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Everything posted by SandorWren

  1. I meant nothing exciting in the "adult" area we were in. You know the things Cat and I have. Nothing like that there as far as we saw. And sure, I'll go snail racing. Why not?
  2. I haven't been in SL long enough to be able to see how LL has handled it over the years. What you're saying makes total sense to me.
  3. I don't think there is anything wrong with wanting to bring people who drive the SL economy, so that LL can make a profit. They are in the entertainment industry. "Replacing" people wouldn't be a wise business model, in my opinion. Not everyone can put money in, due to privacy or financial concerns. But they CAN and DO form relationships and friendships with those who CAN, and are willing to spend on them, or because of them. AND they keep the spender in SL (and spending) because of the friendship or relationship. I'm sure LL realizes this. Adding to the userbase makes more sense. To me anyways. On thinking about it more, it DOES seem like LL is beginning to realize that sex, well, sells. I can't see any other reason for them to allow nudity in the adult section here in the forums, and to add an adult area to the SL20B. Doing a quick search on porn spending, I've seen figures ranging from $9 to $97 BILLION per year. Nothing to sneeze at. I think LL is just being cautious, and not wanting to frighten off established residents who don't want to be in a purely sexualized environment, and moving slowly. Perhaps a little TOO slowly though to maximize profit potential.
  4. That's an interesting question in itself. What would define "better people". More educated? More capable of spending money? More moralized against nonmarital sex?
  5. Or, is it possible LL has paid for writeups, as a form of indirect advertising?
  6. I was at the SL20B tonight with @Cinnamon Mistwoodtonight, and she noticed there was an adult area now, which we went to. She said she's never seen one before at an official event like that. Maybe LL IS somewhat acknowledging the interest. The only thing is, with no known deliberate advertising, how is possible to reach a larger audience?
  7. I went with @Cinnamon Mistwoodto SL20b tonight. Apparently, there is now an Adult area, which we looked at.. Cinny said she's never seen one before at an official event like this. It didn't seem to have much there. There was a femdom place, and VAW was represented, but nothing overly exciting as far as I saw.
  8. How and where is SL actually advertised? I've never actually seen any adverts. The first time I ever heard of it was years ago in a computer magazine article.. I tried it, but my dialup at the time didn't let me see more than an ocean, so I just forgot about it. I can't remember what reminded me about it just over 3 years ago, or how I knew SL had adult activities. I know Cat was brought here by someone from another platform, who disappeared on her almost the first day, and never came back. So I'm left curious as to where we could see an actual advertisement, and not just a writeup.
  9. It would be interesting to take a survey. "Excuse me,...Sir... Are you having sex regularly"?
  10. Yes, please trudge in to take a picture!!! I always look forward to seeing yours. I'm sure many others do to!!!
  11. I still have issues about the "look" thing. I certainly wouldn't wear an expensive leather jacket in an area where i know I could get attacked and/or "swarmed" in order to steal it. It doesn't make it right, but I don't care. I'll dress according to the criminal risk factor of the area, and the time of day (or night). Groups are definitely an attractant. My wife and I both have groups in our profiles that we have picked to deliberately attract sexual attention. And it works. But neither my wife nor I have EVER been propositioned while shopping , or in a non-sexual sim. That could be because they aren't into our kind of sex though, and our groups make it clear that we like extreme.
  12. I really didn't know what Sansar was all about. I thought it was a virtualization technology that was going to be added to SL, not a separate platform. But I never looked into it after LL gave up on it, and that was the first I ever heard of it.
  13. Does anyone have an actual stats on the percentage that take part is sexual activities? My wife and do other things too, and so do our friends. But we are definitely sexual.
  14. Community isn't a negative word to ME. Why is it negative?
  15. I agree with you. The point of being in second life in my opinion, is to have the OPTION of choosing how and why we want to live it. Interacting with different viewpoints broadens our horizons, and teaches us what we enjoy and don't enjoy. That's true in both RL and SL.
  16. Caitlin and I came to SL initially purely to be able to satisfy a side of our sexuality that we do not have the opportunity to do in RL at this point in our lives. But by coming here, we ended up branching out. We ended up in an SL marriage. Our wedding itself entailed a lot of shopping and planning. A LOT of SHOPPING for NONSEXUAL items. Everything from our clothes, to furniture, to a wedding layout, and wedding reception items. Yes, we had a formal and proper wedding, with guests. Then we wanted to make our Island uniquely OUR Island. So we had to replace most of what was there. More shopping. A house, vegetation, rocks, etc., etc.. We bought a huge variety of things. Hence we have supported a large number of creators, and the SL economy. Our Estate Tier fee isn't exactly a small amount either. I sell art and tattoos. Now I'm working on creatings things for our Island that i also plan to sell. So coming to SL purely for sex can end up branching out in many ways, and the creators who don't create for sex at all benefit as well. We've spent a LOT on the sexual things too. It's supposed to be second life. It can't BE a SECOND LIFE without being able to have sex. I don't feel it should be the SL selling point, but I don't feel it should be downplayed either. But yes. Cat and would leave without the sex. Find another platform, and either bring our friends with us, or join them on something they found that's friendlier to our way of life.
  17. And they both really like you!!! LOL, see what happens when you hang out with the "wrong" crowd?
  18. I'm REALLY tempted to comment, but I'll hold my tongue lol...
  19. Just going though last nights pics from our usual Sunday night discussion group that I go to with @Cinnamon Mistwood and our friend @Christina Halpin. Christina got a new look, and I think it's great. Caitlin's not usually online that time. Last time she was, she and Cinny took off outside to chat LOL. You'll have to take me shopping or dancing Cinny. That'll make me feel better about Cat being away.
  20. Caitlin went away for a couple of weeks on a vacation, and will be away from SL. I'm really happy for her, and I know she'll have an amazing time. But I'll really miss her. We see each other everyday inworld, and have for over a year. I didn't take any pics. My focus was on our conversation. I think this expresses how I feel right now though. But that's just me being selfish by knowing how much I'll miss her.
  21. Our vine bridge as it stands right now. It's giving me alpha issues though. Tough going creating it from scratch.
  22. Cat and I sharing some close moments a few minutes ago. Aftercare is extremely important, especially with someone you love. It's important for both sides.
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