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Everything posted by SandorWren

  1. Um, Cinny, The BW one was at your house lol. And you can't post "pink" pics here...
  2. As I stood on our Island earlier this morning , missing Caitlin. She emailed me today, and that made me feel better, knowing that even when she's away, she's thinking of me.
  3. And you got "back in the saddle" quite nicely today...
  4. F***. I feel for you. I could just imagine what it would be like if Cat and I had to lose our Island.
  5. Nothing you could do. We'll get you back in the saddle today and make up for it...
  6. Hanging out with @Cinnamon Mistwood in my female AV.
  7. We ARE all talking in circles now. We know we care about SL, and want it to keep going strong. Anyone care to discuss how alpha masking VS blending affects our creations? Or urolagnia?
  8. I DO understand. And the thought of SL folding scares me. Those of us who have a lot invested here in every sense should take this seriously. I don't know if we can affect anything, but I hope LL is reading the thoughts of their most important asset. US!!!
  9. Could or couldn't? My take is, if LL wants to make money, and/or survive, they SHOULD be active in competing!!!
  10. And it's quite amazing how some "prudes" and "academics" can be collared and thrown in a cage for sex.. So again, we can't characterize. I don't doubt some would stand in the way, but I just don't see it as being a good business model to do so for LL. Caution is what I'm seeing.
  11. And to add to your thoughts, we simply cannot characterize people based on who they are and what they do in in SL. I spent 7 years studying at the same learning institution where you are now. I started SL as an Escort. How do we know the beggars who sometimes harass us aren't billionaires in RL? We simply don't.
  12. That's not always the case either though. Everyone is individual.
  13. This is where it gets a bit more complicated. You are assuming that people with high degrees of education are not interested in "crude sex" and "porn". I can guarantee you that is incorrect. That is why I feel there has to be a balance. That SL has to offer more than just "playing house" or "virtual" porn in and of themselves. And SL does that quite well. It's a question of how to present it to the public.
  14. The only issue with what you're saying, is turnover rate. To be sustainable, and profitable, SL has to have enough residents (spending) to meet a target net income for LL. People leave, and new residents are needed to fill in the income gap. Not enough residents, and SL will fold. Does anyone actually know how many servers are used, and the resident/server ratio?
  15. I agree with you. I don't want that either. As I write this, I'm working in substance painter and 3DSMAX, creating something for our Island, and to sell. Then, I'll log in to test them, and maybe have sex later. Sl is a creative outlet for me. Both artistically, and sexually. I'm promoting the variability of choices.
  16. That's my point. Giving people the choice of what they want to do in SL. NOBODY is horny %100 of the time. If we can get people to log in when they are, for sex, and to login when they aren't, for something else, would be the ideal in my mind. The point is to get them joining, and logging in, no matter what their reason is. And for those who don't want sex, they don't have to partake, or go to places meant just for that.
  17. Just tried all of the ones you mentioned on google. SL didn't show up anywhere.THIS IS A PROBLEM!!!
  18. The music part has no appeal to either me or Caitlin. I know @Cinnamon Mistwoodreally enjoys it though. Personally, when I feel like listening to music, I'll go to my RL music room, and play along on my drums. Then I'm immersed in what I'm listening too. SL can't offer that. But if it brings people in, I'm all for it.
  19. If SL were purely a "porn site", I wouldn't have come either. Even though I came for the sex. Maybe they could advertise something like: "You can take in a live concert... Or explore your sexuality... It's YOUR Second Life. It's YOUR choice."
  20. I totally agree. This has been a huge part of it for me!!!
  21. Personally, I feel there has to be a balance. I'm all for letting people know that sex is available, but I'm also all for letting people know they can do other things too. It's the combination that makes SL attractive. Caitlin and I spent an entire month recently mostly focussing on building our Island. And about a month planning our wedding last year. And we're about as sexual and extreme as you can get!!! Variety is the spice of life. That's true in SL too. Too much emphasis on sex, and SL could lose residents. Not enough, and some won't come because they don't know about it.
  22. Cinny, you know this, but I don't think some people realize that being leashed is the most effective method of following someone. It allows for length changes and freedom of movement within a range. Follow Huds aren't nearly as flexible. And no need to add screen clutter and lag with yet another HUD when someone already has a collar. They aren't just kinky, they can be practical.
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