Oh yeah, since Logan is free at the moment, have him give that a try, too.
  22. LOL thank you! That is so good to know.
  23. Funny enough, I was told about it after doing Undeform! I saw it, did a quick undeform, refresh attachments, rebake routine, etc. and looked fine on my end. A friend who was standing right next to me while I swapped still said...uhhh..ummmm errrr ahhhh I see your face is a bit.. uhhh ummm... Bwahahaha. Did it again. It didn't fix itself on his end until I relogged. It's such a funny glitch that I don't mind it, but I got in the habit of doing a quick relog before leaving my place if I've been shapeshifting a bit too much, lmao.
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