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Everything posted by SandorWren

  1. Thank you!!! I think some imperfections DO need to be fixed though. Such as the alpha artefacts around Caitlin's hair in this crop. And the chain poking through her neck. For me these flaws are a bit TOO noticeable, and I spend forever fixing them. My eye gets drawn right to them, and it detracts from the overall image itself. But that's me.
  2. Visiting Cloud's Edge. The tiny speck in the middle is me!!!
  3. LOL, I started as a female Escort in SL. Cat retired when we got married, since she doesn't have to work anymore.
  4. Another shot on Cat's new sailboat at our Island.
  5. Cat and I trying a sailboat I got her for Valentine's Day. She can' only drive it close to shore though. I really do go overboard trying to fix minutia in some of my pics. Things no one can see. Or at least I hope they can't after I try and fix them. I likely miss so many major flaws that stare other people in the eye. But an errant strand of hair I notice.
  6. LOL, been there, done that....Remember, money upfront!!!
  7. Well she certainly is, cough, cough "Heavenly". Sorry, I couldn't resist.
  8. Cat and I were at Christina Halpin's interactive Art Gallery yesterday. We could sit in the pictures.
  9. A very sexy hint of mystery. makes me want to see more of the girl. I've been looking at your images, and you've been very effective at drawing the viewer in. making them want to be right there with you. You aren't capturing a static image, but eliciting a story to unfold. And desire. I think you've really nailed it!!!
  10. This is a great shot!!! Really sexy, and it draws me right in. Makes me want to be in the pic. My first thought was to give you a kiss massage your aching feet. I wonder what this pic makes other men feel?
  11. This thread didn't exist at the time for anyone to comment in. I created it maybe a year or so ago.
  12. Forum History? Inworld History? What is Time team? I love peering into the past!!!
  13. I'm killing myself laughing. Ok, for clarification. Swallow is one of my female alts. She presided over my wedding with Caitlin. Cat and I wanted Nal, but she didn't think she could make it that day, that early., and we couldn't find another Minister. So, I did it as Swallow. Nal WAS able to make it t though. Lord, we should have put her in the Minister's position anyways, totally unprepared!!!
  14. LOL, it's difficult enough making up with Swallow!!!
  15. /me almost falls over laughing. Yes, I stand down. I misspelled. My exact point though LOL. Except I don't believe you fall into the group I mentioned. /me holds his ribs
  16. @Cinnamon Mistwoodand I visiting the Kondor Art Center. Most of the images were scenic landscapes, but one in particular caught my eye. Human shaped figures with umbrellas in the rain, walking forward, and rising into the sky. We had an extensive discussion about what it could mean. What we both failed to notice, is that the figures appear to be made out of rock. I caught that when I was editing the pic I took of us looking at it.
  17. I was just responding to the confused emoji's about why the Island carries so many emotions. Because, as you said, some people, such as yourself, don't know. It's nice to know that I have such a strong "fanboi hater's club" though. They'll gnaw at the slightest morcel I drop.
  18. A falling out of sorts. I was Pearl. I started SL in a female AV, as an Escort.
  19. No. That was me. They went under a different name. I came out as a man to them (and everyone else ) BEFORE I bought the Island. Pearl never owned the Island at all.
  20. Sure!!! These are older pics, so the landscaping looks better now, but I'm always open to new ideas.
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