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Everything posted by SandorWren

  1. I'm ashamed of myself!!! I didn't even notice!!!
  2. LOL, It looked like I was drunk. A button got pressed on my AO HUD by accident, and I couldn't figure out why I couldn't keep standing!!!
  3. I just came to take a picture in this new suit. It was a random place I found lol!!!
  4. Love the outfit. Especially the boots lol!!!
  5. I personally like double posts, so i don't miss anything by accident.
  6. OMG did you make me RL laugh!!! I guess because many of my images have connotations even on a subconscious level, that I felt the need to clarify. And not drag you into something you don't deserve to be in.
  7. Sorry everyone. It's an "in" joke only Tal would get.
  8. I just looked again at this pic, and realized it could be suggestive. There is nothing going on between us other than friendship!!!
  9. I just looked again at this pic, and realized it could be suggestive. There is nothing going on between us other than friendship!!!
  10. You have got to be kidding!!! Do you know what that stuff is???
  11. Then please PM me about the lights, or meet me inworld. I'm on now.
  12. SL photog is a drastically different environment than 3DSMAX , Poser, or Vue. We don't have the same kind of control over lighting. We can't just rezz lights wherever we want, unless we have the rights to do that in a particular place.Of course the camera controls in Firestorm are not as precise as in a dedicated 3D program, so that makes it more difficult. My photog in SL is "action as it happens", as opposed to posed, so that adds a much higher degree of difficulty for me.
  13. It is unlikely anyone with any professional qualifications would offer their services in an environment such as SL. Qualifications in most, if not all, cases are limited to the area in which they were obtained, and are governed by a an appropriate licensing body.
  14. I don't have a cats now, but they did like to jump in the tree when I did. I never tried the spray.
  15. In my opinion, there's no right or wrong in this. It's whatever is right for us.
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