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Everything posted by SandorWren

  1. Here are a couple of pics I took at the "Happy Dance":
  2. Dancing with @Cinnamon Mistwoodin our system AV's. LOL. We thought we looked cute!!!
  3. Great Pics!!! I took a lot that were like yours, so I figured I would post some that aren't. This is right before we went. This is when we were there. This is when Cinny won the game!!!
  4. LOL, I knew you would say that!!! I was actually thinking of it while I was starting on the dress!!!
  5. I made some more progress tonight!!!. The tutorials aren't overly clear on some things. I had to select all layers when binding to the armature, and mesh as the source, not bones!!! Now it's a matter of adjusting the weight paints properly, so the dress isn't connected between my AV's legs. And it isn't supposed to be as exposing!!!
  6. My first attempt at making a dress for SL. The rigging is off, and let's not even talk about Weight Painting LOL!!
  7. I've had to put my keyboard in the dishwasher a few times from how hard She's made me laugh when I was taking a sip of something. I'm surprised it still works!!!
  8. I took this pic right before Cinny went to do the photoshoot with you. I took it using the toy camera filter built into our SL cameras. It's an interesting contrast to your warm and luscious colours.
  9. Having a chat with @SodaGnome in our Gallery on the Island
  10. What I really like about your pic, is the faint smile Cinny has. It makes the pic very ambiguous as to what and how she's reacting to something.
  11. /me checks to make sure the tape on his laptop camera is firmly in place, pours himself a shot of vodka, and waits for more interaction between Cinny and Luna...
  12. LOL, don't get all excited. It was a simple "stasis pod". It couldn't even do simple mind control implants. Geez...what WERE they thinking??!!! Looks neat through, and it was a fun SIM to explore.
  13. I took Cat to Scylla's exhibit. She really likes Scylla's art too. Cat said she sees a lot of sadness in her work. And she felt the captions really bring the art alive. I totally agree.
  14. With my friend Sheri, while she was dancing. We were actually discussing PBR, and exchanging tips on materials. I didn't create the effects. That's a part of her show.
  15. LOL, I had to look up Cartesian Dualism. I forgot the term. And yes it absolutely does get us entangled in that!! But in this case it's not simply the separation of mind and body, but the projection of our minds into a new vessel. And how that vessel affects our minds. It doesn't show up in search under Kondor though. Has it been renamed?
  16. Thanks!!! I feel our virtual bodies DO influence us. The Kondor Center is actually gone now. It doesn't show up in search, and the LM landed me in mid air!!!
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