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Everything posted by SandorWren

  1. Cat took this pic in the morning, as I went to RL work a couple of days ago. She was getting ready for her day in SL...
  2. I...I..don't know what to say... or how to react!!! Lol, my life is boring compared to YOURS!!! God, I've been working too much on the Island. I need to get out more. But Caitlin will kill ME if I don't finish the bridge...and soon...
  3. That's simple, Victoria's distracting the enemy with her beauty, so they don't notice the machine gun. THEN.....
  4. I can empathise. That's how I feel when Cat goes away. Great pic!!!
  5. And I looked like this too today. After an interesting and thoughtful bdsm discussion with my wife earlier today. This was after she had logged off.
  6. The point to keep in mind, is if our texture uploads are larger than 1024x1024, they will be downsampled to that size. SL CANNOT have any individual texture larger than 1024X1024. I've transferred old film frames to video at 3840X2160, and downsampled to 1920X1080 in RL. The downsampled image always looks better than one taken at the target resolution. This is the same concept applied to SL textures.
  7. It doesn't matter "who's" prettier. It simply my association with the AV you present as regularly. I personally find it emotionally confusing when someone changes their AV drastically. I identify you with your Scylla AV. I would think a drastic AV change would be more than a little disconcerting for most. I know I wouldn't like it if Caitlin changed, even if it was to another gorgeous female AV. I would want her to change back, even if I found her new AV more attractive. She literally can change my AV from man to woman to animal with my collar, but she doesn't. Same reason. Most of us react mentally ( emotionally) to what we perceive as "them". So no, it's not silly in my opinion.
  8. This is why I made this thread. So people can show what their SL is all about. Sure , a lot of us want to see what someone's AV looks like,. I do. But it's nice to see more BEHIND what a person's AV looks like What someone's doing, who they're with, what they're building. I look at Archangel's posts, and I just LOVE the passion he shows for what he creates. And what I see between Cirleen and Bill. Victoria's love of boats. Eddies interest in creating...the list goes on.
  9. Looks great, but I prefer "yourself". Because that's how I know you.
  10. Cat and I DID go and see that sailboat together. I didn't have a chance to take pics, because i was in a rush RL. Here we're discussing whether what she has (this boat) is good enough or not. Cat felt it was, so she said "no" to buying a new one, even though she liked the one we looked at. That means I can't even buy it for myself, because we agreed on making decisions like this jointly.
  11. I know. Our house also came with a security system. The issue isn't technical. It's figuring out what we actually want.
  12. And that just brought up an interesting question. Cat and I haven't been fully clear with ourselves as to what we want. A public place, or our private space? We like people visiting, but we don't like uninvited guests suddenly "dropping" into our house. Everywhere else on the Island is fine, and we love visitors. But somehow our home is our personal space. It's amazing how even a virtual home can become , well, "home".
  13. Cat mentioned this morning, she would like a sailboat with a tender So I went looking for one after she logged. I'm not sure she'll approve though. She doesn't like me spending too much. She never asks for anything, so I'm hoping I can convince her.
  14. You just reminded me to get a danceball for our Island.
  15. I put in some bumpers, and a gas pump at our house dock. Even sailboats need fuel, since they all have backup engines. And I can imagine docking by sail would not be a good experience. It's hard enough with a runabout sometimes (RL I mean). Cat's not in the pic, because she wasn't feeling well this morning, and had to go. She logged in just to let me know. She's always very considerate to let me know if she can't be online for some reason. I do the same with her.
  16. I'm just a couple of hours drive north of you Scyll, and it's bad here too. It smells like a campfire outside.
  17. Yes, my wife and I searched for your wall rings.
  18. Chic, to give you a better idea of my workflow, here's a gyazo of what I'm working with. You can see that the photogrammerty method DOES give decent approximations of the inworld Island objects I have to match new creations to. I've changed the bridge , and I haven't added that in yet. https://gyazo.com/191707940249bf81873179b2fb230582
  19. Thanks!!! I really appreciate your help!!! I know how to export my own objects as .DAE. I created them in blender with Primstar, and stretched and positioned them, and then exported, so I could open them in Blender The photogrammetry IS actually more precise than putting a bunch of prims together in the case of our floating Islands, which I bought and modded, and I get the same textures as in the photos. Just horribly time consuming. Prims work great with straight walls etc.and I get a very good approximation with that. The export is by default .DAE , if it's not saved as a backup. And you said "best" method. What other method is there?
  20. And now here is another question. It's a nightmare trying to create things that match existing inworld objects, like our floating Islands. Great, i can create vines, that I can manipulate inworld. That's easy. They don't have to perfectly match anything. But I had to resort to photogrammetry to recreate our two main floating islands as objects. But it takes hours to take the 150 or so photos necessary, and to clean up the subsequent mesh so that I could create an approximate mesh. is there no way to somehow get the .OBJ or DAE files for the objects we have on our SIM, so it would be easier to match things to them, without many hours of trial and error?
  21. I just looked, and it makes perfect sense. No point in adding lag by making textures larger than they need to be for a particular object. I personally may not have performance issues with things, but someone else might. @Chic Aeon pointed this out here, and so has @Cinnamon Mistwoodin IM inworld.
  22. Thanks Chic. I'm making simple things that Cat and I need to make our Island what we want it to be. I learned, that FS CAN upload textures up to 8192 with the proper debug settings, but SL will downsample them to 1024. I just tested this. I set mine to 8192X8192, uploaded a tex that size, and saved it back to disk. it comes back as 1024. The supersampling simply makes it look better, without being any larger. The biggest hurdle I'm facing is "Blender". I've worked with 3DSMAX on and off for roughly 20 years. Blender is so different, that I'm fighting to find simple things that are intuitive to me in MAX. So for the mapping, you're saying to UV map as separate elements of the same object, and upload a tex for each? Or detach to parts, and upload separately with a matching UV mapped tex for each? If the latter, how do I reassemble them precisely? Is this what the linksets I know nothing about are for? I personally hate baking complex objects into one plane. With ivy, the image quality of the texture gets degraded if I bake as a whole.
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