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Everything posted by SandorWren

  1. I don't remember telling you Cat loved the cow. She complained about it all the time to me!!! I kept telling her it's YOUR apartment LOL. I wouldn't have told you she hated it though at the time. She wouldn't have told you or Bill either.
  2. In all seriousness though, Jenn and I WERE just showing each other the various buildings and objects we have on our individual properties. Nothing happened beyond that.
  3. Hey, I wasn't complaining lol. I could see myself attending regular services.
  4. It was definitely not "forced", from what I remember.
  5. Thanks Cirleen. I like you too. I knew anyways. I'm pissed at Bill for a couple of things, but I still like him too. But thanks for coming out. It's now the Wren Island Refuge.. Same Island, but redone. You'll fall if you go to the same LM now LOL. Use your wings. Did you like the Cow Bill had in your apartment? Cat hated it. I laughed when I saw it inside.
  6. I spent a little time with Jenn Boyle a couple of days ago. I was showing her our island, and she was showing me her church.
  7. Helping one of my friends adjust their makeup with a new alt, in my alt as well, in the background. It was easier helping in a female alt, because I have the same HUD as she does.
  8. Thanks for having me over Cinny. I'm always happy to spend time with you, even if you aren't totally coherent at the time!!!
  9. Hey, Why not try? The best free body I've found though, is the Lucybody. It's similar to Maitreya. You have to enter a draw to get it though, which takes a day or two. But it's NOT a complete AV, just a body.
  10. Nothing wrong free or cheap. Fast, I'm not crazy about. Honestly though, there ARE some really good freebies, and my female alts have some great cheap shoes and dresses. Toy has a great free dress. It's good promotion to offer free and cheap items. As long as they're actually good.
  11. In all seriousness, a $L350 price cap would prevent some of the more talented creators from putting in as much time and effort. The house Cat and I have was almost $L20K, and I can see why. It would take a serious time investment, even for a trained professional, to create that. He deserves to be properly compensated. So does every creator.
  12. Love the "George Harrison" look on Bill!!! And your legs aren't so bad either...
  13. Let him look LOL. You're just being appreciated. That's always a good thing.
  14. I really should have called the thread "How does your SL look over the last week". We can't always post the same day LOL!!!
  15. Made some Hills and created the materials from a pic I took. Takes a lot longer than buying something. But it's custom when I make it myself.
  16. So enough now. Lets get back to posting pics.
  17. A quick visit with @JeromFranzicin our Master Bedroom. Cat suddenly came online, and was a bit upset at first, thinking I had brought Jerom here for sex , when only one other woman is allowed in our personal bedroom for that. But once I explained, she was happy she came to visit us!!!
  18. Helping Cat destress a bit after her RL trip a bit earlier today.
  19. Yes, I DO seem to dress like this around you quite often. I can't help it...It just...Slips out...
  20. For sure. There would be no point in spending time on a pic specifically meant for the forums, if it would just get removed. See you at the discussion tonight!!!
  21. Thanks!!! I'm really happy she's back!!! And sure. Of course. That's why you've already posted two naked pics of me with you... Because you wanted to look at the scenery...
  22. Cat's Home!!! I really missed her!!! I met her dressed appropriately!!!
  23. I already tried it with my hill broken into 3 pieces. UDIM works just fine. I upload the textures separately, and add them to the corresponding "faces". Our house is made up of UDIM tiles most likely. Each piece of floor and wall has multiple numbered tiles. The only reason I need UDIM, is I can paint across multiple tiles to create a large nonrepeating texture for large objects. I can paint across the tiles in "Substance Painter", and bake out the individual PNG's.
  24. I finally found how to create UDIM tiles in 3DSMAX, after about six hours of Youtube tutorials. In..wait for it...a tutorial in an unknown language!!! So simple, that the other tutorials seemed to assume the person watching already knew this step!!! The parts on the left correspond to the parts of the mesh model. Exporting the model into "Substance Painter" makes it possible to paint across all the pieces at once. I may not have enough parts for a good resolution though, and I might add more things before Cat and I are happy with the result. What I don't know yet, is if I have done enough to increase the resolution, since all the parts would fit in one tile at the size they are. I might still be lost in the forest...
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