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Everything posted by SandorWren

  1. Experimenting with making some new mossy rock materials in Alchemist. I didn't make the rocks though. LOL, I just noticed I'm still in my tux from this morning!!! ...Stop rolling your eyes Cinny.... The cylinder marks the exact center of the Island. It has a pic of Cat on it, because that's very fitting. Without her, I wouldn't have the inspiration to do any of this.
  2. That's exactly what I was thinking when I saw the image in BW in my head. Changing it to BW, just confirmed it.
  3. Just what I expected. Your pic still looks good, but it loses the intent.
  4. Cat and I went to Christina's BDSM exhibit this morning. Christina gave us a warm welcome, as usual. Cat really enjoyed the interactive parts. I did too. We all had a nice chat, and Cat shared her first RL BDSM experience. I couldn't show the exhibit itself, for obvious reasons.
  5. I like the juxtaposition of you in colour and the rest in BW. I can see it fully BW in my head, and it doesn't work for me.
  6. I've tried local mesh. never worked for me. Uploading did though. Lod refers to the detail you see at different distances. Close up, more detail, far away, less detail.
  7. Cat couldn't come as expected to Christina's exhibit opening. Last minute RL issue. @Cinnamon Mistwood was able to come. Cat and I will have to go together later today or tomorrow, depending on when she can be online. It was so nice to see the ladies giving each other a warm supportive hug.
  8. Thanks!!! I'm sure you'll look great too!!!
  9. Cat and I getting ready for Christina's opener today at noon SLT. Cat's not sure she can be there at noon, and I'm not sure I can either. If not we'll go later.
  10. Thanks!! I've never seen the movie, but I love that scene!!! Full of eroticism!!!
  11. I just had to look her up, since you mentioned it:
  12. I was working on our Island bridge yesterday, adding some leaves from a texture I created with an Ivy Generator in 3DSMAX. I made a sculpted prim that approximates a drape over the vines, and a sculpted rock. I would much prefer to work only in mesh, but I can't beat an LI of one!!! Primstar only works in Blender 2.79b and it makes me want to pull my hair out!!!
  13. Now I understand. I still disagree, but I understand.
  14. I'm not sure I understand this correctly. What is the point of HAVING a sim, if there are no people there? No one to see it. Isn't interacting with others the entire point of BEING in SL? I sure as hell wouldn't have bothered to work on mine, or more correctly "ours", if my SL wife wasn't, well, in SL, and as excited about it as I am!!!
  15. I really know nothing about the situation with the Lindens. But RL experiences in my younger years have shown me that the sudden appearance of administrative powers is NOT (usually) a good omen. So I would tend to agree with you Scyll.
  16. Here is a gyazo of the exhibit poster Christina sent me overnight.. I couldn't save the texture, and my snipping tool was having issues this morning. https://gyazo.com/d352cc8a6e222ddf91dd36e6940adbdc
  17. Is this what you had in mind? And please...Call me Sandor...
  18. Here is the LM for the art exhibit at XAARA: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Xaara/17/128/22 Christina couldn't find the poster, so she shared a notecard with me. Here is the excerpt: Walls have been labeled A - E. Here is the lineup A – Christina B – Miss Petra C – Mistress Seph D – Sir Phoenix E – Mistress Lily Opening Party is scheduled for Sunday, June 4th, 2023 at 12:00 PM. Will be held at the Xaara Gallery Plaza Extension. The Exhibit is called “Into the Mind of Xaara” and will comprise 5 separately curated exhibits by invited Xaara Community members. Christina's exhibit is comprised of interactive RL BDSM images. I don't know anything about the other exhibitors.
  19. It's at the XAARA Annex Gallery. I'll get the LM when I can get online later on . I have to check again, but I think her exhibit opens Sunday. I know Christina is setting up on Friday.
  20. Our friend Christina asked me for some help with her art exhibit. She admits she's not very good at lining things up to look good. What she IS good at is the interactivity of the pics she displays. You touch them and they zoom, or change, or disappear. You never know what any of them will do. She had one up a while ago that Cat and I went to, where we became a part of the art. I messed things up royally at first, because I didn't know what she had done, and why things were positioned the way they were. She does things like making pics visible only from certain angles, and puts walls to block views. and always puts her pics up on white walls. She doesn't create the art, she displays it. Her art is the interactivity. Her displays are mostly BDSM, so not for the faint of heart.
  21. I knew you were using a quote, and you aren't 27. I know you're "29" cough cough. Just like I am....That's fun to get into a character!!!
  22. I've never read "Pride and Prejudice". I had to look up your quote. Are you making a statement with it, or just having fun with a character?
  23. My wife and @Cinnamon Mistwoodhaving a nice chat on our main floating island. When I ask what they're talking about, Cat always says "Girl Talk". I know better than to ask further LOL!!!
  24. I certainly won't argue with you on that!!!
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